you're too damn TALKATIVE

praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 27


and the joys of it.


...look i managed to write a drabble sob. setup for kite



they go camping once. once.

chūya just wanted akutagawa to dip his feet into activities other than murder and sulking around. what's wrong with that? nothing, nothing at all.

so why did it have to turn out horribly?

he thinks it started with the discovery that higuchi was trailing after them. after akutagawa yelled at her—he almost felt bad for her then—she did not attempt to conceal her presence any longer. it severely dampened akutagawa's mood.

actually, he didn't think akutagawa would have minded that much. he had considered the possibility that higuchi might follow after akutagawa, but he hadn't thought it would annoy akutagawa as much as it did.

honestly, akutagawa was such a quiet one, so the constant shouting from him came as a shock. privately, he couldn't help but wonder if all the shouting was good for someone as pale as him. he didn't want to make akutagawa's mood worsen, though, so he kept his mouth shut about it.

after that, there was a permanent cloud over akutagawa throughout the entire experience. higuchi worried and cried over akutagawa; and chūya did his damn best not to destroy the nearest tree. he was a constant itch away, though. somewhere along the lines, he felt like he's babysitting rather than enjoying the outdoors with colleagues. or, "lovely team bonding" as mori put it when chūya asked to take akutagawa camping for a few days.

if that was team bonding, then the port mafia is actually a bunch of children playing with guns.

...which sounds more accurate to his ears than he ever wanted it to.

regardless, after they returned to yokohama, akutagawa has reportedly required repairs to house several times in two weeks. chūya is both concerned, tempted to investigate, and has decided to stay far away from anything involving akutagawa for the foreseeable future. he doesn't mind the kid, but three days spent camping with a brooding akutagawa is enough scowling akutagawa for a lifetime.

it would be nice to see him smile, though. he would probably look quite pleasant. perhaps it's something to pursue later on when they aren't quite as busy.


so i listened to the bungou stray dogs drama cds and this is what happened LOL


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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 15
[attr="class","sum-sub"]dreamer on a picnic


picnics are quaint to tenebria


HEAVES SO i actually wrote this two days ago but i wrote it at like 1:00AM or something (and i still haven't edited b/c naw) so i didn't get it published? and i meant to do it yesterday, but honestly i'm such a mess so yeah here we go



these picnics are quaint to tenebria; that's what they are— picnics, even though ravi insists otherwise. they're dull and too peaceful, but they keep ravi obedient, so she's willing to put up with them. still, she doesn't like how ravi clings to these childish pastimes. once a farm girl, always a farm girl, perhaps, but they make ravi unreliable. she wouldn't be able to bring it up to her though— ravi would vehemently insist otherwise and nothing would change.

"do you want the rest?"

ravi pushes the bowl of scones toward her. it's almost empty. without realizing, tenebria had munched on most of the scones, leaving only a few left for ravi. it's almost touching how dedicated ravi is to her "queen," but tenebria isn't a pig, so she turns her offer down.

"i'll pour you some more juice, then."

tenebria doesn't really care either way, so she just silently watches ravi take the pitcher and pour some juice into her cup. ravi glances up, as though looking for approval, but she will not find any from tenebria. why ravi even keeps bothering is beyond tenebria, but whatever.

"my queen, what do you want me to do next?"

there's a hint of hunger in ravi's voice. there is always that hint— a desire for something beyond her reach. ravi seems to naturally fall into tenebria's arms as a result— actually, she's always trying to fall through, but tenebria won't let her. the little wraith girl is hers. she won't let her escape from her grip; not because she finds ravi's company welcoming—quite the opposite—but out of the principle of being the phantom queen. what acolyte of nightmares is she if one of her victims break free from her so easily? ( damned are the heir of the covenant and his friends. )

"nothing. we have to wait for nilgal," she mutters, the name like poison on her tongue.

ravi suddenly stands up.

"my queen, i would take care of that fool if you would let me," she says with earnest.

it's not the first time ravi has offered to get rid of nilgal. nor is it the first time that tenebria will turn her down. "no, i can't let you do that."


