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Elemental Enthusiast
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I both love and hate the Mad King's Clock Tower (Guild Wars 2 halloween event thing)

On one hand, it's a waaaaaay too difficult jumping puzzle for me
On the other one, it's addictive to try and get just a little bit further than the last time each time I try it

last edit on Oct 24, 2020 10:12:52 GMT by Mari
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Deletedearned bits
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I'm perpetually disappointed at games with fake dialogue choices.

Not enough to drop them, mind, and I know why they do it. It's supposed to feel impactful and interactive, like you're defining your own character and not just a voyeur watching a scripted encounter.

But when a conversation doesn't actually branch, and all your choices are just different flavours of the same comment that you know will be dismissed with that "Ha ha, you're so funny, Main Character!"-type reply, it just feels even worse to me. Like you're a wooden puppet and completely irrelevant to the world.

I'd rather have the pre-written dialogue at that point.
phantom of the black parade
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Ngl very tempted to buy the subscription and expansions for FFXIV. The Gunbreaker looks hella cool.

you can, but honestly, unless there's something specific you want that you can't access (like free companies), i'd recommend putting off buying the sub + expansion until you hit level 60 / the end of heavensward.

it just. maximizes the amount of free time you can have on the account (especially since once you get the expansion, you can't downgrade to the trial for that unlimited play time - also it's not a bad thing anyway since i think you can't access red mage + samurai without having another class at level 50/60 and gunbreaker + dancer until 60/70)
last edit on Dec 7, 2020 0:15:30 GMT by Kuroya

Rodent King
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where fears and lies melt away.
FFXIV is my first MMO with assigned roles like DPS, Tank, and Healer. While I'm familiar enough with concepts from just having been around on the internet long enough. Can I just say, the fact all the Tanks are sword wielders makes me sad. I prefer using swords in my fantasy games. But I don't trust myself enough to Tank, especially because it's such a vital role to the party.
phantom of the black parade
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4,356written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Mouse Avatar
FFXIV is my first MMO with assigned roles like DPS, Tank, and Healer. While I'm familiar enough with concepts from just having been around on the internet long enough. Can I just say, the fact all the Tanks are sword wielders makes me sad. I prefer using swords in my fantasy games. But I don't trust myself enough to Tank, especially because it's such a vital role to the party.

samurai use swords (samurai swords but still), red mages use rapiers (alongside their magic but i love being able to dart in and slash with my sword before backflipping away off a cliff), and rogues / ninjas use dual daggers (which yeah not swords but close-ish?) if you want a dps role that uses a sword even if it's not one of the big swords like the tanks have
last edit on Dec 9, 2020 1:06:42 GMT by Kuroya

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shanimalearned bits
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of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
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FFXIV is my first MMO with assigned roles like DPS, Tank, and Healer. While I'm familiar enough with concepts from just having been around on the internet long enough. Can I just say, the fact all the Tanks are sword wielders makes me sad. I prefer using swords in my fantasy games. But I don't trust myself enough to Tank, especially because it's such a vital role to the party.
samurai use swords (samurai swords but still), red mages use rapiers (alongside their magic but i love being able to dart in and slash with my sword before backflipping away off a cliff), and rogues / ninjas use dual daggers (which yeah not swords but close-ish?) if you want a dps role that uses a sword even if it's not one of the big swords like the tanks have

red mage bias here as it's my main class, but the sword pirate wizard aesthetic is the coolest. it's also a really easy class to learn with a very simple rotation. here's one of the rapiers in action, totally not an excuse to show off my wol.

Rodent King
1,729written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Kuroya Avatar
samurai use swords (samurai swords but still), red mages use rapiers (alongside their magic but i love being able to dart in and slash with my sword before backflipping away off a cliff), and rogues / ninjas use dual daggers (which yeah not swords but close-ish?) if you want a dps role that uses a sword even if it's not one of the big swords like the tanks have

I forgot the Samurai was a class in the game actually >.< as cool as the katana is tho that wasn't really what I was picturing. I think once I get more familiar with the game I'll give one of the tank classes a try tho. The edgelord in me wants to play as a Dark Knight ngl.
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mageearned bits
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red mage bias here as it's my main class, but the sword pirate wizard aesthetic is the coolest. it's also a really easy class to learn with a very simple rotation. here's one of the rapiers in action, totally not an excuse to show off my wol.

just joining in the red mage appreciation bias here. bc it is the coolest.

ffxiv was also my first mmo too! and i normally don't like playing mmos or anything multiplayer. 
i would watch videos on how tanking works to get a feel for it, plus ppl are pretty nice anyways when you're trying out roles (from my experience anyway from switching to try healing). and just stick to the lower lvl dungeons to get a bit more confident and then move up? that's how i did it when my friends weren't around to join me. 

omg this is making me want to resub now lol but i gotta wait till finals are over.