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Favourite part about rping

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Deletedearned bits
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i remember this thread!!!!! god, that was such a fun one for the drama and angst, and it's rlly happy to read that it stuck out bc, like, same? that thread was such a highlight and got me to realize my character's voice fully too aaaa

which leads me to another favorite thing about rp-ing, which echoes what a lot of ppl also said: just the high of getting replies and Knowing(TM) how you'd wanna reply back. it's such a rush in the best kind of way. i've genuinely, like, slept wayyyy too late because of rf and even remember doing rf for a not-quite ship thread in the middle of my philosophy class in uni because of how excited i was.

honestly, replies that make you wanna do mobile posts to maintain momentum are just another massive favorite rp moment to me
5/7 would like to throw the table again!! but this time doing it better(aka writing him worse like the 'racist' cop he is aheEm. i still fear ooc backlash, but honestly at this point, i think i can start imagining it as a filter. . . )

but also mood on the mobile posts skdhfdsk i had to commute to the office back then so i couldn't sacrifice sleep as much but i woke early anyway? so i could type out one(1) post in my car before work HAHA

in hindsight, it's not very sustainable because virtually every minute i had was spent typing out a post (burn out galore) -- back then it was covid quarantine too so a post would be ready for me by lunch and soooo... that's what i did for lunch too! not sustainable for sure, but at that time? hella fun.
last edit on Oct 11, 2023 16:52:08 GMT by Deleted
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plumearned bits
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and i'm infinitely falling
echoing a lot of the sentiments already so nicely expressed, but when you genuinely feel the excitement from the other person you're rping with. it's fun when a song lyric, meme, or random pic reminds you of what's happening in a thread or who the other character is and you can send it to them without feeling like you're the only one really excited. it becomes more reassuring when they do the same in return.

i think more recently for myself, it's nice when your character's name is dropped in a thread you aren't even involved in, but you are following. it's validating when it shows that your character is thought about outside of your own threads and that everyone is in the same world, setting, and what have you. makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

also going to include the bouncing back and forth of a thread and the sheer excitement from knowing how you want to reply and wishing you could even if you're just about to go back to work after a break!!
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Wraithearned bits
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There's hope beyond this lone abyss.
It boils down to “what other people bring to the table” and “it’s fun storytelling with other people”, and other sentiments expressed already, for the most part.

There’s the fact that RP was what got me into coding, and well...just web design in general. I was writing stories since I was young, and making art, so even if I never got into RP, I would have done those anyways, but working on sites, making tables (templates), and all that got me into coding and so on. There’s just so many possible avenues for one’s own creativity when it comes down to RP. It made learning more fun for me.

So: all the skills I’ve developed or grown thanks to getting into RP, that’s up there with my favourite things. And while I was writing stories when younger, there’s no denying the influence RP has had on my overall style, that my writing would look different if I had never started. 

But I've expressed this before and I mean, RP brings me a lot of joy in smaller ways as well. There's words I love seeing and so on. Actually just...one of my favourite hobbies I've ever taken part in because of how easily it can bring me joy to just read other people's writing, regardless of my participation.
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Kostearned bits
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definitely the community and the collaborative writing aspect. It might not always work out, but when someone throws you a curve ball that goes against what you had originally planned, but also makes you go "hold up, let them cook", it's an oddly satisfying feeling.
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Tell me which you dread more ; the echo or the answer?
When someone comes up to you really excited for a ship. And you decide to do a slowburn where the characters are figuring out what the fuck feelings are, identifying them and then acting on them. its so satisfying and reward in the end when it finally happens.