"i care about you, don't you understand? i don't want you to get hurt," she lies.

ravi's cheeks turn a deep shade of red. "o-oh. i see," she mumbles.

it's amazing how easily ravi falls for it every time. ravi's only purpose is to die for her queen, so why would tenebria actually care? except, it wouldn't please kayron if her wraith were to attack nilgal. she would likely get in trouble for not controlling ravi, and quite frankly, she has enough lectures from kayron to last a lifetime. she doesn't need more, and certainly not over ravi.

"so does that mean there's nothing to do?"

ah, there's that hunger again.

"that's right," she says. it's a flat statement that doesn't give anything.

"then, my queen…" ravi's voice trails off.

there's something obsessive in her eyes that do nothing to scare tenebria. it's a lovely gaze that promises madness befitting of the nightmare queen— and it's all hers to control. nilgal and kayron will never experience the feeling of ravi's sincerity that seeps into the cracks of her wishes and desires— and slowly breaking and twisting them into unfettered insanity. ravi is reserved for her only.

"do you want a dream?" she asks. it's not what ravi wants, but it's what she was going ask for.

"yes, i do."

"then dream," she says, smiling in amusement at the all too trusting wraith child.

dream of the nothingness and the void— dream of only yourself and your empty wishes. fall into her illusions, and never escape.


uvu. every day i feel like i cannot write tenebria for the life of me :sob:[break]
regardless, my thoughts are as follows:[break][break]

if tenebria is with others, she ignores ravi. but if they're just alone, she sometimes pays attention but only because ravi is the only thing she can really entertain herself with.


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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 28
[attr="class","sum-sub"]don't fall, neku!

joshua's hobbies include pissing neku off.


same story as my previous fic. i wrote this instead of sleeping, didn't have the energy to post, and pushed it to tomorrow.



he stares down at the rocks tumbling into a steep, jagged valley. he can barely make out the heads of other hikers over the tall grass. it looks like a long, rough drop.

he lifts his head up to the moody redhead marching in front of him, feeling the urge to comment on it.

"it would be awfully easy to push you off the side of this cliff, huh?" he says, not fighting back the smile. he doesn't necessarily relish neku's death, but there's a simple pleasure in riling him up that he cannot deny himself.

neku doesn't miss a beat when he says, "kill me and i'll purposefully get myself erased."

he's noticed neku has developed a thicker skin to his taunts. he'll have to dig deeper if he wants a reaction.

"aww, neku, i wouldn't let you get erased!"

predictably, he sees neku tense. he doesn't like it when joshua compromises his choices, and it never fails to make that temper of his flare.

"and yet you're fine with pushing me off a cliff," neku grumbles.

for a moment, he thought neku would turn around snap at him, but boringly, he just complains under his breath and walks faster. wow, neku. way to sell yourself as a fun, interesting, and exciting person.

still, he can see neku's patience rip at the seams. he just has to tug a little more at the string, and neku will fall apart.

"exactly. you mortals' deaths are meaningless to me. i can just resurrect you whenever, after all," joshua expresses his apathy, knowing how much neku hates his flippant attitude toward their lives.

he waits for neku to balloon— spin and point an angry finger at him. he expects a passionate display about how he shouldn't play god with their lives ( as though he can play with their lives any way else ); respect and don't meddle. neither happen, and neku carries on as though joshua didn't say a thing.

he frowns. he knows neku heard him— there's not any other sounds except their footsteps and the occasional bird; and the distance between them isn't so chasmal that neku simply didn't catch what he said. ignoring him is now neku's strategy? it makes joshua pout for a few minutes before he resolves to stir a reaction from neku yet.

he grins.

neku is going to regret ignoring him.


not rlly in the way of context tbh. I guess joshua just decided to drag neku out of his house and suggested hiking for some god awful reason? (that's why neku is moody rn)


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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 13
[attr="class","sum-sub"]water fight


saizō isn't the only one who hasn't gotten enough sleep, he discovers.


brave 10, set in the canon. it's pretty short and not really the most satisfactory end, but tbh i ended up finding writing canon brave 10 is pretty difficult. i'd just much rather stick with my modern AUs...



