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Staffing Confessions

Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
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rabbitearsearned bits
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We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
We cut out a bunch of superfluous staff chores and it totally revitalized the staff and our site.
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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That moment when the site gets large enough you have to reorganized the face claim so the thing is easier to read. >.> Sad part is, it is mostly my fault for using and suggesting Fire Emblem FCs to every one. XD The F section got so big I would get lost, so time to do a fixer upper.
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
I really enjoy making my members happy. I worked in customer service for a couple of years where should a complaint or suggestion come, the bosses never listened. So I always try to lend an ear to what my members want or even how they want some things organized. They are among the reasons my site is capable of standing and staying active, so I consider it a service to them and a thank you for years of wonder and happiness.
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I did some advertisements today but it isn't enough and gave my fellow staff members a hard time the past few days over disagreements... I regret a lot that I can't take back, but it is hard to remain calm and collected when it feels like I'm wasting my breath.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
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pharaoh leapearned bits
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
spiritfoxxy Avatar
May 9, 2020 2:47:45 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I wish I could have helped with staff updates, but I don't code, I don't do graphics... I'm only good as helping with updating reviewing characters, updating claims, doing advertisements, and sometimes coming up with species ideas.

You say 'I'm only good at...', but all of those things you listed are very important things! As a site creator myself, aside from the long slog of skinning, coding, graphics, and site updates are the easy-peasy stuff for me. What always nips me in the butt a month after the site's creation is the general maintenance; claims, app reviewing, and advertising, which I don't touch with a thirty-five-foot pole if I don't have to -

One staff member doesn't need to, and arguably shouldn't do everything on a site. That's how you burn out. It's good to want to help out the sites and the people you care about, but don't discredit the things you already do! Every aspect of starting and running a site is important, and more power to you for doing your part. :clap:
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spiritfoxxy Avatar
May 9, 2020 2:47:45 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I wish I could have helped with staff updates, but I don't code, I don't do graphics... I'm only good as helping with updating reviewing characters, updating claims, doing advertisements, and sometimes coming up with species ideas.
This is more than good enough — don't let anyone tell your otherwise. Ever. Keep up the good work!
Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Shiva the Frostbearer Avatar
I'm getting sick and my eye is near swollen shut so I have little energy to post let alone do all staff things. Unfortunately, it's like the job you still have to do on your sick off days otherwise chaos ensues.

But no. Your health is more important than rp. Get some rest and drink some water.
last edit on May 10, 2020 21:04:54 GMT by Mouse
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
We had a spontaneous "event" where we told members if they got to 0 in 3 days in this numbers game against @spiritfoxxy and I, we would pay them $500 in game. I don't think it has even been 24 hours and I just got my butt kicked. Welp, time to pay people and give them a treat for how insanely quick they were. ADDITIONAL $20 DOLLARS! BE HAPPY MEMBERS!

Also @spiritfoxxy, you always do enough, my friend. <3 We're a staff team, so we have strengths in different areas than others. Besides, considering I forgot to bump the support ad and do first links, your role in priceless! >.> Plus I need someone to speak sense into me when I am having a dumb Chibi moment. Point is, we're supposed to work together and counter one another's weaknesses. For me, graphics and coding are easy peezy lemon squeezy, but as I have said way too many times now, I was in a coding class in high school. So I was given the minimal knowledge needed to work with codes. But through it all, I forget to do things or need some help at times. <3 So I need you and I guarantee the entire team does too. You are awesome and I appreciate everything you do for TDOM. c:
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Having to comment on the occasional app that shoehorns random sexist/racist stuff into fantasyverse really grinds my gears.

Why do people feel the need to try and copy/paste their bad interpretation of medieval Europe into every fantasy setting ever? Like, no. You're not going to give me this BS "but it's biology" crap when the setting literally has superpowers, magic, and giant nightmare monsters and the biology is cherry picked crap to begin with.

Like every time I read some OOC shoehorned crap that's like "Oh no all women are delicate weak flowers who cannot compete with physically stronger men".

I don't know what shitty little bubble that is but keep it away from me. Arguing stuff like "Well in the top 1% of the top 1% of the top 3% of the top 5%..." kind of defeats the purpose of the flippant "but it's biology tho" argument and reveals it for what it is.

Like, in a world where people can lift up cars and throw them at people why do these even come up? Aaaahhh
last edit on May 11, 2020 3:16:09 GMT by wolfe
96written posts
Shiva the Frostbearer
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I'm getting sick and my eye is near swollen shut so I have little energy to post let alone do all staff things. Unfortunately, it's like the job you still have to do on your sick off days otherwise chaos ensues.
But no. Your health is more important than rp. Get some rest and drink some water.
I would, but I have pretty bad anxiety when it comes to these things.  I remember long ago how as a member I would feel so ignored if staff took days to answer anything but I saw them chatting.  Weekdays are fine to sleep till I get better because the other admin is around, but weekends his spouse is more needier than mine so I should be around and this is the balance/agreement we struck up.
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scyllaearned bits
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If you don’t like the answer the first staff member gives you, going to another one is basically the equivalent of "didn’t like mommy’s answer, time to go to daddy to get what I want."

It’s almost like people don’t think staff talk to each other about questions members DM them, lmao.

This week on Scylla is Still Salty.
stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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If you don’t like the answer the first staff member gives you, going to another one is basically the equivalent of "didn’t like mommy’s answer, time to go to daddy to get what I want."

It’s almost like people don’t think staff talk to each other about questions members DM them, lmao.

This week on Scylla is Still Salty.

This 1000x. For fairness' sake, I put up profile applications for the entire team to review. It might seem more of a hassle that way, but a 9/10 my other staff catches things that I might've missed or vice-versa. Or we talk things out and give profiles the benefit of the doubt. We're always on the same page on things.

I've had someone come crying to me about how they didn't like the edits they were given, simply because only one staff member on my team approached them about it after our group had processed it together. Had to tell them that the edits were decided as a group as a whole, and that it was a decision made by all of us. They backed down real quick after that.

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Thanks , @melusine, and . Also to add onto bribing our members on that game. We were at -80 when they got it to zero and believe me when we say we tried our hardest to keep it there. I always feel awkward when I point things out on applications, unsure if my fellow admin saw it or not but at the same time, there have been so many that I question that got an approval I'm slowly coming out of my shell to speak up just in case things need editing first. Also attempted to help create species, hadn't meant to step on toes, so I decided to back off, leaving my notes before trying to figure out what species I could come up with on my own. We'll see if I come up with anything.