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the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
935written posts
citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
citrinitas Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
i've started adding an optional relationship tracker section when i make skins for sites. the most recent one is a profile field that appears on the main profile.

i love relationship trackers but don't make them mandatory because not everyone is that meticulous, but it's fun to give that option to those that are.
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
935written posts
citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
citrinitas Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
repurposing the account of the one we are currently reviewing, creating a whole new character concept separate from the one you just submitted, and writing the entire app start to finish is not the appropriate reaction to staff saying "we are willing to work with you so long as you are willing to work with us".

tldr: it's annoying when people don't work with you and just do their own thing without telling you what they're gonna do.
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
935written posts
citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
citrinitas Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
evarain Avatar
A soul eater, any of the persona 3, 4, 5, golden, .hack//sign or inuyasha ( i started working on one long, long ago but idk if i have the courage to ever open it to the public ) themed rp site.
(ears perk up at the .hack mention)
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
935written posts
citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
citrinitas Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
zefinnian Avatar
quick interest check for a survival roleplay?

thinking of setting the events of in arc style chapters? for example.

chapter / arc one = the first victim via the illness that's been going around, setting off a chain reaction

chapter / arc two = first zombie is spotted , detained and eliminated 

chapter / arc three = the zombies are piling up and the town is thrown into chaos

and then so on from there. I'm thinking survivor groups start forming, I'm thinking bounties and quests (i.e. obtaining supplies from a zombie infected hospital), npc zombies popping into threads, fate system, etc. Would anyone be interest in something like this? The skin will be done next week
this is a really cool idea and, if planned carefully, it could be executed wonderfully. a roleplay with a set goal, a pre-determined "structure" is actually a fun idea to consider. especially since we're all too caught up in the idea of telling our stories and molding the overarching story to match the ones we want to tell. being given a direction and being told, "this will happen. you get to decide how to react to it, but it will still happen regardless." is fun to consider. like we're all actors in a slightly impromptu play. having a script but being able to ad-lib certain sections.
