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Staffing Confessions

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I need to make a correction here. I never said I was the reason for them leaving, only that I failed to keep them from leaving. I’m not completely sure of the reason, only that I got a message and next thing I knew they left. Of course the only thing pondering in my head is why they thought I was pretending to be nice when I am nice to everybody.

Another confession since I’m in here. It is very frustrating to find an ad posted in the wrong board. I get you do it once, but twice? Can you not see the difference in first post and link back or something? Honest mistakes could have been resolved through chat, instead I search for our ad only to not find it, complain to the other staff I might be blind because surely it is in there, somewhere, only to find out it isn’t. So I get stuck moving the ad and posting a link back. Check the boards before you post or start tagging [lb] so that then I know it was on purpose instead of accident or at the very least reach out saying you put it in the wrong board.
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last edit on Apr 11, 2020 13:28:51 GMT by cherrybeans
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Some unexpected stuff happening yesterday to where it caused tension between me and my friend... thankfully resolved now. I hope since it was between staff members on a subject I won't be getting into details on here.

On a side note... I have to reach out to an admin on another site again because I posted my ad in the wrong spot. x.x
last edit on Apr 11, 2020 19:05:28 GMT by Deleted
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
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when ppl don't read any site info threads before writing an app:

my real confession here is that i really dislike writing pends to apps bc i know that ppl can feel demoralized or judged by them (i do take pains to word them with as patient/understanding of a tone as possible and i only send mine via private PM so ppl don't feel publically called out), but i also remember being that admin that was too afraid to tell ppl they needed to change things and i refuse to be that person again ;')

moral of the story is stick to your guns, and if ppl get so mad at a kindly worded request to adjust some details that they decide to leave then you're probably better off w/o them
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Macchiatoearned bits
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when ppl don't read any site info threads before writing an app:

my real confession here is that i really dislike writing pends to apps bc i know that ppl can feel demoralized or judged by them (i do take pains to word them with as patient/understanding of a tone as possible and i only send mine via private PM so ppl don't feel publically called out), but i also remember being that admin that was too afraid to tell ppl they needed to change things and i refuse to be that person again ;')

moral of the story is stick to your guns, and if ppl get so mad at a kindly worded request to adjust some details that they decide to leave then you're probably better off w/o them
Honestly, a great way to do it (imo) is to maybe compliment them in someway in the message? Idk, I personally get giddy whenever a staff  member leaves a little note about my app in their approval message, so having one in a pending message might encourage them to keep at it? 

the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly
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Honestly, a great way to do it (imo) is to maybe compliment them in someway in the message? Idk, I personally get giddy whenever a staff  member leaves a little note about my app in their approval message, so having one in a pending message might encourage them to keep at it? 

i absolutely do that when i can! in general i try to be as encouraging as possible to people when i send pends, though i admit i'm probably a bit generic and could afford to add more pointed comments :thonk:

still, no matter how nice and uplifting and encouraging i am, i know that it won't stop some people from being chased off by a pend and??? honestly i'm beyond the idea of chasing ppl down so i just hope those people find places to rp and have a good time.
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Honestly, a great way to do it (imo) is to maybe compliment them in someway in the message? Idk, I personally get giddy whenever a staff  member leaves a little note about my app in their approval message, so having one in a pending message might encourage them to keep at it? 

i absolutely do that when i can! in general i try to be as encouraging as possible to people when i send pends, though i admit i'm probably a bit generic and could afford to add more pointed comments :thonk:

still, no matter how nice and uplifting and encouraging i am, i know that it won't stop some people from being chased off by a pend and??? honestly i'm beyond the idea of chasing ppl down so i just hope those people find places to rp and have a good time.

my approach is to play shit off casually. like fuck formal tones hella - i mean !! NO NEED TO TALK AS ROUGH AS U GENERALLY MIGHT ???? but like, keep it lose, be fluid, try not to worry too much, and i think keeping that sort of attitude in mind will convey through your message and keep ppl loose. having messages pop up in pms will always be kinda stressful for ppl i think, so there's always gonna be some component of people that are kinda poised to react negatively, but idk. also ig don't leave people hanging! you're the admin so you're gonna need to exert yourself and really strive to spin everything positively - it's all about giving advice and like, actually trying? u can't give half-assed - always gotta give em material that picks them up even if they're giving you very little in return, that'll just upset. it's a lot of hard work tbh and its exhausting as all get out when you can't even figure out what to say or add, but in the end i think you just gotta strive to be open, amicable, and always reaching out!

of course, if you fall short of that, that's fine too. it always sucks if you strain something or lose a potential member, but if you just can’t it's better to cut loses short and honestly - it's gonna be more healthy for everyone in the long run. different strokes for different folks - people are different and sometimes work better elsewhere, and this is the site you're gonna presumedly be putting in a lot of energy in, so you should make sure that there's not gonna be that One member you kill yourself over. i mean there probably always will be but - yeah y'all get my point

tldr; chill, be as proactive as you can, and when you can't, don't beat yourself up over it cuz it's probably better in the long run
last edit on Apr 13, 2020 6:16:29 GMT by bc
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Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
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"im gonna try and work on this skin!" i say as if im someone who knows how to code something out of thin air or can properly read a tutorial?

is it too late to just throw this at someone else and have them fix it for me? lmao
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I feel paranoid when I give my opinion on stuff, whether it be about site or not. Since we are always looking to improve our site and stuff. I mean the last thing I want to do is risk upsetting my friend(s), but at the same time, if I think a certain way, I feel like I should say something so that if I'm right (which hopefully I'm not) they won't be too surprised when it has been proven. Or when things ended up being a good test run but not a permanent benefit to the site.