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Post a Random Thought

stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
ninelie Avatar
VOLITION [Medium: Success]
So I manage a Spotify family plan and I have a couple of friends on it as a way to help everyone save money (paying $3 a month instead of $10 is a steal). However, one of my friends is consistently late and her brother is also in on the plan. I don't really talk to him much but sometimes I'm waiting months after the fact (I get everyone to pay me $30 upfront for a year, it's just easier that way) to get his contribution to the premium plan.

It's been three years and I'm tired of late or partial payments, so last week, I told my friend that either her brother needs to get the payment to me by the weekend, or I'm going to replace them with other people. She said yeah sure, np I'll remind him.

It's been a week, so this morning I woke up and went, "Alright so I know someone else who deserves Spotify Premium more than my friend's bro" and went through the motions of removing this guy from my plan. Immediately after, not even ten or fifteen minutes I get a notification on my phone saying that he had sent a money transfer. I sent him back the money.

Sorry, but if you're going to skimp me out on months of late or no payments, you deserve the absolute fire sirens of Spotify ads first thing in the morning.

hover + icon by 旳---
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i can't believe that i legit was just "huh when did lady gaga put out a song called applesauce" for a good 30 seconds before i caught up with myself tbeh-

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
The best piece of artwork I've ever done was a picture of the Joker I drew back in high school when I first got really into Batman/got my hands on my first couple of comic books. I just got a whole stack more, some of these I love just as much as that first comic that made me want to draw like these artists, and it stinks how badly I wanted to give another whack at this more highly detailed Western style when I know I'm just going to hate the result and not want to touch pen and paper for another year. OTL

I wish I could go back in time and smack that younger me around. Tell her not to take a break, and to push on through the self deprecation. All those years of wanting to be an artist, and now I've got nothing to show for it except the knowledge that I used to be worth something. ToT
306written posts
Miss Melonade ♥
Spring '21 Bingo Completionist
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I've Grown Tired of This Body, Cumbersome and Heavy
Miss Rona has made it 10xs harder to be disabled and all the things I used to use to help me get around just aren't there anymore. So my pain scale has been way higher then normal.

Also, slightly unrelated: I wanna start up a new project or something but I. can't. stop. sleeping.
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