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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
#DB2932 #DB2932 #DB2932[break]
[HASH]umucodes [HASH]nospaces[break]
[HASH]googlefont [HASH]newclassbold[break]
[HASH]hashmaltag [break][break]
testing please kill me[break][break]
Weep and weep children, for your eyes can only see the misery I've given you. Weep and weep you go, for it the only answer I have left you. Weep and weep dear loved ones, for that is the only way I will remember you. Weep and weep, but eventually those tears will dry. When that day arrives, breathe deeply, for the answer shall burn it's way down your throat without pity. It's sting is just like love - swift and you will remember it forever.
It wraps around you, a cloak to hide your pride, your arrogance. You pretend to be meek, but I see behind your mask, I see who you are. Even as your tears are mere imitations of real emotion, your words are shallow. And yet, I take a bite. And another. I can't stop devouring the thoughts you feed me, because when you smile, I feel like I've done something. Like I've made you happy. But still I know it's just pretend - a poisonous game between you and me. And still, I keep eating, because I don't know how to stop it.
Was it a surprise, when I broke?
I sure hope it was.

[newclass=.umugeneral b]color:#DB2932[/newclass]
last edit on Jul 2, 2018 19:30:12 GMT by UMU
253written posts
UMUearned bits
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
#DB2932 #DB2932 #DB2932
[HASH]umucodes [HASH]googlefont
[HASH]newclassbold [HASH]hasmaltag

here comes the dead because I took out no spaces

Weep and weep children, for your eyes can only see the misery I've given you. Weep and weep you go, for it the only answer I have left you. Weep and weep dear loved ones, for that is the only way I will remember you. Weep and weep, but eventually those tears will dry. When that day arrives, breathe deeply, for the answer shall burn it's way down your throat without pity. It's sting is just like love - swift and you will remember it forever.

It wraps around you, a cloak to hide your pride, your arrogance. You pretend to be meek, but I see behind your mask, I see who you are. Even as your tears are mere imitations of real emotion, your words are shallow. And yet, I take a bite. And another. I can't stop devouring the thoughts you feed me, because when you smile, I feel like I've done something. Like I've made you happy. But still I know it's just pretend - a poisonous game between you and me. And still, I keep eating, because I don't know how to stop it.

Was it a surprise, when I broke?

I sure hope it was.

[newclass=.umugeneral b]color:#DB2932[/newclass]
last edit on Jul 2, 2018 19:29:20 GMT by UMU
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UMUearned bits
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

[attr="class","remembernowtop"]i remember now i can't remember yesterday

nicholas 'nikki' evans - hitman/addict - demisexual - single
[attr="class",remembernowtitle1"]the one I never replied to O


[attr="class",remembernowtitle1"]the one I never replied to O


[attr="class",remembernowtitle1"]the one I never replied to O


[attr="class",remembernowtitle1"]the one I never replied to O


[attr="class","remembernowtop"]i just remember doing what they told me

[newclass=.remembernowbase]width:500px;height:500px;border:1px solid black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.remembernowimg]filter:grayscale(100%); width:500px;height:100px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.remembernowtop]width:500px;height:50px;background:#B2322B;color:#f2f2f2;font-family:Righteous;font-size:20px;line-height:50px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.remembernowtitle1]width:370px;font-family:Righteous;font-size:25px;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black;color:#B2322B;text-transform:lowercase;text-align:center;[/newclass]
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 0:32:45 GMT by UMU
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
table of contents

i remember now
link :: written on 00/00/2018

a dollie's beating heart
link :: written on 00/00/2018

[googlefont=Raleway|Nothing You Could Do]

table of contents

i remember now
link :: written on 00/00/2018

a dollie's beating heart
link :: written on 00/00/2018

[googlefont=Raleway|Nothing You Could Do]
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 0:58:38 GMT by UMU
253written posts
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
i remember now

character: nicholas 'nikki' evans
music: I Remember Now
words: 0000
tw: yes: drugs, violence, depression.

gonna start writing some words here just for the sake of writing them ok

[googlefont=Raleway|Nothing You Could Do]

i remember now

character: nicholas 'nikki' evans
music: I Remember Now
words: 0000
tw: yes: drugs, violence, depression.

gonna start writing some words here just for the sake of writing them ok

[googlefont=Raleway|Nothing You Could Do]
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 1:03:04 GMT by UMU
253written posts
UMUearned bits
Senior Member
UMU Avatar
I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
[attr="class","leapc07lyric1"]swallowed up by the ocean

