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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
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Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
just comm'd a rlly cool artist for art of my main for almost 3 years and a scene thats just stuck in my head, crying at our exchange going

me: feel free to deprioritize this comm and take your time! i can wait <3
the artist: i'll work on your sketch right now!

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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
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Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
irene Avatar
i wouldn't even know how this would work but i just want to write DUNE!!!!!!!!!!

... or simply intergalactic feuding house of lords  O_o  

literally just got out of the theatre after part 2 and GOD if this aint the biggest mood

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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
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Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
having financial stability has drastically made me go from "adamantly against being treated and spoiled by people" to "excessively treat my friends and family if i know i can afford it"

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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
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CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
She's... pretty.

The Lady d'Aubray is... everything Roma's been told she would be. A lovely painting of lavenders and gemstones, impeccable manners, a smile to make any upstanding noble man go to war in her name. A woman worthy of love, as poets and playwrights and romantics and painters spend their nights and mornings bringing to life. From the first moment he's seen her face, she is easily everything he is meant to love.

And because of that, she isn't.
editing so as to not double-post

So simply, he knows — has a feeling, at least — that all this back and forth Lark commits to hides more. Suggests worse skeletons behind the closet, that she is an imperfect set of flaws and warning signs. Anastasia's had enough bards seduce him before the pointed tip of a dagger teases his back. He knows dances like these, been the player of many waltzes by now, all for the sake of becoming the one on top. But she smiles, and it could be a lie, but he'd take it all the same. Whatever he could get, however small or however far. She could point a knife to his throat and all he'd do is guide her hand to the swiftest strike.
last edit on Mar 7, 2024 17:01:18 GMT by CEL

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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
ninelie Avatar
Wraith Avatar
I had no idea how much I needed "historical story-RPG set in 1905 Warsaw about a ghost detective investigating and solving supernatural mysteries that also happens to have Persona-like combat" until it existed and I listened to a historian talk about its portrayal of history and the particulars of the time. And it has  a very well-measured disclaimer. I have been thinking so much about magic lately and seeing an uncommonly-represented version of it that isn’t just drawing from ideas/aesthetics but attempting to portray how people actually interacted with it at the time --

and it’s isometric.  I'll thank Disco Elysium for opening up a lot of the general gaming public's minds to CRPGs like this.
Holy smokes, did we share the same braincell today?? I was literally thinking about this and now The Thaumaturge is on my Steam Wishlist. It sucks that $30USD is more like $50AUD so it looks like it'll be a next-month purchase but I really can't wait to sink my teeth into it...

holy hell, thank you for dropping the game's name, i'm now absolutely going to check this out.

thank goodness my next paycheck is end of the week....

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
ngl i’m another “writes directly into the box” type, but on the rare chances i don’t, i usually go for:

1) google docs — easy, accessible, straightforward, i can ramble on my phone and then just copy/paste when i’m on a computer later or, as i more often use it for, when it comes to starters or solos since i know i can take days to weeks on those. google docs lets me work on them whenever and have a clear organized archive i can access at any point.

2) phone / tablet notes app — another one i use mainly just for “i have this snippet / passage / post i wanna do but i don’t think i can write it directly into the box rn”. honestly, i also use a private & personal server in discord for these too LMFAO. the easier it is for me to get what i’ve already written and plug it in any time, the better.

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
for as much as me and my coworkers hated the idea of an out of town trip together to the mountains, this is steadily becoming a teen movie plot and it's a pretty good time

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
irene Avatar
been thinking this a lot in general lately, but ppl should make a habit of believing the best in others rather than immediately believing the worst. myself included.

smth i've made it a point to remember this year is the code "don't assume malice, assume ignorance and move on" from people when they've done something seemingly Wrong(TM). and, earnestly, 8 out of 10 times it's lead to a lot less frustration and heartache.

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
Even her humour reminds him of swallowing acid. The sheer thought makes him tap his leg, metal tapping against the marble tiling. When she smiles, his expression only sours. Once upon a time, he wanted power (he still does). These days, he wants dominion (he suspects nothing will be enough). With her, he wants peace (but ask him if he'd relinquish all they've done for this, and Johann would sooner let the Qunari take his good leg too).

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
cannot believe i've reached the stage of my life where i have to be the grizzled jaded and disillusioned mentor giving advice re: getting into my job to a starry eyed fresh graduate. do i need to get a cigar now.

coming soon.