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Post a Random Thought

306written posts
Miss Melonade ♥
Spring '21 Bingo Completionist
Miss Melonade ♥ Avatar
I've Grown Tired of This Body, Cumbersome and Heavy
I work at GameStop and yesterday was my first full day by myself. It was also the day everyone started getting stimulus checks. So it was insane. Here are some quotes from the many phone calls I got.

"Are you guys open?" "Only for buy online, pick up at the door." "Wow. That must be bad for business. Why are you doing that?"

"Do you guys have switches?" "-goes through the whole deal that Nintendo can't get them out rn ect. ect.-" "Yeah everyone keeps saying that and no one will tell me anything different.."

"Are you guys buying -insert item-" "We aren't buying anything right now." "That's stupid, the virus isn't even real. I don't get the big deal. I've been out every day and I've had a cold all week."

"Why are you guys closed?" "Because of the virus." "Can I come in?" "No, you gotta buy online." "But I don't know what I want."

"Is the store next door closed?" "I think so, I don't know." "Wow, that's crazy I wonder why."

"Online it says you're out of stock. Does that mean you're out of stock?" "Yes" x30

And to top it off:
-banging at my door- "Hey! When are you mailing out preorders?"
"We aren't, but you can pick them up here what game are you looking for?"
"Last of Us 2."
"Oh, that got delayed"
"...what? They don't just do that."
"Yeah. It got Delayed."
"Until when?"
"... That's not a date."
"They don't have a new date yet."
"Okay, then I will just pick up Resident Evil 3."
"Okay." -gets account information- "Uh it doesn't say you have it preordered."
"Well yeah, I pre ordered it at -completely different video game chain-, but they're closed."
"Ah, you will have to wait until they open then."
"What do you mean? They didn't just give you their pre orders??"
"Uh, no."
"...do you hate me?"
last edit on Apr 17, 2020 0:10:18 GMT by Miss Melonade ♥
Rodent King
1,734written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Ugh FF7 Remake, you're so good. I've been enjoying the gameplay and the story, and Jessie is kinda best girl? Only character I've found uninteresting to playas has been Barrett. That's just because it's a lot of standing around and not as kinetic as the other characters.
eepy cosy
1,575written posts
M A E !earned bits
M A E !
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because even my darkness will shine brightly.
i keep thinking i want to get back into rp but god i wouldnt even know where to begin anymore. i miss it but also im anxious as heck, especially because Writing Hard and, for the most part, i've been doing solo writing for the past 2 years so i'm not used to writing with someone anymore? i really do miss it though ugh
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Sharp Avatar
Mouse Avatar
Ugh FF7 Remake, you're so good. I've been enjoying the gameplay and the story, and Jessie is kinda best girl? Only character I've found uninteresting to playas has been Barrett. That's just because it's a lot of standing around and not as kinetic as the other characters.

I've been using him as a healer because he can stay in the back and tends to take less damage.
297written posts
flareearned bits
Senior Member
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rp is supposed to be fun, remember
M A E ! Avatar
i like looking at sites and feeling the anxiety settle into my stomach :) very fun
hey, if you need someone to phase you into rp or start out with plots/threads, lmk! i also recently came back so i know that feeling 100% but what helped me the most was taking it slow tbh
907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
Miss Melonade ♥ Avatar
"Yeah everyone keeps saying that and no one will tell me anything different.."

thats the one that kill me the most omg

this whole post was a Retail Mood and im dying with you, squirtle
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