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Elemental Enthusiast
982written posts
Mariearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Mari Avatar
eternally tired
okay so this wasn't exactly intended as a posting template or anything like that, but I made this a few years ago and figured it might be what you'd be looking for?

You're free to make edits, but please leave the credit somewhere visible and clickable on the template.
Elemental Enthusiast
982written posts
Mariearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Mari Avatar
eternally tired
lumin Avatar
Mari Avatar
I've just been looking at Soulbound like... I want to give it another try but I know I won't be able to make it "good enough" for other people's standards (man, y'all are spoiled when it comes to certain things/themes in forum RP)
I mean quite frankly, as long as you yourself as the creator and partaker can enjoy the site, who gives a fuck what other people think -- like yeah, members are important and all cause you need activity but like as you said, some people have their own set of standards and honestly? some of them are so ridiculously high that maybe they should just make their own site if they're so particular. (but naturally this leads into the topic that rp in itself has become a rather expensive hobby for those who lack the proper coding knowledge; understand this isn't a dig at people who sell skins because it's important they get paid for the work they put in so long as it's their own original work) I don't know, I personally feel that you don't need a large member base to be successful, you just need those who are willing to put in the activity and creativity to make it enjoyable. people become so concerned over numbers that they often overlook the talent of the few members that opt to stick around.

tl;dr: quality over quantity ig

I completely get where you're coming from and I fully agree. (and ngl, I would much rather have a small close-knit group to RP with than have a huge userbase that may or may not have gotten out of hand)

My main problem is that this site of mine never got enough members to stay active for longer than a week or two in my past attempts at getting it off the ground. I might try rebooting it again but I'm afraid it'll be the same :/
Elemental Enthusiast
982written posts
Mariearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Mari Avatar
eternally tired
I've just been looking at Soulbound like... I want to give it another try but I know I won't be able to make it "good enough" for other people's standards (man, y'all are spoiled when it comes to certain things/themes in forum RP)