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Quick Interest Checks

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Macchiatoearned bits
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zefinnian Avatar
quick interest check for a survival roleplay? 

thinking of setting the events of in arc style chapters? for example.

chapter / arc one =  the first victim via the illness that's been going around, setting off a chain reaction

chapter / arc two = first zombie is spotted , detained and eliminated 

chapter / arc three =  the zombies are piling up and the town is thrown into chaos

and then so on from there. I'm thinking survivor groups start forming, I'm thinking bounties and quests (i.e. obtaining supplies from a zombie infected hospital),  npc zombies popping into threads, fate system, etc. Would anyone be interest in something like this? The skin will be done next week 

Echoing off what someone else said, i think this could be a really cool idea for a site. But, maybe to help give more weight to player decision, after a certain point (maybe after arc 3) there are a set of predetermined possible paths the staff has decided, and based off the decisions of these players (maybe a point system, maybe a raid, a vote etc), one of those paths are taken as the story progress.

so like 

chapter / arc one = the first victim via the illness that's been going around, setting off a chain reaction

chapter / arc two = first zombie is spotted , detained and eliminated

chapter / arc three = the zombies are piling up and the town is thrown into chaos

possible arc four 1 = the survivor groups gather to create a small encampment/society 

possible arc four 2 = the area is tossed into chaos, anarchy running hog wild. People travel in nomadic packs moreso than settling down. 
54written posts
Rayearned bits
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Ray Avatar
wowee, didn't know interest checks existed until now!! this'll be helpful for a concept I have.

i'm working on a Ghibli-inspired whimsical fantasy roleplay with a feel-good vibe to it, one that you could play as melancholy or joyous. members would get almost unlimited creative freedom with their characters in terms of species, abilities, hometown, etc; all in all trying to stray away from complex species lists and world-building lore. while this in itself isn't bad, I plan to have a complex world, I feel as if with a numerous amount of fantasy sites there's so many rules and mechanics that it loses its fantastical feeling. species would be treated more like a claim than a set amount.

with the plot, so far i've come up with this: there are doors on Earth that leads to a mysterious new island (or just another world) that's populated with thousands with curious creatures. that live peacefully together. humans begin to leak through these doors and onto the island; some with good intentions, some bad. the main concept of the roleplay is how the players handle the peace, making tensions rise or maintaining it.

there'd probably be a couple canon human organizations planning to do harm to the island, some to do good, just as a way to spice things up and add flavor, and also to give somewhat of a guideline for members to make their characters if they feel like it. of course, nothing's set in stone, but i've already got this idea in the works and I'd love to know who's interested!

...also on another note with all the infection talk, i've noticed there's been a My Little Pony infection AU trend going on, if that got turned into an RP that would be... interestingly fun??? maybe?! lol
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mattwithaswordearned bits
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So I've been tossing ideas together for a couple of sites now for a short while, but I keep coming back to my comfort, Medieval Fantasy.

The site concept would revolve around a homebrew world of my own making, with ideas and inspiration taken from Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, Wheel of Time, The Stormlight Archive, He Who Fights With Monsters, and much more. As far as plot, I wanted to open the site ideally with a more sandbox approach, letting people create characters from all over with diverse backgrounds and skill sets before unveiling the major plot arch that will push the site timeline forward.

There would be a plethora of playable races native to the world, with the additional option to play as an "Out-worlder" if someone wants to essentially create their own race. I have created a pantheon, different religions, governments, royal families, ECT.

As far as systems go, I have settled on soft-stats. No health pools or energy pools, only 4 total stats (Body, Speed, Recovery, Spirit) where the numbers will act more as a guidelines or bumper rails rather than strict determinating features. Additionally, I wanted to apply a rolling system for character abilities to add an extra layer of play. Roleplayers would be able to custom make all of their own abilities for their characters that would allow for a wide number of unique builds and player archetypes.

While I have a lot of interest and time invested into this idea already, I fear that I will hit an inevitable wall without help.
Discord: MattwithaSword
102written posts
Elaysaearned bits
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I'm actually a cat person
A little idea that has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. Not sure whether I'll go through with it, but we'll see what happens.