"I'm going to beat your fucking ass into the ground!"

"Really, now?"

Kamanosuke looked like a disgruntled dog more than anything else, so Saizō was finding it awfully difficult to take any of his threats seriously. If he wasn't aware that Kamanosuke was a madman beneath that pretty face of his, he would have laughed and told him to sit or something. As tempting as it was, and it definitely was tempting—a flustered Kamanosuke acted more like his appearance suggested—it wasn't worth the associated trouble of an increasingly violent Kamanosuke. ( as if the little shit wasn't already a kusarigama-wielding lunatic. )

"Don't look down on me! I will!"

He wasn't looking down on him, he wanted to say, but that was both a lie and pointless. Furthermore, the crazy brat was already lunging at him, his weapon trailing in the water behind him and kicking up a flurry. He'd definitely get killed if he wasn't cautious—


"I want a rematch!"

"No. I'm tired."

"No, you're not! You barely broke a sweat. Come on, fight me again, Saizō!"

"I'm tired of you shouting in my ear."

"Then fight me!"

He gritted his teeth. Kamanosuke's constant pestering had worn his patience down enough that he agreed to one fight, if only so that he could finally have a break— and this is what he got in return.

He turned around and jabbed his finger onto Kamanosuke's chest.

"Don't be a sore loser, Kamanosuke. Accept your defeat gracefully," he snapped.

"No! I—I don't— ngh, how am I supposed to sleep tonight?!"

That's Saizō's question, dammit! Every day, Kamanosuke burst in with threats and chases him around. He was tired, being their nominated leader, and all he wanted was a few moments of respite. But in-between impromptu meetings with Yukimura, Isanami dragging him around the castle, and Kamanosuke shouting nonsense at him, he was fucking exhausted. And he couldn't even get a good night's rest because apparently Kamanosuke didn't fucking sleep at night.

"That's not my fucking problem. Go find someone else to play with— I don't fucking know, just leave me alone. God, I fight you once and all I get is more bitching…"

If he needed a fight to loosen up, Yukimura's whole shit was collecting warriors or something. Isanami's older brother would probably happily oblige to knock him out. That was a surefire way to sleepyland. Kamanosuke would probably sustain brain damage, but he wasn't so sure that Kamanosuke had a particularly healthy brain to begin with. A few more wacks wouldn't make a difference.

"I'm not crying, though! Every day, you run away instead of going through with your promise. It sucks, y'know?! I can't sleep when all I can think about is your promise!"

Even though Saizō never thought about Kamanosuke's nighttime tendencies like that, it felt natural to his ears. How like Kamanosuke for his obsession to fill his mind with such viciousness that he barely slept. Since Kamanosuke brought up, Saizō finally noticed eyes less energetic and hair more dull. ( still no respite from whatever oils he uses on his hair and skin. ) Still, it was self-inflicted deprivation— that was consequently depriving him of sleep. If he didn't do something about Kamanosuke's bad sleeping schedule, he would never have a decent wink ever again.

Yeah, he didn't much like that idea.

"Fine, so stop annoying me, alright?"

Kamanosuke's face lit up with a perverse joy. All of his sleepless nights seemed to wash away. This better fucking work or else Saizō was going to be so pissed.

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last edit on Aug 1, 2019 4:54:31 GMT by bc
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 24
[attr="class","sum-sub"]occupational vacations


joshua disappears, and neku is miserable.


wow this one didn't take me long to write at all! the words flowed super naturally, so i was able to write very quickly!



he runs off on a hot, summer day, after an argument about— something. neku doesn't even know what started their argument, and that makes him feel even worse about upsetting joshua. he keeps telling himself that joshua is the child here—disappearing when he has his responsibilities as composer, leaving mr. h to cover for him—but it doesn't shake the terrible pit at the bottom of his stomach when he thinks about him.