[attr="class","leapc07lyric2"]so take this anchor from my heart

[attr="class","leapc07text"]Weep and weep children, for your eyes can only see the misery I've given you. Weep and weep you go, for it the only answer I have left you. Weep and weep dear loved ones, for that is the only way I will remember you. Weep and weep, but eventually those tears will dry. When that day arrives, breathe deeply, for the answer shall burn it's way down your throat without pity. It's sting is just like love - swift and you will remember it forever.
It wraps around you, a cloak to hide your pride, your arrogance. You pretend to be meek, but I see behind your mask, I see who you are. Even as your tears are mere imitations of real emotion, your words are shallow. And yet, I take a bite. And another. I can't stop devouring the thoughts you feed me, because when you smile, I feel like I've done something. Like I've made you happy. But still I know it's just pretend - a poisonous game between you and me. And still, I keep eating, because I don't know how to stop it.
Was it a surprise, when I broke?
I sure hope it was.


    [/font] TAGS: @tag here
    WORDS: 0000 or zero zero zero zero
    NOTES: about three lines in the template so like one and a quarter in the actual proboards poster usually oups.

    [googlefont=Raleway|Shadows Into Light]
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    [newclass=.leapc07lyric2]width:500px;height:40px;font-family:Shadows Into Light;font-size:25px;line-height:40px;text-transform:lowercase;color:#410301;margin-top:-20px;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=.leapc07bottom1]width:100px;height:100px;border-bottom:20px solid #240704;[/newclass]
    last edit on Jul 6, 2018 11:13:21 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

    [attr="class","ultranumb"]Clutching the knife, she feels the warm splatter of blood hit her chin. But that cannot stop. It will not stop her. There was no choice other then to continue forward, even as the thump of the body before her sends a chill in her heart. Her green gaze focuses on the path in front of her, easily stepping over it.
    She can't look around her. She knows that if she does, her carefully placed mask will shatter. She will start to feel, and most importantly, she will falter. There was too much on the line for her to do so. Too many lives lost for her to get here. Too many friends hurt because of this journey. If there's one thing that she had to ensure, was that it was not all for naught. And she knew, to the very marrow in her bones, that if she stopped and looked, that's exactly what would happen. This place was twisted, insidious enough like that.
    "I have to hurry." she mutters to herself, the sound of her own voice comforting.
    Madness was going to creep up on her soul. In fact, it had already started to gnaw, to bite and try to tear. This entire place was something of a nightmare. But her journey led her through here, and she already knew her reasons for determination. And she also knew that those wanting to stop her had to here, of all places. They had their best chances here. So it didn't come as a surprise, when she heard the scuttling of legs in the dark. The hungry howls, and the almost angry chittering. "More are coming." she tells herself, using it to motivate herself to keep going. She wasn't going to give in, and they knew it.
    They would have to kill her before she ever thought of surrender.

    [attr="class","numbdl"]the show has just begun

    [attr="class","numbly"]violated, so degraded, dominated by all you hated, this will make you ultranumb. reality's a plague, we're the medication. don't pretend you're better then this, can't hide who you really are. so step right up and see, we are everything you wanted. say you love it, say you hate it, malevolence goes both ways, you want it all right now!


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    [newclass=.ultranumb b]letter-spacing:-1px;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #9C8498;[/newclass]
    last edit on Aug 1, 2018 11:20:14 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
    UMUearned bits
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

    [attr="class","potatocrumb"]❝ wonderland is full of frauds! stop that mediocre acting. I don't trust anything. it doesn't stop! I jumped off into the mysterious roar, it's not my fault!

