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wolfeearned bits
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The final tally came out to be two chocolate covered deep fried snack cakes on a stick, a large piece of fried dough coated with powdered sugar and cinnamon served in a cardboard box, and a fresh funnel cake served in another cardboard box that was also naturally also covered in powdered sugar. All of the drinks were in mason jars for some reason, so she just got one filled with water because that one was the cheapest. While she had zero issue splurging on food, the idea of paying ten times the cost for sugar water when she had plenty of sugar food was insane to her. It was silly to do unless there was something useful inside like massive amounts of caffeine or something.
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wolfeearned bits
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Having to comment on the occasional app that shoehorns random sexist/racist stuff into fantasyverse really grinds my gears.

Why do people feel the need to try and copy/paste their bad interpretation of medieval Europe into every fantasy setting ever? Like, no. You're not going to give me this BS "but it's biology" crap when the setting literally has superpowers, magic, and giant nightmare monsters and the biology is cherry picked crap to begin with.

Like every time I read some OOC shoehorned crap that's like "Oh no all women are delicate weak flowers who cannot compete with physically stronger men".

I don't know what shitty little bubble that is but keep it away from me. Arguing stuff like "Well in the top 1% of the top 1% of the top 3% of the top 5%..." kind of defeats the purpose of the flippant "but it's biology tho" argument and reveals it for what it is.

Like, in a world where people can lift up cars and throw them at people why do these even come up? Aaaahhh
last edit on May 11, 2020 3:16:09 GMT by wolfe
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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The Dragon Prince has the best opening 3 episodes I can remember from anywhere.

Animation quality is the only downside, but holy moly the rest of it is 10/10 and if the writing/structure remains this good and the animation improves this might be in contention for my favorite show ever.
If you're referring to how "choppy" some of the scenes are, that does get better! I don't remember if it got any better before season two, but it does improve \o/

Yeah, it was the frame rate. It definitely got fixed in Season 2 and my only major complaint was done. It's been a while since a show made me cry that much.

Rayla might be my favorite fictional character of all time. They basically did almost the best possible character with almost every trope/archetype that I enjoy the most.
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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The Dragon Prince has the best opening 3 episodes I can remember from anywhere.

Animation quality is the only downside, but holy moly the rest of it is 10/10 and if the writing/structure remains this good and the animation improves this might be in contention for my favorite show ever.
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wolfeearned bits
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Godmodding corrections are always awk.

Either they go "Oh crap, didn't mean to!" and edit or they double and triple down on it and escalate it from "Hey stop that" to someone way worse I don't wanna deal with.

There are legitimately some characters/concepts that are so fragile I think they only work in fanfiction. If you cannot ever lose and cannot ever be challenged in a situation where your character is wrong and cannot ever fail a task, maybe collaborative writing is not for you. Other people want their characters to win or be "objectively right" at least once in a while, too.

I put "objectively right" in quotation marks because I hate that term and don't think it exists. If someone runs me over but is having a bad day and is tired and their house roof fell in and they have a screaming child in the backseat distracting them I'm still gonna be mad that I got ran over no matter how many excuses are piled on.
last edit on Apr 28, 2020 20:36:47 GMT by wolfe
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wolfeearned bits
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I found the secret to personal productivity.

The secret is wearing pants. I've been scatterbrained and unable to focus for work or school despite mounting deadlines, but I wore pants today and suddenly was able to focus hard enough to pull an all nighter. Pants every day from now on, because that shit is like a +4 Wisdom buff or something crazy. Shorts do not grant this buff no matter how hot the temperature is. Pants are power.
last edit on Apr 6, 2020 8:29:41 GMT by wolfe
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wolfeearned bits
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Apr 5, 2020 4:34:50 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I failed to save some members today now I'll never get my closure. And here I thought I was getting a friendship too. Sorta reminds me of a time when somebody else came to me and I told the head admin who was upset I got the message and wanted me to not be involved when the member felt comfortable talking to me. I left that site, I'm choosing to stay on this one. I blame myself for my own actions, it is as simple as that.

Just noting that everyone loses members due to mistakes. It's inevitable given the social aspect of roleplay and how most roleplayers aren't the best at clearly and honestly giving out what they actually feel about something when it's negative or controversial, myself included. The only thing you can do is be better next time, and if you ever see the member again to handle the relationship better the second go around. I've been amazed at the people who have been willing to give roleplaying with me a second chance in the past when my teenage self decided the moral high ground was more important than... really anything and that attitude led to a few really promising sites dying due to my inability to compromise on anything. A nerd who thinks they're right is the most stubborn force in the universe, I swear.

You're not going to be perfect all the time as a staffer, and thinking you are is unrealistic and will only cause you grief. The best you can do is become self-aware enough to know when you need to step away for a while and reset, which is a skill that anyone reading this can learn faster than me because I'm naturally the type of person who will argue over anything and that bled over and still bleeds over online to degrees which aren't great for staff members of roleplaying sites. Your flaws might be different than mine, but just being self-aware of them goes a long way in mitigating those sorts of things.