‣ A medieval fantasy site with a stronger emphasis on slice-of-life and member-made plots
‣ The setting would be reminiscent of 13th to 15th century Europe
‣ Somewhat sandbox-y
‣ Primarily low fantasy — magic would be regarded as a mysterious, fickle force that is — albeit present in the world — not well-understood and generally considered to be dangerous. Characters with light magical abilities would be allowed.
‣ Set in a fairly isolated setting to encourage character interaction. The RP would take place in a single kingdom, more or less isolated from the rest of the world with either stone battlements or deep forests. Venturing beyond the kingdom's borders would be unadvisable and deemed highly dangerous, due to the plethora of malevolent creatures that roam all around (custom bestiary included in the guidebook!)
Short and digestible required reading. Although the site would feature some extra lore tidbits, they would be regarded merely as supplementary materials.
‣ Optional overarching plot (with a handful of canon characters), participation would not be required
‣ Statless, freeform combat
‣ The possibility of small member-made factions: guilds and noble houses. Permits to create these would be purchasable in the site store.
‣ Knights, scholars, royals, adventurers, innkeepers, but also just a bunch of peasants just trying to make it through the winter. Just have fun!
‣ Somewhat inspired by GoT, The Witcher and Sun Haven
50written posts
❝ coffee & teaearned bits
❝ coffee & tea
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A little idea that has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. Not sure whether I'll go through with it, but we'll see what happens.

‣ A medieval fantasy site with a stronger emphasis on slice-of-life and member-made plots
‣ The setting would be reminiscent of 13th to 15th century Europe
‣ Somewhat sandbox-y
‣ Primarily low fantasy — magic would be regarded as a mysterious, fickle force that is — albeit present in the world — not well-understood and generally considered to be dangerous. Characters with light magical abilities would be allowed.
‣ Set in a fairly isolated setting to encourage character interaction. The RP would take place in a single kingdom, more or less isolated from the rest of the world with either stone battlements or deep forests. Venturing beyond the kingdom's borders would be unadvisable and deemed highly dangerous, due to the plethora of malevolent creatures that roam all around (custom bestiary included in the guidebook!)
Short and digestible required reading. Although the site would feature some extra lore tidbits, they would be regarded merely as supplementary materials.
‣ Optional overarching plot (with a handful of canon characters), participation would not be required
‣ Statless, freeform combat
‣ The possibility of small member-made factions: guilds and noble houses. Permits to create these would be purchasable in the site store.
‣ Knights, scholars, royals, adventurers, innkeepers, but also just a bunch of peasants just trying to make it through the winter. Just have fun!
‣ Somewhat inspired by GoT, The Witcher and Sun Haven

I've been wanting something like this for a while and had even started designing a setting similar to this, but it kind of turned into a magical fairytale-esque deal with a bigger plot than I had intended, and I lost inspiration for making it into a rp...

long story shortthis idea you have for medieval fantasy that is somewhat in the making here sounds right up my alley ♡ ! perfect mixture of court intrigue, a little bit of magic, and character-drivenness! where do i sign up??

last edit on Mar 11, 2024 13:43:34 GMT by ❝ coffee & tea
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
806written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
❝ coffee & tea Avatar
Elaysa Avatar
A little idea that has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. Not sure whether I'll go through with it, but we'll see what happens.

‣ A medieval fantasy site with a stronger emphasis on slice-of-life and member-made plots
‣ The setting would be reminiscent of 13th to 15th century Europe
‣ Somewhat sandbox-y
‣ Primarily low fantasy — magic would be regarded as a mysterious, fickle force that is — albeit present in the world — not well-understood and generally considered to be dangerous. Characters with light magical abilities would be allowed.
‣ Set in a fairly isolated setting to encourage character interaction. The RP would take place in a single kingdom, more or less isolated from the rest of the world with either stone battlements or deep forests. Venturing beyond the kingdom's borders would be unadvisable and deemed highly dangerous, due to the plethora of malevolent creatures that roam all around (custom bestiary included in the guidebook!)
Short and digestible required reading. Although the site would feature some extra lore tidbits, they would be regarded merely as supplementary materials.
‣ Optional overarching plot (with a handful of canon characters), participation would not be required
‣ Statless, freeform combat
‣ The possibility of small member-made factions: guilds and noble houses. Permits to create these would be purchasable in the site store.
‣ Knights, scholars, royals, adventurers, innkeepers, but also just a bunch of peasants just trying to make it through the winter. Just have fun!
‣ Somewhat inspired by GoT, The Witcher and Sun Haven
I've been wanting something like this for a while and had even started designing a setting similar to this, but it kind of turned into a magical fairytale-esque deal with a bigger plot than I had intended, and I lost inspiration for making it into a rp...

long story shortthis idea you have for medieval fantasy that is somewhat in the making here sounds right up my alley ♡ ! perfect mixture of court intrigue, a little bit of magic, and character-drivenness! where do i sign up??

new site event! black plague just dropped
pronounsD A R K
272written posts
Death is just a new beginning.
Elaysa Avatar
A little idea that has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. Not sure whether I'll go through with it, but we'll see what happens.

