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907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
i cleaned all day yesterday, while having gotten up early for class...now today i went back to bed after getting up initially, just woke back up at 2...and im still tired and yawning like crazy

cant clean, think or talk, just need sleep, zzzzzzz
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
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spiritfoxxy Avatar
May 7, 2020 12:33:57 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
Why are people on World of Warcraft so harsh? I was trying to get used to being the healer because I'm rusty on the game and got kicked over not being fast enough and clicked the wrong button and attacked on accident. I did heal but I still got voted out, to which my brother left shortly after me but like... I didn't know that I didn't have to click on the person but the icon with their name next to it, life would have been easier if I had known that fact I mean yesterday was only day one of being back in a couple of years.... so I'm hoping to impress this second time around.
As a high-level healer I recommend getting a mouseover addon for healing. It's a lot easier than target-healing. I use Healbot and only put my dps skills and cooldowns on my bar.

If only Final Fantasy implemented such a thing... I'm never going to heal in XIV once I get DRK.

/micon "Cure"

/ac "Cure" <mo>

/ac "Cure" <t>

/ac "Cure" <me>

hover + icon by 旳---
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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Unless I feel super comfortable, which is very rare, I almost always worry whether I'm being "too much" at any given moment. But then if I tone it down, will I seem uninterested instead??

The eternal struggle of a dumb anxious brain.
last edit on May 8, 2020 2:18:02 GMT by Deleted
127written posts
vvvaporwavesearned bits
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[mitski voice] nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody
hi i just read 400 chapters of Bleach in 2 days whats wrong with me

you should be asking what's right with you b/c it's clearly everything.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
me, explaining to my best friend why i ate the three bites of cheese that had gone bad before i threw it out, and my best friend

last edit on May 8, 2020 23:24:01 GMT by Kuroya

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