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gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
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wolfe Avatar
The Dragon Prince has the best opening 3 episodes I can remember from anywhere.

Animation quality is the only downside, but holy moly the rest of it is 10/10 and if the writing/structure remains this good and the animation improves this might be in contention for my favorite show ever.
If you're referring to how "choppy" some of the scenes are, that does get better! I don't remember if it got any better before season two, but it does improve \o/

^ This. The animation got significantly better with each subsequent season; you could tell they must have gotten a bigger budget
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vvvaporwavesearned bits
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[mitski voice] nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody
some ppl just be running around like chickens w their heads cut off like damn bro i know i'm no thoughts head empty but ur taking this to a whole new level.
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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wolfe Avatar
The Dragon Prince has the best opening 3 episodes I can remember from anywhere.

Animation quality is the only downside, but holy moly the rest of it is 10/10 and if the writing/structure remains this good and the animation improves this might be in contention for my favorite show ever.
If you're referring to how "choppy" some of the scenes are, that does get better! I don't remember if it got any better before season two, but it does improve \o/

Yeah, it was the frame rate. It definitely got fixed in Season 2 and my only major complaint was done. It's been a while since a show made me cry that much.

Rayla might be my favorite fictional character of all time. They basically did almost the best possible character with almost every trope/archetype that I enjoy the most.
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sokaearned bits
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see you space cowboy
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This depression is killing me tonight and I don't know what to do.
i feel this so hard, i wish you the very best, you're in my thoughts! i recommend some self care for yourself during this time, if you can take a nice shower/hot bath, drink some warm tea, sit outside in the breeze or go for a walk, those help me feel a little better <3
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Deletedearned bits
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If you're referring to how "choppy" some of the scenes are, that does get better! I don't remember if it got any better before season two, but it does improve \o/
Yeah, it was the frame rate. It definitely got fixed in Season 2 and my only major complaint was done. It's been a while since a show made me cry that much.

Rayla might be my favorite fictional character of all time. They basically did almost the best possible character with almost every trope/archetype that I enjoy the most.
I wish I could like this a million times, because I 1000000% agree. Rayla is the best. And the writing is just, augh, so great! That show deserves so much recognition. 
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