damned, runaway composers; whenever neku urgently needs to talk to him, he's suddenly nowhere to be found. every time neku says something, he's already anticipating joshua's teasing response, but he's met with disappointment. he can't even scream at joshua in his head. the asshole is apparently in another dimension or— some weird shit like that. ( he forgot what hanekoma had exactly said, mostly latching on to the fact that joshua wasn't just ignoring him— he fucking ran away. )

he wants to kick something or someone ( a specific "someone" ), frustrated at joshua and himself. joshua, for being an irresponsible brat, and himself for hanging up abruptly after a heated conversation and thinking joshua would brush his words off. like he doesn't have feelings of his own, but neku completely disregarded that, and— fucking hell, now look where he is: pathetically brooding over joshua and seriously wishing he could take back what he said.

his friends notice— of course, they do, they're his friends— and do their best to distract him. they visit wildkat and ramen don more often since they know neku likes these places— but it doesn't do much to help. mr. h is a constant reminder of the games and subsequently, joshua; and every time he steps into ramen don, he thinks of how this place almost closed, how he and joshua saved it— and he's right back thinking about how much he misses that prissy foodist.

three weeks. three. fucking. weeks. it takes three goddamn weeks before joshua returns. neku is moping in his room— door locked, his concerned mom knocking on his door every three minutes, and him yelling at her to go away, he's fine okay!?

when she shoots back, "i haven't seen that boy you hang out with around these past weeks. is this about him? did you two have a fight?" he vehemently denies it. even though his mom is not aware they're dating ( she probably suspects it, though ) she hits the mark. he can't believe their relationship has become that obvious. no wonder he's a mess without joshua.

and then, out of fucking nowhere, joshua suddenly poofs in front of him, holding little shopping mall bags and an all too familiar smug look on his face.

"hello, neku. i got some souvenirs. want one?"


neku: moping around thinking that joshua will never return and its all HIS fault[break]
joshua: Hey nekyyyy, want a present from my vacation?[break]
neku: ...[break]
deleted line: he punches joshua and suddenly feels so much fucking better.


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last edit on Jul 27, 2019 17:40:32 GMT by bc
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 30
[attr="class","sum-sub"]liar fuckin' fire


at the end of the school year, kamanosuke burns his living arrangements down. literally


did you know i thought this was gonna be a light hearted little thing? barring that, a short, melancholic drabble? yeah clearly not. there's a part two planned somewhere around here LOL[break][break]
same universe as prompt 2 & 23



at the end of the school year, kamanosuke burns his living arrangements down. literally.

kamanosuke can't bear that school, this town, his face any longer, so he's decided his "one year of normalcy" is over. everyone around him— guardians, agents, managers, generally shitty adults are fucking celebrating with wine somewhere. he wants to burn them in the haze of his house, but he fought to live alone, so they're across town. maybe he regrets his decision; on the other hand, the privacy allowed for happy memories he would have never formed with the adults in his life breathing into his space.

although, after this, he doesn't think those memories will be pleasant to recollect. it's a fucking shame, too, since he wanted to cherish those memories forever.

he creates a concoction of flammable oils, fats, and anything else he can think of, throws it into a pot, turns the stove counter to high, and walks out the front door. from a distance away, he sits down on the pavement and waits. patience isn't his thing, but for this, he wants to relish every moment.

for what? a temporary catharsis? as though this pitiable, negligible act of rebellion will change anything. it's fucking useless. he can burn everything to high hell, and he'll still be locked in a poised, fancy cage. he'd rather light himself up as well— yet…

he doesn't want to die. he wants to fucking live. he remembers the dramas about spies and crime-bustin' detectives that he would watch secretively when his guardians were asleep. he always wanted to be just like them— going on missions, fighting bad guys, saving a city. it was all garbage and painfully untrue, and they lost their appeal after he acted in one of them. even so, he still has dreams outside of the acting career shoved down his throat. but he's not allowed any of them because he's everyone's "beautiful" fucking princess, and he has such a promising future ahead of him so don't ruin it, you ungrateful, worthless piece of shit.

