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kaeearned bits
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witching hour Avatar
been mad depressed lately but gotta keep up the vibes, gonna crash hard when it finally hits

dw. if you crash we'll be your airbags.

we may not have passed the safety test, but we'll still deploy on impact i think.
84written posts
kaeearned bits
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shiv Avatar
the way pixel-perfect is mentioned in tvtropes

this the equivalent of when you're at work and have a less than stellar experience with a colleague and say 2 urself:

"got damn they just let anybody in here"
last edit on Sept 5, 2022 2:19:55 GMT by kae
84written posts
kaeearned bits
Junior Member
kae Avatar
hell, i thread with even tho he leaves me on read half the time :pepesleep:


now idk why u are lying 2 these good ppl.

our last rp together i was waiting on your post mam tyvm.

EDIT: to add more 2 the conversation, imo a good character can only be propelled forth by a good author. good characters can great great plots/interaction. but the writer and person behind the character can really create the magic. there's a rper oocly named strider that excels in this and he probably could give more input. a lot more. but his uncanny ability to bring together dozens of characters and plots is pretty amazing imo.

but by nature his ooc personality is the type of the guy that is at your neck and always hitting you up for this or that. he's like the guy you avoid making eye contact w/ when they come at your window with a squeegee and you're at a stop light and then you just politely say no ty because lord knows wats in that bucket or how that puddle water entered the bucket.

that being said, he also is willing to put his character in certain spots (as long as it makes sense) and be on the bottom instead of the top as long as it servers a narrative of pushing a cohesive plot together w/ multiple chars.

to this very day i call him rp ragnarok because when he gets burnt out the whole massive rp plot intertwining spider web burns with his muse. however, i never deny him the power to rope tons of people into a singular storyline and MAKE people feel important and experience significant character growth/hardships.

that being said, IMO, ppl like him are a dime a dozen.

i think the secret however is networking and putting yourself out there the same way you receive that random text asking "will you be voting for phim for governor of PP" and you look at your phone like "??? these mfers are hitting the campaign trail hard. how did they get my number???". people are creatures that stick 2 comforts understandably. so many of us either stick to familiar groups and there's a few people that reach out with open threads and etc, but ppl are so rooted to their familiarities that they don't stretch out. but to move site plot, a lot of people have to be willing to exit their comfort zone and tread in the no mans land of "idk who tf this person is but lets try something diff". and who knows, you may have a shit thread and be like good lord what have i done.

But you mite have an amazing time, make a new friend, and have a personal sub plot go or an addition to the main plot. the pluses definitely outweigh the minuses.

however as a community, we have to be willing 2 take that leap of faith no matter how many times we fail on both sides and go through some failure before we can emerge victorious.

tldr; it's not really the character imo, though they have to be somewhat compelling ofc but different types of characters whether passive/aggressive can server different plot purposes and still have a role. however to push the site plot agenda we have to be more adventurous/collaborative/vocal as writers so we can assist staff team's that want to see/hear their members actively engaging and affecting plot decisions.

president kae out.

last edit on Jul 25, 2022 6:38:33 GMT by kae
84written posts
kaeearned bits
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Galeforce Avatar
okay, hear me out. an rp inspired by a mixture of street fighter, tekken, and early dragon ball/z. where the biggest boast was that some martial artist blew a hole in the moon a thousand years ago. where the earthen government tries to control the rise of ki/spirit users with special programs and initiatives afraid of losing its dwindling power. where space travel and planetary colonization have become the next "new frontier". and where space-faring aliens are vying for power in the greater galaxies with an unprepared humanity completely oblivious to the galactic struggle. and somewhere in there, there's a new worldwide tournament ready to crown the newest "world champ" for the next coming decade. so, one big epic 80's/90's shounen anime rp, basically.

ngl u ate this up.

i felt like i was sitting on a rug floor watching toonami when i read this
last edit on Jul 8, 2022 21:10:13 GMT by kae
84written posts
kaeearned bits
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VMMORPG / isekai that allows non-canon characters from all universes to be created. [[ soft ]] stat system with narrative leeway.

oh wow.

i'm glad to know that asch is still doing well and his creativity is still thriving.

i haven't seen that man in like a decade and a half, but i always thought his products were cool.
84written posts
kaeearned bits
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kae Avatar
WFH is so divine that I never want to go back to the medieval pre-covid days
but kae kae

what about foosball tables or free-bagel Fridays or the bevi machine and its 2945724588 flavors

i can only be fooled by the friday morning donuts/kolaches and the quarterly pizza parties 4 so long phim phim
84written posts
kaeearned bits
Junior Member
kae Avatar
government said there was a chicken wing shortage.

but government never said there was a shortage of chickens.

govt pushin ppl to eat chicken thighs, but 1 chicken only has 2 thighs.

but same 2 thigh chickens have 2 wings so we still gonna be goin thru chikin wing

whats the truth govt???
last edit on May 20, 2022 0:07:27 GMT by kae