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Sites You Want To See

839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
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Light-hearted? Wasn't there a death cult, sdkjfhldskjfhs? Or that might have been before the name change/V5 switch. Definitely would also kill for something manga-based and stat-lax like AT, though. ;u; Milaaaaaa, where's the revaaaaaaaaaamp?

I... didn't have a site I wanted to see idea going into this post, but obligatory "Where's my Madoka Magica site?" Not, like, a blend of fandoms, or general magical girl site, but uncut, raw, angsty Meduka Meguca the RP.

  FIRST LOL - on the cult -  But Hey Cults are MEANT TO BE LIGHTHEARTED> **insert Evil Emoji**

Second .... RAW UNCUT ANGSTY MEDUKA MEGUCA..... YOU just wanted me to like your post... Quote you. DIDN"T YOU!!!
now that is a name i have not heard in a long time.

ANXIETY TRIALS makes me miss ic cboxes. i cri eveytiem.

if u guys are looking for lax non-stat based pokemon rps, there should be several in circulation, including hoenn.

manga based tho O_o that i have not seen in a lONG time.
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
ANXIETY TRIALS makes me miss ic cboxes. i cri eveytiem.

Anxiety Trials? What is this? how does this work... i need to know, it sounds like a really cool system.
just a cbox u use for rping. whenever two of u guys are online u treat it like any other quick based rp. lets ur test out the waters, focus on dialogue, and get thru the boring stuff that u want to happen but not worth threading it out.

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Ginger Avatar
Ginger Avatar
Anxiety Trials? What is this? how does this work... i need to know, it sounds like a really cool system.
just a cbox u use for rping. whenever two of u guys are online u treat it like any other quick based rp. lets ur test out the waters, focus on dialogue, and get thru the boring stuff that u want to happen but not worth threading it out.

OH! I get it. Helps the New User relax or test out new character ideas? That's why it is called Anxiety Trials.  That's actually really cool you guys had that. [last reply, too off topic]
phantom of the black parade
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4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Ginger Avatar
OH! I get it. Helps the New User relax or test out new character ideas? That's why it is called Anxiety Trials.  That's actually really cool you guys had that. [last reply, too off topic]

i was never part of anxiety trials (and i actually don't remember the site at all) but actually if i had to guess, the site was a lot like any other stereotypical rp - they just also had an ic cbox and it probably was fairly active (since a lot of them tend to get very easily derailed or abused). any site could have an ic cbox, and in fact, you could even do the same thing over any private messager (like discord) or even largely in general since it's a lot of rapidfire rp.

to stay on topic, i guess i think it would be really cool to see a well-run legend of zelda site. get in on all that pre-botw2 hype.

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
Ginger Avatar
 [last reply, too off topic]

to stay on topic, i guess i think it would be really cool to see a well-run legend of zelda site. get in on all that pre-botw2 hype.
------- Gotcha, cool name for just Ic in chatbox though..

------- BOTW2 ;l-;  Yes a Well-run LoZ site.  Though it it is set in OOT I'll probably opt out. I would enjoy Pre-OOT with the goddesses.... Or Current BOTW with Zelda-Link rebuilding the broken kingdoms ... Or Future BOTW with Modern Technologies using What was created in Pre-BOTW Modern Fantasy-esqe

I'd also like Gods and humans roleplay, where the Gods visit humans to give them Tasks... as well as powers.. Each trying to outdo each other.... some odd God Poltiical Wars with humans caught in the middle cursed not to tell "Normies" the truth of their world being a Large Video Game/Roleplay Game for these Gods.
41written posts
mintyearned bits
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to stay on topic, i guess i think it would be really cool to see a well-run legend of zelda site. get in on all that pre-botw2 hype.

please. i need it. botw based. either au or maybe set during the 100 years where link was catching them z’s? either way i’d love the post-apoc, overgrown nature world with guardians scuttling around.

28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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I would say, wait a little longer for an mmorpg :eyes: soon
why can I only like something once like hello I wanna hit like 20 million times right now because I'm so excited!
Depending on the details, I'm up for an MMORPG site. Had an idea for one but have ended up doing something else, but still kind of want to give it a try again.
phantom of the black parade
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4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
last edit on Jul 12, 2019 16:04:01 GMT by Kuroya

28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
I was on a panfandom that allowed that once. I was Nick Wilde post-Zootopia movie, someone else was playing Judy from near the start. Oh the awkwardness had for Nick trying to figure out his feelings lol (because yes, I'm all on board that Nick x Judy ship). So can recommend that it can lead for some interesting plots.
phantom of the black parade
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4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Whammychu Avatar
I was on a panfandom that allowed that once. I was Nick Wilde post-Zootopia movie, someone else was playing Judy from near the start. Oh the awkwardness had for Nick trying to figure out his feelings lol (because yes, I'm all on board that Nick x Judy ship). So can recommend that it can lead for some interesting plots.

oh i know it's super fun - i used to play a pre-nibelheim sephiroth on tumblr, and it was always super fun to play him against a post advent child cloud (or with any of the remnants) since he was just eternally confused and guilty. and i had a few threads for the opposite (where angeal was pre crisis core and not a mess) so there was a lot of tension with a reunion thread. and i still really want a thread one day for just. aerith forgiving sephiroth for what he did to her. sephiroth confronting zack for what he did to angeal and genesis. vincent squaring up and taking in sephiroth since nope hojo is a terrible parent.

like i understand that in some ways it's a lot easier to just. have everyone come from the same canon point since then everyone's working from the same frame of reference. but i've honestly had so much fun with threads where people did come from different points in time that even if my fave characters were all ones i could play in their current point in canon with no difficulties, i don't think i could go back to that.
last edit on Jul 13, 2019 3:04:48 GMT by Kuroya

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
Kuroya Avatar
a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
1. yes layback panfandoms, thank you. I just take one look, quickly close the site saying "nope, ain't worth it. probably die anyway.. or stress me out"

2. YES AU... THANK YOu...

3. YES Zelda Kick Ganon's Butt!  [or cough Ganon be a good guy, girl can hope]

4. Lore breaking = Rp Bonding

28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Ginger Avatar
Kuroya Avatar
a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
1. yes layback panfandoms, thank you. I just take one look, quickly close the site saying "nope, ain't worth it. probably die anyway.. or stress me out"

2. YES AU... THANK YOu...

3. YES Zelda Kick Ganon's Butt!  [or cough Ganon be a good guy, girl can hope]

4. Lore breaking = Rp Bonding

Another thought on panfandoms:  why do so many have the "characters have mysteriously arrived in this world" plotlines. Maybe this is just my view on "laidback", but that kind of set-up implies some larger mystery or arc and introduces a lot of anxiety for characters who might be really interested in getting back home. I mean, better than isekai anime "you got hit by a truck and died" set-ups, but I've always panfandoms that try and integrate the worlds a little better so you don't get that kind of implied overarching plot.