he doesn't want to hear any more of that fucking bullshit. ungrateful. worthless. he makes more money than any of them, and don't even tell him that he owes all his success to them. like hell he does! he's the one with the talent— he's the one with the looks. they're all just leeches using him. if anything, they owe their success to him.

he grits his teeth.

wouldn't it be so fucking nice if hollywood suddenly burned to the ground?

it's not the first time he's thought of it, and the idea sounds more appealing every day. one of these days, he's going to drag the entire industry down with him, and he's going to relish every fucking moment of it. then, once it's all gone, he'll finally be free. he'll be able to do whatever the hell he wants, piss off whoever the hell he wants, and kiss whenever he fucking wants without his god-awful manager shouting in his ear about the trouble he's made by kissing "that boy where all your classmates can take pictures and fucking post on social media you dumb, spoiled brat—"

"i liked that kiss," he had said, "every fucking moment of it."

he kisses saizō again in front the entire damn school later on just to piss off his manager too. he can remember the utter hate etched onto his manager's face afterward. there were words that accompanied that memory— words that he wants to forget. they're like poison to him:

"he's just another part of your teenage rebellion. isn't that unfair, kamanosuke? isn't that unfair? you've led him to think you actually like him, but we both know otherwise, don't we?"

it's this poison that accompanied him when he pulled saizō aside and broke up with him. ( poison that deprives his brain of oxygen, and furthers his misery. )

"what the hell was i even to you, kamanosuke? did you even fucking care about me?"

that pained expression on saizō's face was like a final laugh by your ever more experienced friend and manager—

oh, look, he can smell something burning. he tilts his head up, half-expecting to hear the smoke alarms, but he fiddled with them a few days ago. they won't go off. as for the fire, it's barely begun. it isn't the blazing inferno in his mind yet. he can't even see any fire; it's just a touch of smokiness in the air. he tries to keep his focus, but knowing that he's in for at least another twenty minutes, he naturally lapses back into his thoughts.

his eyes close as he lets himself imagine saizō: his messy hair that he stubbornly refuses to maintain. his touch, whose roughness is the consequence of a dangerous mixture of inexperience and unearned confidence. his dark eyes that hold the feelings he will never record elsewhere.

slipped from the physical world.

someone waves at him, someone else is taking pictures of him.

saizō is not among them. for kamanosuke, he is not anywhere on this plane. saizō is in every crevice of his mind, though. but if he can only have saizō in a dream, he'd rather just forget him entirely.

love for the last time and then into the flames they may as well go. like everything else. like everything that hurts— like everything that is saizō— cast it away so only ash remains.

fall away, burn away.

finally, someone screams "fire" and kamanosuke's eyes open. around him, people react slowly at first, then realization, then panic. it suddenly grows louder than before, but it's all drowned out by the sound of the flames in front of him. he can feel the heat on his face. it's hot and uncomfortable. his lungs are choking from the smoke. breath feels laborious. his eyes sting. it's what he wants; what he needs. it's a disaster finally burning away. it's the only disaster that will burn away. it's—


a euphoria of emotions.


the end of this tragic act.


a voice. a familiar voice.

wait, what?

he spins around— into saizō. he finds one arm strained, inconvenienced by a firm grip, but he's more caught up by the fact that saizō is halfway, awkwardly draped over him. their faces are so close that he could make out his reflection in saizō's eyes. he flinches when he feels saizō's other hand rest on his shoulder, holding him in place.

"i finally got your attention!" saizō says, his tone a mixture of frustration, lingering anger, and relief that kamanosuke can barely tell apart.

he immediately wants to fucking cry. he isn't emotionally prepared to deal with saizō yelling at him. fuck that, he isn't emotionally prepared to deal with saizō period.

of course, saizō doesn't know of that— or doesn't care— and continues, continues, as always. "hey, kamanosuke, why is your house burning down? and why don't you seem concerned at all? oh my god, kamanosuke, don't fucking tell me—"

saizō suddenly stops mid-sentence. he looks wide-eyed at kamanosuke.

