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13written posts
panoramaearned bits
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Btw has anyone even thought of making a petition to Proboards to include a dohtml-like feature? I don't know but if we get enough signatures, maybe the Proboard gods will grant it to us?

And maybe then, I'll consider turning off my ad blocker.

Your call, Proboards. Your call.
last edit on Jul 24, 2018 17:06:56 GMT by panorama
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zeroearned bits
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panorama Avatar
"Behold, the host of your dreams: Procink!"

That's the line I will proudly exclaim if I ever get smart enough to produce a forum host that marries the best of both worlds. But alas, I am but a lowly soul who can't even boil and pour water properly. I will never be a perfect bride or a perfect daughter.
Don’t underestimate yourself. Mulan saved China :|
3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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panorama Avatar
Btw has anyone even thought of making a petition to Proboards to include a dohtml-like feature? I don't know but if we get enough signatures, maybe the Proboard gods will grant it to us?

And maybe then, I'll consider turning off my ad blocker.

Your call, Proboards. Your call.

I doubt they ever will because of the security risks associated with it. Even the Jcink admins put a disclaimer on it saying it can be dangerous, and Proboards has been unwilling to compromise security in the past. It's why they don't have the nice account switcher that Jcink does.
pronounsno preference /o/
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k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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perhaps i am faint glimmer —
panorama Avatar
Btw has anyone even thought of making a petition to Proboards to include a dohtml-like feature? I don't know but if we get enough signatures, maybe the Proboard gods will grant it to us?

And maybe then, I'll consider turning off my ad blocker.

Your call, Proboards. Your call.

they've already said multiple times that they weren't considering such a feature because they think the security risk is too high. there have been multiple scripts that enable dohtml-like features for only the admin account (but idk if any of them still work and they were all super iffy to begin with tbh) but that doesn't really do anything for anyone.

edit - whoops kitten got it first LOL
last edit on Jul 24, 2018 17:12:14 GMT by k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
Eroge Collector
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Máscara de Tigre
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It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
iota Avatar
Can two sites do the horizontal tango...? -Imagines two monitors facing each other and being squished together- Yeah, I guess so... -enlightened-
On my way to write this proboards/jcink personified slash fiction right now, brb.
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Deletedearned bits
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Can two sites do the horizontal tango...? -Imagines two monitors facing each other and being squished together- Yeah, I guess so... -enlightened-
On my way to write this proboards/jcink personified slash fiction right now, brb.

Please tag me when you finish! :D
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
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ophiuchusearned bits
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gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
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breaking news: tired

i hate uk heat

it's only so hot b/c you're there (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

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