‣ A medieval fantasy site with a stronger emphasis on slice-of-life and member-made plots
‣ The setting would be reminiscent of 13th to 15th century Europe
‣ Somewhat sandbox-y
‣ Primarily low fantasy — magic would be regarded as a mysterious, fickle force that is — albeit present in the world — not well-understood and generally considered to be dangerous. Characters with light magical abilities would be allowed.
‣ Set in a fairly isolated setting to encourage character interaction. The RP would take place in a single kingdom, more or less isolated from the rest of the world with either stone battlements or deep forests. Venturing beyond the kingdom's borders would be unadvisable and deemed highly dangerous, due to the plethora of malevolent creatures that roam all around (custom bestiary included in the guidebook!)
Short and digestible required reading. Although the site would feature some extra lore tidbits, they would be regarded merely as supplementary materials.
‣ Optional overarching plot (with a handful of canon characters), participation would not be required
‣ Statless, freeform combat
‣ The possibility of small member-made factions: guilds and noble houses. Permits to create these would be purchasable in the site store.
‣ Knights, scholars, royals, adventurers, innkeepers, but also just a bunch of peasants just trying to make it through the winter. Just have fun!
‣ Somewhat inspired by GoT, The Witcher and Sun Haven

OH my gosh, I was just talking about making a medieval site since I never see them, so seeing this is great. I'd 100% be interested in joining!
last edit on Mar 11, 2024 14:35:08 GMT by 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪
102written posts
Elaysaearned bits
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I'm actually a cat person
profit of doom Avatar
❝ coffee & tea Avatar
I've been wanting something like this for a while and had even started designing a setting similar to this, but it kind of turned into a magical fairytale-esque deal with a bigger plot than I had intended, and I lost inspiration for making it into a rp...

long story shortthis idea you have for medieval fantasy that is somewhat in the making here sounds right up my alley ♡ ! perfect mixture of court intrigue, a little bit of magic, and character-drivenness! where do i sign up??

new site event! black plague just dropped

This gave me an idea for a plague doctor OC and i'm not even ashamed
aliasvelk, cyan
61written posts
safi'jiivaearned bits
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sometimes, things that are edgy are cool
would anyone actually be interested in ttrpg stuff on a forum?

i've seen a few pop up but i've always seen them close soon and i genuinely wonder why, but as someone who thinks about dnd/pathfinder way too much i really do want to make one eventually. i would love to run pathfinder but i feel like nobody has played 1e apart from the boomers.

im currently working on a concept which takes a lot of inspiration from soulsborne, nier replicant/drakengard revolving what is basically medieval post apocalypse where gods destroyed the world and living in the aftermath. also there are dragons, bc what good fantasy world doesn't have dragons as a main feature? i know what im about lol
last edit on Mar 14, 2024 12:19:17 GMT by safi'jiiva
63written posts
margaritaearned bits
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lanzhan Avatar
Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy
personally, there's always room for SOL within a themed site! i think it's great if people can play however they like within a site :)
haven't seen a LoZ site in a long while, so that one immediately caught my attention!
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Deletedearned bits
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lanzhan Avatar
Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy

Briefly waking up from my long hibernation to chant: Zelda site Zelda site Zelda site Zelda site Zelda site

Even better if it's chill.
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Deletedearned bits
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I've been trying to figure out how to put this in a short and coherent thing so...
The storyline is set after a mysterious rainfall known as “Black Rain” plagued the world, killing ninety percent of the world’s population. With the sudden decline in population, war over land and resources broke out causing society as we know to fall to ruin. It isn’t until fifty years later those who remain are left to pick up the pieces and navigate through this new world. Along the way they might face the difficulties of living off limited resources, hostile survivors and other phenomenons that taint the world.

TAGS: canons & ocs (panfandom), alternate universe, post-apocalypse, science-fantasy, magitech
INSPIRATIONS: horizon zero dawn, breath of the wild, nier automata, death stranding, fullmetal alchemist (aspects)
So a little setting of the world, idk the name yet, appearance wise it would be very similar to the inspirations listed above. The world being a vast region primarily covered by mother nature with small ruins/camps/villages/towns here and there, and of course organic/inorganic animals roaming. There will be some 'magic' but it's basically similar to fullmetal alchemist's version which is "alchemy" and "it is the scientific technique of understanding the structure of matter, decomposing it, and then reconstructing it". There will be some aspects that can't really be explained with science which will be borderline 'supernatural'.

As for story progress I was thinking it be more like arcs and have members develop their own narratives/the world, considering the world is still newly f*ck. So there will be opportunities to create member made survivor factions/groups and locations. As for systems I haven't gotten that far other than having items in the site shop to be bought like water, vehicles, weapons, etc. Which I think it should be enough, I don't want anything deterring the creative juices. Maybe a death system??? or a temp one? I'd leave that for more community to decide on that, I don't care too much.
last edit on Mar 17, 2024 3:04:50 GMT by Deleted