Frankly, the fact that you care also helps. Everyone has a nightmare staffer story where they were driven off a site by someone with a power trip and some power online who freaked out over your warrior cat's fur color being the wrong combination or whatever and hated them forever for it. Best of luck to you.
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wolfeearned bits
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Suggested FC: Crownslayer from Arknights

One Paragraph Character Pitch: โ€Redโ€ is a fox faunus who acts as the personal assistant to Knight in a very โ€˜eccentric teacher to impressionable studentโ€™ fashion. She served in the Faunus War as a messenger in a noncombat role on account of being middle school aged before her life was wrecked by the conflict. She has a strong character bond with Knight who served with โ€œRedโ€ in the Faunus War and was mentored by her father who died in the Battle of Fort Castle. Even though she was shipped back to Menagerie a few months before the war ended due to injury, โ€œRedโ€ never integrated well within the civilian population due to lingering PTSD, grief for her fatherโ€™s death, and anger that the peace the war won was so insufficient compared to the lives lost. โ€œRedโ€ is not so much a devoted criminal as someone who believes that the government still sees Faunus as subhuman and refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of such an institution. She needs power to change the situation of herself and others, and wealth is the fastest way to acquiring that power โ€“ and crime is just about the only way that a faunus with little formal education and no job experience outside of the war and bounty hunting can make a stable living.


Suggested FC: Jekyll from Fate/Prototype

One Paragraph Character Pitch: โ€œScoutโ€ is an nineteen year old who really never had a fair shake in life no matter how you slice it. His father was an innkeeper who refused to pay the necessary bribes to the Artisan Guild and thus had his inn burned to ashes by the time โ€œScoutโ€ was ten by the racket. Police in the pocket of the Mistral Council were of no help whatsoever, and the formerly middle class family had to make do with the scraps โ€“ less than scraps, really, since the father was blacklisted from anything close to his former line of work by the all powerful Artisan Guild and forced along with his mother to be janitors and maids to those too wealthy to check blacklists. One day when โ€œScoutโ€ was sixteen, however, his father got drunk and said the wrong things to the wrong people โ€“ bad things about the Council and how he was going to get revenge that were overheard by the wrong people who had him arrested and then executed for treason against the state. Mother is alive but sickly, and what is a young man forced to drop out of high school early to support his family and associated with a convicted traitor supposed to do but turn to the local criminal organizations for a paycheck like so many others?


Suggested FC: Cu Chulainn from Fate/Grand Order

One Paragraph Character Pitch: โ€œVanguardโ€ is a young man unconcerned with weighty ethical dilemmas of good and evil, and prefers to get things done. A wanderer who a few years ago failed the psychological evaluation to get into Atlas Academy and worked as a mercenary and bounty hunter ever since, โ€œVanguardโ€ doesnโ€™t have the strongest ties to any one place. He spent most of the last year in Vacuo working as a bounty hunter in frequent cooperation with Knight, who never failed to provide a high risk environment to throw himself into. Heโ€™s not personally committed to Asche much at all, and largely is only there because Knight -- a danger magnet if there ever was one -- invited him along for the ride. If it fails, โ€œVanguardโ€ knows that the spiral will take out half of a city district with it and if it succeedsโ€ฆ well, it never hurts to have friends in high places because you never know when youโ€™ll need a favor from up high.
last edit on Apr 6, 2020 2:10:32 GMT by wolfe
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Sorry you had that experience !

It could just be the circles I've personally roleplayed in but I've never really seen that level of micromanagement when it comes to FCs. The attitude I have is the attitude I normally get expressed to me by other friends who run/staff sites insofar as even if we might not particularly like an FC or style personally that isn't really grounds for vetoing an FC. I personally only veto FCs if they're creepy -- like the age minimum for characters on my site right now is 18 and if the FC is clearly like 10 I'm going to veto it every time.

You get the occasional person who is just malicious with it, but I find it really unusual that they wouldn't allow Yennefer who has I assume a metric fuckton of drawn fanart. I could definitely see people not wanting to have phone screenshots of the character you made on Dark Souls or whatever and outlawing in-game photos but general art I find to be weird to disallow. The only way I can see using veto on someone aside from creepy reasons is if someone is clearly malicious with it. An example that I thankfully haven't gotten in years is the individual who believes that FCs are a sin upon the Earth but still decides they want to RP on your site and submit a literal stick figure as their FC. The only thing I've seen animanga sites reject a decent amount is self-art, likely from experiences of those sorts of people who clearly put zero effort stick figures in out of spite of being forced to use a FC in the first place.

Maybe others can chime in with what they've seen. Every site I've been on has basically had 1-2 people at least who pulled some weird shit out for their FCs but it was done in good faith and nobody cared.
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wolfeearned bits
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Honestly the only problem I ever have with FCs/Site Graphics as a personal pet peeve is when people seem to go out of their way to use the shittiest visual quality FC they can. I haven't seen anyone care about most video game MCs but if you around apping this I'ma look at you sideways. It takes more effort to dredge up some old ass game screenshot to not crop and then stuff into picture fields than it does to actually do it correctly. Okay the refusal to crop images and just stuff an image not even close to the size asked for and letting auto-resize fuck their shit up is a much more common issue nowadays for me that grinds my gears but back in the day I absolutely did see people go out of their way to use the jankiest video game FCs possible on sites.

It's even worse if there's a newer game with much better quality or it's the generic white dude with brown hair and 5 o'clock shadow that literally every action game has. Like I promise there's more than one generic white dude you can use as an FC, don't assault my eyes with PS1 Hagrid.

last edit on Mar 23, 2020 18:13:05 GMT by wolfe