Paid Ad - New Site

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I want to use the new site discount for a paid ad if possible, if not, just give me the regular prize, plz:

Image Link: Click!
Directory Link: Here
Opening Date: May 8th, 2020.
Step into the world of Gaia — a world that once lived in peace, but has since the disappearance of the Eidolons started to fall apart. Magic has become rarer and rarer, mist rises from the cracks in the earth and fiends have started appearing. The world has no choice but to turn to the practitioners of a long lost sacred art: The Summoners.
last edit on May 10, 2020 17:44:00 GMT by Deleted
the endless hunt
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

hi @melusine! your site definitely qualifies for the new site bonus but first i need you to link to your ad in pixel perfect's directory to confirm that it's listed here and a date of site open! once that's done i'll process this with the new site discount and add you into the queue.
last edit on May 10, 2020 16:31:27 GMT by ulla
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hi @melusine! your site definitely qualifies for the new site bonus but first i need you to link to your ad in pixel perfect's directory to confirm that it's listed here and a date of site open! once that's done i'll process this with the new site discount and add you into the queue.
Done! :D