"do continue," kamanosuke spits out and sniffles.

oh fuck, he really is crying, isn't he? furiously, he rubs the tears away with his free hand. he can't cry in front of saizō. not anymore. he threw away that privilege when he severed their relationship.

when he finally thinks his tears are clear, he steals a peek at saizō. he has a completely unreadable expression, but that just means saizō is resisting the urge to strangle him or something similar. kamanosuke feels like crying all over again, so he hides the urge behind his temper.

"didn't you fucking hear me, saizō?!" he snaps.

"yes, i heard you!"

he flinches when saizō raises his voice.

saizō must notice—how couldn't he when they're pressed against each other, arms straining around the other?—because he takes a deep breath and says in the calmest tone he can probably muster, "i'm calling the fire department. come on, kamanosuke. you're too close to the fire."

saizō finally releases his arm, although he still has one hand on his shoulder that he uses to pull him away. kamanosuke habitually moves to lean back into saizō, before realizing what he's doing. embarrassed, he jolts away from saizō, shrugging off his hand.

"they've probably already been called," he mutters, glaring at the disorganized clusters of people around them.

"yeah? then come on."

saizō turns away and starts walking down the street. kamanosuke is left confused, until he barks at him to hurry up. it leaves a scowl on kamanosuke's face as he runs after saizō.

"where are you going?" he asks once he catches up. "actually, better question: what are you doing here? didn't i make it clear to you that we're done?"

saizō doesn't answer either question, to his annoyance. he's completely ignoring him. kamanosuke doesn't have the patience to put up with— whatever mood saizō is in right now, so he snarls, "what the hell? you're the one who told me to follow you! so don't suddenly fall silent when it's most convenient for you!"

"do you ever stop to listen to yourself?" saizō grits.

kamanosuke sends him a miffed glare.

"you're deflecting," he accuses.

he doesn't know whether to count it a win or not when saizō doesn't answer, but he doesn't have the energy to interrogate him.

for the next few minutes, he stays quiet. he knows it's unusual for him, but he still feels a prick of irritation when saizō glances over his shoulder— as though he thinks it's impossible for kamanosuke to be quiet, so he must not be following anymore.

once they're a distance from kamanosuke's burning house, saizō stops at the small, mom-and-pop diner mr. yukimura's brother owned.

"so? what am i doing here?" kamanosuke demands the moment he settles into a seat.

saizō takes the seat opposing him.

"we need to talk."

he's really trying to stay calm around saizō. it's not an easy task. he doesn't know whether he wants to cry or scream. he never expected to be talking to saizō again. by the end of the week, he would leave town and preferably never come back. saizō left kamanosuke thinking kissing him was a mistake for two months. his track record doesn't paint him as someone willing to talk, so much as recede into his corner of brooding for petty-long amounts of time.

that saizō it sitting in front of, wanting to talk, completely reduces him to the sound of his heavy heartbeat.

"i didn't take you for the persistent ex type," he says, if only to alleviate the tension in his own body.

"i got it the first time, kamanosuke. i'm not here to try to win you back. i just want an answer to my question: did you care about me? or were you just using me?"

kamanosuke forces a laugh to conceal the sudden panic rising through his body at saizō's question. he thinks it's horribly unfair how saizō puts him in the spotlight, but he can't exactly blame him for wanting to know. it's the same thing he wants to know.

did he ever care about saizō, or was it like his manager said: just a rebellious phase? he looks to his heart for answers, but there is nothing but strife there. those days spent being delinquents in protest of adults and their numerous rules— he loves them all; cherishes each moment spent laughing and teasing. but maybe that's all they meant to him— a disobedience against the people that shackled him. everything— every moment— all in service to his desire of defiance.

saizō's face twists unpleasantly at his laughter, or maybe it's at the ensuing silence that he pursued to clear up in the first place.

