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threat issued, promise kept

the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
20. after hitting rock bottom, you're going nowhere but up
feat. eli / sequel to 27. free fall / prequel to 06. how have you been?

"Oh, good, you're awake."

you blink. the overhead lights are blinding.

"You know, you're very lucky to be here. And, I suppose, I am very lucky that you're here."

Where is here? you want to say. Who are you? but your mouth won't move. you soon realize that the rest of you won't -- can't -- either, that you're wearing nothing but a full-body cast and an IV needle in your arm, strapped down to some kind of hard surface (operating table?) as the woman in the thick glasses continues fussing over you.

"The problem with prisoners is that they get so upset when you break their bones, and there's only so many you can do at a time before they get unduly stressed out. Causes abnormalities with the data. But what an unexpected gift I should be given - you, a complete model I can perform all the tests on at once, perfectly relaxed, perfectly loyal, completely compliant - you will be compliant, yes? blink once for yes, twice for no."

you stare blankly. the woman snaps her fingers in front of your face.

"Hey. I know you're in there. Not terribly bright, I suppose, you grunts are all the same, but it'll have to do for our purposes. This is the last time I'm going to repeat myself, understood? I'm asking you if you intend to cooperate. Blink once for yes. Twice for no."

you squeeze your eyes shut, then slowly open them again.


out of the corner of your eye, you can see her load something into a syringe.

"If this works out, you're going to be a hero to all of those men.

"You'll be a hero to me. To science."

this is gonna suck, isn't it, you think, before she injects your leg, and it does, and you can't even scream.

"Did that hurt?"



over the following days, she does your other leg, your arms, your neck, your spine, and as you feel your bones stitching themselves back together she pokes and prods and assaults you with the same barrage of inane questions (does it hurt? yes, yes, the answer is always yes) and there are times when the only thing that's keeping you going is the knowledge that you've survived worse, and the knowledge that if you wuss out now, what's awaiting you will be worse.

finally, mercifully, when you're not sure how many days have passed, you're let out of the cast, and can flex your legs again.

they work.

they work beautifully. you feel faster and stronger than you ever did before.

"How do you feel?" a question you can answer more than yes or no to.


you're weighed. you've dropped a good ten pounds since your last check-in.

sadly, it did nothing for your height.

"So? Am I free to rejoin my unit?"

the scientist grins at you, her glasses flashing in the light.

"We're moving on to the next phase."

you catch the bullet in your shoulder. you don't even flinch. only wince slightly as a team digs the metal out of your flesh, measures the size of the perforation, collects the trickle of blood.

"Five yards closer. Again."

you walk forward on unsteady legs. you're not feeling great at this juncture, but good enough to pass a sobriety test.

the gun fires, again and again. it's a bit louder, hurts a bit more.

you do your best not to flinch.

six months later, you're medically cleared to go back to the front.

your pack feels surprisingly light as you trod back to your old squad, but your heart is uneasy. will they welcome you back? will they even still recognize you? you certainly don't feel like any kind of a hero, despite the cheers and smiles from the scientists when you left.



"Where the hell have you been, man?"

"Getting stronger." you sling the pack off your shoulder. "Want a demo?"

that night, you beat the crap out of Odysseus for the first time, and it feels so good.
last edit on May 14, 2024 20:52:50 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
23. unto the breach once more, with feeling
feat. eli / prequel to 29. coming home

it's Armistice Day. as usual, you take a personal day off, and as usual, no one says anything about it.

you open the mini-fridge, pull out a cold green apple-flavored energy drink, and crack it open, alongside your pocketbook.

then you sit back on your bed, slump backward against the wall, and let yourself drift.

hey, guys.

it's been another year. and guess what. I'm still alive. kinda messed up, isn't it? always thought I was gonna die in the war. then after I didn't a few times, we started joking that there wasn't a man alive who could kill me.

well, I've had a few close calls. but managed to scrape through, for the most part.

I still miss y'all, though.

wherever you are.

I'll see you someday. but not yet. ain't fixin' to die for a long, long time.

Hector... you always did know how to make me laugh. coulda used some of that this year. year was rough. money's tight, and the Captain and the XO fight a lot. I still can't believe the report, you know. that guy you knifed before they shot you up, did you know... nah. probably just a dumb coincidence. still, what a way to go out. I'd say you didn't deserve it, but you'd probably laugh at me.

didja know, they don't let me talk at the strategy meetings anymore? yeah, turns out "kick in the door and shoot everything that moves" ain't real popular around here. this crew at least, they do things different.

I wish you coulda been here to see it.

Ares, Apollo... you two first, I guess. get it over with. we never got on. I know that. you know that. still. I can't say I'm happy about it. suppose some things just are, and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.

Theseus... ya dumb kid.

I know it wasn't my fault.

sometimes mistakes just happen. and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.

damn shame, though.

you had a lot of life left in you. bet you coulda done real good for yourself, after the war. unlike some of us.


I hope you found that 'peace' you were always looking for.

I finally got to try that stew from your hometown you always talked about. it was good. you probably made it better, though.

