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Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
upcoming winter storm means a great way to be productive and finishing a goal i set out, turns out my goal was to listen to horror stories and not get anything finished for this site :')
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Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
shizuka Avatar

as an artist i want to make the kind of art that amazing graphic artists like you all would icon. but i don't know what's the secret to getting that a e s t h e t i c that is yanno, the look. that perfect aesthetic you always carefully select from dozens of fanart. the right composition and positioning of the face, the expression, the colors, the colors, oh my gosh the colors. can ya'll like... teach me lol. *reaches out my hand half way*
i follow you on twitter and holy moly your linework and colouring is absolutely gorgeous! i'd definitely would icon, the aesthetics is definitely spot on for a defined look (if that makes sense).

you're slaying it out there!!! b l e s s you
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Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
After watching #Alive and various other zombie flicks (and playing games where the premise is human instinctual survival with zombies), I have so much drive for writing this site--

Tune in next week where my brain shuts down as I try my hand at implementing this wip skin on jcink :'D

Coding gods please bless me, I am nervous as hecc
115written posts
Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
it's a new year, you are closer to your ambitions and dreams that you have worked hard on. keep it up, and be sure to relax and know there are people out there to support you.

have a good year everyone!
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Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
Zombie Apocalypse with DnD Elements
I know I'm not the first nor am I going to be the last person, but, the idea of a zombie apocalypse site has always made me get really excited, but they usually don't last too long.

After mulling it over, I thought about how to approach it and one of the many ways is via Episodes. The site will start with Episode One: The Pilot; where it introduces the virus first hand and it just seems a bit sketchy, but the CDC has told everyone that you need to go have checkups with doctors. Within all the episodes themselves, there will be certain events that tie in to what will happen -- just by Episode One, the virus has spread and hysteria has taken over the people (some people believe it to be fake some believe it to be true).

As each episode passes, there will be more hysteria and suddenly, the ending of your humanity to the start of the Zombie Apocalypse where the main attraction comes in. Will there be a true ending (where the site will end end), yes. But that is far into the future, and how many people will live until the ending of it? Who knows really.

so the nitty gritty details are going to be in a spoiler.
Member classes are going to be limited in the beginning, a rise of them will come in Episodes to come! So far, myself and have written down: Tanks, Brawlers, Medics, Scouts and Seekers. Because it has Dungeons and Dragons flavours to it, there will also be certain perks that each class will have expertise in and what they can start with!

What about stats? We're still discussing if we're going to do the standard RPG six stats (Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, etc) or go with a simplified version (Health, Attack, Defense, Endurance, & Luck). There are pros and cons to both, but of course this mechanic will be a bit for later as we iron out the details of the story setting.

Levels? Are they Milestone or XP? I love milestone, but I also hate it at the same time as it gives in no direction a way for me to properly integrate it-- so, we're going with good ol' XP where even social threading will give you XP for your characters.

Crafting! You want to add nails to your bat? Go for it, you get an additional +1 to your attack. Wanna make some form of Adrenaline Shot that has some compound element of healing? Sure! Crafting on the site is flexible, we're going to make it basic and easy to understand -- and a downside will be that only certain groups would be able to make certain items (ie medics will be the only ones to create medical type supplies).

Virus mutation, what will it be? In all honesty, there will be inspirations from Last of Us to even the scary af running zombies of WWZ (video game). But, as it takes right now, that will come for the future!
115written posts
Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
me: wow this code looks so good!
*looks away for a few seconds to play gacha game*
guess i gotta sketch a new design and hope it looks nice in code
115written posts
Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
revisiting old codes and inspiration hit as soon as i began listening to music -- holy duck i feel like i have the energy to make lots of templates and put them into compilations

but do i have the courage to post them for public use? idk