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Whammychuearned bits
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Depending on the details, I'm up for an MMORPG site. Had an idea for one but have ended up doing something else, but still kind of want to give it a try again.
WH  E N .....

i'm still dying for an mmorpg site like an sao-based thing with crafting, leveling, drops, pve, pvp, all the 9 yards
I will say that there are two things I'd like to see that I usually don't see in sites like this (minus, like, one site that was based on Log Horizon):

1) Cross-play
2) Non-human or human like races (like elves).

Opening up player character design offers up a lot of fun opportunities for characters and/or humor as people get freedom to explore those type of things I also have artwork of a lizardfolk OC I'd like to be using more often..

I will admit I'm not quite big on the death-games aspect of SAO, though, but I can also see why having some stakes set out of the game helps make it a VR-MMORPG intead of just a fantasy world with game mechanics.
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Whammychuearned bits
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Will just say that these are all fair points on panfandoms. I just have a preference towards more slice of life stuff, so I always felt a bit weird with a bigger plot going on in the background. I guess to get the vibe I was thinking of you'd probably really need to restrict to a particular genre where it wouldn't feel "weird" for them to theoretically live in the same world to start with (Marvel-DC cross-over sites, Disney sites, etc.), which I guess isn't quite in the spirit of panfandom.
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Whammychuearned bits
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a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
1. yes layback panfandoms, thank you. I just take one look, quickly close the site saying "nope, ain't worth it. probably die anyway.. or stress me out"

2. YES AU... THANK YOu...

3. YES Zelda Kick Ganon's Butt!  [or cough Ganon be a good guy, girl can hope]

4. Lore breaking = Rp Bonding

Another thought on panfandoms:  why do so many have the "characters have mysteriously arrived in this world" plotlines. Maybe this is just my view on "laidback", but that kind of set-up implies some larger mystery or arc and introduces a lot of anxiety for characters who might be really interested in getting back home. I mean, better than isekai anime "you got hit by a truck and died" set-ups, but I've always panfandoms that try and integrate the worlds a little better so you don't get that kind of implied overarching plot.
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Whammychuearned bits
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a panfandom that's actually laidback on activity and doesn't force you to jump through hoops just to keep your characters. or to app more of them.

but also one that lets you take characters from any canon point (or if they die before the show ends) because listen... i want to see shenanigans like an adult naruto dealing with a teenage sasuke or a dramatic reunion of l with the fashion police and pajama boy and no one can stop me. and maybe aus too because listen i want to see a zelda from a universe where she beat up ganon herself and i'm not gonna lie about that. (no but honestly though this all just opens a whole lot more potential for characters and plots and i am so here for it.)
I was on a panfandom that allowed that once. I was Nick Wilde post-Zootopia movie, someone else was playing Judy from near the start. Oh the awkwardness had for Nick trying to figure out his feelings lol (because yes, I'm all on board that Nick x Judy ship). So can recommend that it can lead for some interesting plots.
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Whammychuearned bits
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I've been doing some advertisement stuff for a site these last few days, and I'm kind of confused by the whole "Accepted Ads" thing. I'm mostly confused when people put up explicit rules on "Oh, you can only bump your site X amount of times a month". But, all the ads got moved from like First Time (or whatever it's called) to Accepted Ads, and just...I don't have the time? When I'm doing an ad campaign I'm hitting like a dozen or two sites at a time at minimum. I'm not going to be looking at anything past the "First Time" board, so either I see my site ad is still there, or I'm posting. Don't have time to go digging through to make absolutely sure my ad isn't a repeat.

Also, make it easy to find your ad section, please. But that also speaks to a larger pet peeve of site skins that don't make clear distinctions between categories, boards, and sub-boards.
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Whammychuearned bits
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I would say, wait a little longer for an mmorpg :eyes: soon
why can I only like something once like hello I wanna hit like 20 million times right now because I'm so excited!
Depending on the details, I'm up for an MMORPG site. Had an idea for one but have ended up doing something else, but still kind of want to give it a try again.
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Whammychuearned bits
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So, just for reference, the "Presented by Bethesda" thing is mostly a catchy sales pitch: my plan was original setting so there's freedom to do things. Still want to do fantasy, though: magic systems offer so many fun ways to mess up. Plus, I already had character art for an OC at the time I first tried this idea. I've used it for some other places too (using the character in a Dungeon World RP), but it'd also be good to bring her back to her roots XD.

As for glitched characters, I think that would be one way to do it as well. I mean, corrupted files and broken characters are part of the charm as well (though not corrupted to the point of being unplayable, of course). Key thing here is figuring out how to organize the mechanic. Again, people could choose to incorporate a glitch from the get-go, or maybe have a roll table that has a low probability of maybe a positive "glitch" of some sort but a lot of bad ones.
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Whammychuearned bits
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So, since this got some interest in the Quick Interest Check, figured a full Interest Check would be worthwhile.
A few years back I was looking for a VR-MMORPG site to play on but I didnโ€™t quite like most of the ones around. There was still the tinge of SAO, so there was a tendency towards death games and player characters being purely human (or, like, maybe elves). Felt a little stale, was all.

At the same time, there was a meme going around for Skyrim and Fallout about โ€œIs this a bug or feature?โ€ and Bethesda responding โ€œYesโ€. So, it hit me: what if Bethesda made a VR-MMORPG (related, I feel vindicated by this idea due to Fallout 76)?