    [attr="class","potatobrand"]mariannabelle dutriomphe

    [attr="class","mashedpotato"]female - twenty-one - single - demisexual

    [attr="class","cutpotato"]current threads
    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag

    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag

    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag

    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag

    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag

    [attr="class","cutpotato"]archived threads
    [attr="class","friedpotato"]name of thread here[break]
    feat. @tag


    [googlefont="Raleway|Montserrat|Open Sans Condensed"]
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    last edit on Aug 4, 2018 13:26:05 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
    UMUearned bits
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
    [attr="class","ifimove"]if I were to move then I'd break[break] everything


    [googlefont="Raleway|Montserrat|Open Sans Condensed"]
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    last edit on Aug 6, 2018 14:41:51 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

    [googlefont="Raleway|Montserrat|Open Sans Condensed|Dancing Script"]
    [newclass=.kokubase]width:500px;height:300px;border:1px solid black;position:relative;[/newclass]
    last edit on Dec 12, 2018 18:21:04 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
    UMUearned bits
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

    [attr="class","srslyric1"]you're too serious

    [attr="class","srslyric2"]you're gonna make me delirious

    [attr="class","srspost"]I can't even begin with the words that I want to say, lost in all of these feelings I have deep inside of me. of course, I find myself writing things whilst you're asleep, slowly dying and waiting... for what? I don't know. just something. maybe to tell you I love you and bully you to the shower and breakfast. I want you to succeed you know.
    yet I feel so horrible. like I'm holding you back.
    I'm screaming for you. I don't want to leave you. but the pressure I feel everyday hurts. you soothe them away with your smiles and soft touches. and yet I can't help but wonder wouldn't you be better off without me? without my sassy mouth and my broken self? my abandonment issues, the way I can't deal with too emotions or I lash out. the problem I have that I tend to hold on tight to someone I love, sometimes suffocating them? how can you still smile, and tell me you love me with all of that?
    I have no faith in myself, I know this.


    tags; [break]
    notes; just put a punch of notes here I probably messed it up so it'll look ugly if you go on too long sorry about that. links kinda look messed up and that makes me upsetti for some reason also more tags = less notes


    [googlefont="Raleway|Montserrat|Permanent Marker"]
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    [newclass=.srslyric2 b]font-family:Permanent Marker;letter-spacing-2px;font-size:35px;position:relative;text-shadow:0px 1px 2px #C13131;[/newclass]
    last edit on Jun 26, 2019 8:03:51 GMT by UMU
    253written posts
    UMUearned bits
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me

    she's skipping, dancing through the lights like a fairy on goddamn crack.
    dear god, what did I do to deserve this?
    when I heard that there was a babysitting job available, I thought it would be perfect. easy, no fuss, no muss. I am good with kids. I love kids. they're fun and easy to get along with, so long as you don't try to be complicated. and I hate complicated. so I expected a tyke of like, three or four. a sweetie but a little demon as they tested their boundaries with me, and how much they can get away with. that I can deal. but what I got instead... well....
    "oi! get back here! you ain't allowed up there!" I yelled to my target. the girl turned, and gave me a shit eating grin, before hopping one step higher.
    "are you fucking kidding me?" I mutter under my breath.

    [break]oof hopefully this looks nice? this is for notes so have fun stretching it and the tag section might be weird but eh it'll work.

    [newclass=.lazybutt b]color:#415AD4[/newclass]
    last edit on Jun 28, 2019 4:13:45 GMT by UMU
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    I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
    [attr="class","th th-sun"]


    [attr="class","oitstitle"]02. summer blockbuster

    [attr="class","oitssubtitle]"it's only going to get worse"

    [attr="class","oitsstory"]here comes the dead because I took out no spaces
    Weep and weep children, for your eyes can only see the misery I've given you. Weep and weep you go, for it the only answer I have left you. Weep and weep dear loved ones, for that is the only way I will remember you. Weep and weep, but eventually those tears will dry. When that day arrives, breathe deeply, for the answer shall burn it's way down your throat without pity. It's sting is just like love - swift and you will remember it forever.
    It wraps around you, a cloak to hide your pride, your arrogance. You pretend to be meek, but I see behind your mask, I see who you are. Even as your tears are mere imitations of real emotion, your words are shallow. And yet, I take a bite. And another. I can't stop devouring the thoughts you feed me, because when you smile, I feel like I've done something. Like I've made you happy. But still I know it's just pretend - a poisonous game between you and me. And still, I keep eating, because I don't know how to stop it.
    Was it a surprise, when I broke?
    I sure hope it was.

    [googlefont="Montserrat|Raleway|Just Another Hand"]
    [newclass=.oitsicon]position:relative;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid red;border-radius:50px;margin-top:-151px;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.oitstitle]width:300px;height:40px;font-family:Just Another Hand;text-transform:uppercase;margin-top:65px;font-size:35px;float:right;line-height:40px;text-align:right;letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass]
    last edit on Jul 4, 2019 5:45:34 GMT by UMU