"do you really have nothing to say?" saizō asks in a strained, quiet tone.

kamanosuke's heart nearly skips a beat when the table suddenly rattles loudly from underneath saizō's fist. dark eyes glare at him for naught a fraction of a second, but his mind is shot for several minutes afterward. he barely even processes saizō standing up and leaving.

when his mind finally catches up, the sound of the light bell that rings whenever the door opens echoes forlornly in his ears.


teacher: so lets go around and say what we're planning on doing in the summer[break]
person 1: i'm going on vacation with my family[break]
person 2: we're gonna go to the beach a lot[break]
saizou: dunno, sleep? uhhh, hang out with my friends, i guess[break]
teacher: yuri? i'm sure you have some pretty exciting things planned. let's hear them, okay?[break]
kamanosuke: me? i'm gonna burn my house down because i don't handle my emotions well :)


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last edit on Jul 30, 2019 5:22:03 GMT by bc
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 1
[attr="class","sum-sub"]electrical bugs


there's a boy bored out of his mind.


so uh, i felt like maybe the several kiri/kama was getting a bit tiring, so i decided to spice things up! this isn't a fanfic, just a lil drabble with an oc.



Electricity sputters from the metal object in his hands. It's round, small, and delicate-looking— and he's hardly treating it with anything close to gentleness. If it breaks, he won't have anyone besides himself to blame. Next to him, there's a pile of half-dead, mechanical bugs that occasionally buzz with sparks before dying out, so it's more likely than not that it will break. Knowing this, he's still rough with the fragile junctions as he pokes and prods. He's not in the mood for precision, only results— and he's always had a propensity for violence. The guards eyeing him warily from their positions outside bullet-proof glass walls are a testament to that.

He turns around and flips a finger at them as he tosses his newest design into the ever-growing pile of half-working prototypes that he's given up on with his other hand. He relishes the way one of the guards seems to shake in outrage. Fuckin' mech lover. Digging under the skin of his guards is his only form of entertainment, so he's taken to discarding perfectly useable robots. It's not like the brass has issued him a warning against wasting material, anyway.


He wonders when the next financial report meeting will be. Wouldn't that be fun to eavesdrop on?

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last edit on Jul 30, 2019 20:46:32 GMT by bc
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 21


this world is full of weirdos.


so this weird idea came to me so here we go. a weird mix between scifi + fantasty + superhero + spy elements.




Guess what they're naming the so-called "end of humanity"— their words, not mine.

Seriously Massive Orbiters Revolving Earth.

Otherwise known as SMOREs.

Someone in the government named huge weapons capable of destroying entire countries SMOREs. As in, the dessert that everyone eats around a fire while telling silly stories.

They are really pushing that anti-fun campaign of theirs, aren't they?

"Ohhh, let's go make some s'mores!"

"Halt, criminal! No one is going to make Seriously Massive Orbiters Revolving Earth on my watch!"

I can already see it. The superheroes are going to go nuts. Innocent people are going to be sent to prison for conspiring against humanity. Half of them are probably going to die because all those laws that the government implemented to prevent superheroes from murdering all their arrestees? Yeah, not enforced. At all.

Oh, and don't get me started on how any rehabilitated criminals can barely get a job because they're always delivered as broken shambles that can barely function physically to the prisons. And of course, the prisons don't have any way of fixing the bodily damage superheroes do— and even if they did, they probably wouldn't.

Ugh, this makes me so frustrated. It's so unfair. We learned in school that certain rights are afforded to every human being regardless of their circumstances. This is all clear violation of those rights, but ever since superheroes first started becoming a thing, our basic rights have not been respected.

The world is changing fast, but not for the better...

On the bright side, I finally got that appointment. I can go and forgot my worries for a day. I mean, yeah, it's only a day, but I've heard the services are exquisite. They employ unicorns. Yeah, unicorns. They've only been given official status recently, but someone's already gotten their hands on unicorns. I wonder what corporate bullshit went into that, but fuck, I just want to relax. I'll investigate after my appointment.

Anyway, yeah. Thank you for listening to me, as always, Journal.

I am always happy to listen.