The central concept of the idea was that the stakes of a death game were replaced by some system of having threads and story lines glitched out. Who needs death when loading the game (starting the thread) risks everything from your character model failing to load, leaving you nothing by a floating set of armor and eyeballs? Broken quest lines, exploits, glitches, all sorts of fun things could be used to basically create a bit of a dark humor parody of the โ€œtrapped in a video gameโ€ setting, minus the actually being trapped. Heck, allowing for maybe some real life RPing as well offers new opportunities, like characters who play animal folks waking up to the real world and realizing their brain still thinks theyโ€™re supposed to have a tail and just freaking out about it not actually being there!

Sadly, other than getting a name, a Jcink forum, and some site design started, I didnโ€™t actually get the site up and running (real life grad school stuff). But, Iโ€™m at a point where I can afford to get things going even if maybe not an admin in the long run (again, PhD student, job market and teaching and research isโ€ฆyeah).

Here were some broad ideas on how the concept of โ€œgame still in developmentโ€ allows for some interesting RPing potential:

1) Glitching: Players can agree to either build glitches into their thread or maybe allow for a randomization system of some sort (have a table of various glitches, people roll to see what one they get for that thread). Have to figure out how to balance between glitches being interesting and just screwing over players, though (oh the standard GM dilemma).

2) Site events and updates can be dealt with IC as feedback and the company tries to figure out the best way to market and โ€œfixโ€ this game, allowing for things to be rather weird compared to the standard stuff. Can call site updates "Patch Notes", which is cute.

3) Not having the โ€œTrapped in a gameโ€ aspect allows for some out of game interactions, and I already offered an example of how things transfer over from game to real life, but this is something to work on more.

So, this is just to get things started up and looking for feedback/interest/etc.
last edit on Jun 10, 2019 17:30:44 GMT by Whammychu
28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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YA agreed. I been wanting to RP Dipper hardcore, he's just....So ME LMAO.
lol snort.

Kingdom hearts 90's Shows and Disney Shows. [just make it tv video game themed XD]

I'm down with Bill Cipher breaking everything.  [and flowey..... and Chara...... and Bill Cipher]
I was on a site like this once, or at least had allowed it. I played Doofenshmirtz, but sadly it didn't quite work out well enough for me to really do much with him. But yeah, I love me some anime panfandoms, but one marketed towards Western shows would be good to: I can think of a decent number of ones I'd want to try out.

Edit: Do feel like pointing out the like one decent scene I was able to get with Doofenshmirtz was him hiring Harley Quinn as a new employee (there was no Joker on the board). So that was fun.
last edit on Jun 8, 2019 13:29:17 GMT by Whammychu
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Whammychuearned bits
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Almost didn't see the Intro Board.

Anyway, the name is Whammy. The 'Chu is a more recent addition as I've long been using a Pikachu avatar among my friends and, well, now 'Chu just came part of the nickname.

I've been roleplaying for at least a decade now I believe -think-. Yeah, started in late middle school, now a sixth year PhD student in political science (would have graduate this year but sadly academic job market didn't work out, but got funding for another year). I've taken a break from roleplaying on forums the last few years cause of the previous, but now that I got a draft of a dissertation I'm in a bit of a better position to start picking things up. I just miss the old hobby is all, and the occasional burst of Discord RP I get with my friends doesn't quite satisfy the itch.

I've already posted a few ideas of RPs in the Interest Check area, but just briefly I mostly specialize in more slice-of-life settings and characters. My two longest running sites I ever ran were based on Clannad (actually, those members are still running the site, so good for them a decade later) and MLP so...yeah, I really enjoy just doing cute stuffs. Have some experience with more shonen battle series (Naruto probably the most common experience I've had). I've also enjoyed the occasional medieval fantasy setting (I'm in a tabletop group for Dungeon World right now...that has trouble meeting), sci-fi (like Mass Effect), etc. But at the end of the day, the slice-of-life is really my bread and butter. I just like fun scenes between characters, comedic interactions, a little bit of romance and drama.
last edit on Jun 8, 2019 3:36:43 GMT by Whammychu
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Whammychuearned bits
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Idea Two from "sites I started building but never finished" (hope it's okay I did a second post in a row: trying to respect the "one idea per post" rule"

I love slice-of-life animes: romantic comedies, dramas, comedies, etc. Problem is most of them probably can't sustain a site on their own. So, why not just smush them together into one panfandom for slice of life anime? And not the "whisked into an unknown world they can't escape" plotlines - never liked those. I'm talking just all these shows co-exist in one shared universe. Your Ouran Host Clubs, your Fruit Baskets, your Interviews with Monster Girls, etc. Could expand to allow characters from things not slice-of-life oriented if made more tone appropriate. It was this type of RP that got me started in RPs, and man I just really miss it.
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Whammychuearned bits
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Idea One from "sites I started building but never finished"

It was an idea I had for a more comedic spin on the VR-MMORPG genre where the central concept was the game was in beta-testing. I originally pitched it "Imagine if SAO was run by Bethesda", something that has become even more hilarious retrospectively after seeing how Fallout 76 went. I actually do have a site, but things got stopped on trying to get site aesthetic/documentation going.

One core mechanic of the site, that would be admittedly hard to manage, was allow for people to roll for "glitches" to occur in their threads to represent the buggy nature of the game. People fall through floors, bad AI, character glitches out and you suffer in agony as your player character model starts just scrambling worse than eggs at a Waffle House. Would require a bit of management, which is tricky. Also had a cute idea of site updates being "Patch Notes." Plus, the nature of the site would allow for plenty of experimentation in the site, the story, etc. as the "company" in charge tries whacky things to improve the quality of the game.
last edit on Jun 8, 2019 3:03:13 GMT by Whammychu