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last edit on Sept 5, 2020 1:35:41 GMT by bc
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 6
[attr="class","sum-sub"]happy beach death


it was the perfect day to go to the beach.


kinda inspired by children of the whales tbh.



there was a beach day planned earlier.

it would have been fun.

we'd have all rolled onto the sand while we were still dry. the sand would have felt soft and smooth. we'd remember to take our shoes off first and set them down neatly, though, so no sand would get into them.

after appreciating the feeling of the sand, some of us would help set up the chairs and shade, while others would ditch and jump into the water. inevitably, we would enact our revenge, and they would splutter for forgiveness, and we'd forgive them, but not without another splashing.

someone would then pull out a beach ball and chuck it at someone else's head— and then it would get loud and rowdy all over again. we'd all kick up a bunch of water, and the other beach go-ers would eye us irritatedly, but we wouldn't care because we're enjoying ourselves, and that's all that matters.

that's all a faraway dream now. the beaches are all torn up and littered with dead bodies and fallen weapons. we're hiding in our houses— doors and windows shut. it doesn't block out the muffled shouts and screams that send a spike of terror down our spines as we pray for each others' safety and our own.

our small world unravels among screams of pain, streets that reek worse than the time someone accidentally spilled fish all over the market square, and the blazing sun of the mid-afternoon.

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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 7


he dances in the rain.


no more brave 10 lasted for three prompts. in my defense, thunderstorms work really well thematically with kamanosuke b/c of his wind powers.



dancing in the storm; the sky crackles underneath kamanosuke's will. wind rolls from his fingertips.

the rain is a force of its own, casting the brave in soaked perfection. he clashes fiercely with it— he will never be "perfect" as a sorrowful maiden blanketed by a doomed sky.

he is perfect in dance. he carries himself with robust elegance that is neither graceful nor clumsy. it is swift and inconsiderate in its pace. the man that matches his speed with tactical carefulness— whose own inconsideration is far more egregious than his— ruins his perfection.

distance makes him vexingly perfect again.


i'm not sure where i was going with this. i think i had some sort of idea for something after i realized kamanosuke wear's an outfit based on saizō's for most of the story. once he gains his full tornado-y powers, he returns back to his old outfit (or something more similar looking anyway). i kinda interpret this as kamanosuke really being unable to grow as a person until he starts thinking beyond saizō. i mean, saizō will always be his obsession, but it's only until he finally starts internalizing his own issues that he's able to finally grow.


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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
834written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
[attr="class","sum-title"]prompt 26
[attr="class","sum-sub"]are you afraid of monsters?


a bartender and a patron talk, or something akin to talking, anyway.


i mean i tried. i'm not good coming up with spooky stories tho ^^;



—where do these stories begin?

grey eyes follow the man wiping the counter down and putting glasses away with a reserved curiosity.

the man pauses and looks up at his last customer. he regards them critically before scoffing, "ask yourself. your answer would be better than mine."

he goes back to cleaning.

the customer does not look offended by the terse reply. rather, they become a little more open about their curiosity.

they think the bartender is an odd person. strangely wonderful, but odd.

—you're odd.

the man sighs and throws their rag down. he lifts his head up and glares at them in annoyance.

"yes, i'm so incredibly odd. especially to you, oh lord of normalcy," he sarcastically says.

—do you not fear death, insulting your lord?

"you're not my lord, and you will not kill me. you still don't have the answer you seek."

—on the contrary, my interaction with you has been quite enlightening. i believe i have my answer, now.

"do you, now? are you going to share your epiphany with the rest of the world, or are they hellbound for eternity?"


"well, are you going to kill me then?"

—i don't think so.

"that's something, i guess. will i be killed anyway?"

—not exactly killed. purified.

"so killed."

—yes, killed.

"wonderful. any way i can avoid that?"

—i'm afraid i'm not looking for any asylum seekers.

"that's a shame. got any work slots for a bartender, though?"

—maybe. depends. are you afraid of monsters?

the man smiles.

"i wouldn't be casually chattin' with you if i were, now would i, fallen lucifer?"


...i mean it was supposed to be more relevant to the prompt, but clearly i'm pretty incapable of that so idk what i was expecting


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