Heracles, I'm taking your lessons to heart. you had the best land nav I've ever seen, before or since. learned a lot from you, even if you never really said much. crew's happy enough, at least. could always do better. wish we'd had more time. maybe I'd even get to see you crack a smile.

speaking of, Acheron, you remember that one time you taught me how to use a sextant?

yeah. it really came up. sensors all went dead, and oh shit, what's Eli doing busting out that piece of old-age technology? kids these days, they don't respect the classics. I did a real good job steering us back to port, too.


I hope you're living it up in Hell right now. always seemed like your kinda place.

explode a few demons in the face for me, will you?

(a sip of the drink.)

here's to you, Chiron.

it ain't your moonshine. but then again, nothing ever is.

I don't even know if I remember the taste anymore. probably for the best. taste was awful. sure weren't the taste that made it what it was. whatever secret sauce you put into that, felt real good in the braincase though.

Hermes... now that's a voice I don't think I'll forget, though.

Daedalus, I haven't crashed the Shooting Star yet. ain't you proud of me? well, okay, there was that one time. little clip of the wing. nothing serious, the fireball was easily contained, hey, no one died... though there was a bit of panic afterward. some cleanup.

our engineer made me install a 'fasten seatbelts' button after that. you'd get a kick out of it, I bet. "This is your pilot speaking." hah. recorded it myself.

don't show Hermes, though. he'd probably say the sound quality's awful.

(you slide your finger over the list of names, the ink creases in the paper.)

(you always save the topmost for last.)

"Guys? Is that smoke? Something cooking?"

"Everything is fine!"

"Are you sure? If there's an emergency, I can--"

"NO! Everything is FINE!"

it's the Captain's voice. you hear the clang of something fumbled to the floor, that sounds distinctly like a fire extinguisher.

"Don't worry about it! Everything is under control!"

muffled screaming in the background.

you squint at the door to your cabin for several moments, but eventually, you decide to trust.

so. Audie. that was my crew just now.

I told you they're good people, right? look at 'em, tryna tell me not to worry on my day off.

I still haven't told 'em. about you guys. about anything. oh, they know I got trouble with the home planet. I think someone - probably our security officer - just assumed it was a really bad speeding ticket, and I let 'em run with it. plausible enough.

maybe it wouldn't kill 'em if they found out. but it's not worth the risk.

to them or to me, you say? probably. probably to both.

besides, reciprocity. am I right?

no, I ain't never asked. no reason to. I trust 'em well enough. and they've been good about following my rules.

how long am I gonna keep it up?

ten years? twenty? who knows?

how long'd it take before I told you anything about where I grew up?

(close your eyes and think.)

I don't remember.

I don't remember a lot of things. I do remember, though, you always cared. you always put the men first.

that's why I never believed 'em when they said you'd desert us like that. you wouldn't. I'll take that one to the grave.

I know I've said it before, but, you'd like this crew.

they weren't us. nobody could ever be us. we were young, and stupid -- well, not all of us, but close enough -- and time and age and living hadn't broke us yet. those were the days. the days we ain't ever getting back.

we move on, though.

well. I did.

the rest of ya... don't wait for me. there's always gonna be a place in the back of my mind for you, but I don't expect the same.

I already told ya, I don't intend to die anytime soon.
last edit on May 16, 2024 18:14:57 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
26. on judgement day, thy clarion sound
feat. eli

Acheron is dying.

it wasn't supposed to be like this. walking point was supposed to be your job. yet, after Odysseus-- vanished--

( you refuse to say left us. you don't have the heart to say died. )

the ones who are loyal to you want you to lead, to stay in the center, where you can best keep an eye on them. the ones who are otherwise don't trust you go off on your own, where they can't keep an eye on you.

no-one wants a repeat of last time.

and so it is that one of these idiots, your idiots, who didn't watch his feet, brought the entire goddamn building down on your heads.

a rumble, a shake, a crack, and something knocked you to the floor. when you got up, you saw Acheron, half his body mangled beneath a twisted pile of metal. even with both of all your strength, you couldn't pry him free.

"Hang in there. I'll bring back help--"

"Nyx, you can't." he's wheezing, blood dripping from his lips. "Just... finish it quickly. You know what they'll do to me if they take me alive. I told myself I'm never going through that again."

( you know what he means. it sucked, to be sure, but in hindsight, you didn't think DES-ERT was so bad. but clearly Acheron thought otherwise. )

you shake your head. you refuse to reward him for cowardice.

"Nyx, please--"

Acheron is begging. Acheron never begs.

you sigh, press Eirene to the bottom of his chin, guide his finger to the trigger.

"If it means so much to you... Do it yourself."

he thanks you, closes his eyes, and tastes metal.

the son of a bitch is tough. too tough. it takes you an additional two bullets before he stops breathing for good.

once you've cleaned off your pistol, you set about to cutting free what belongings of his you can salvage.

the tags will go to his family, or whatever's left of it. tell them a pretty story about "noble sacrifice", and they may even forgive him.

his gear will go back to headquarters, to be repaired, refitted, fed back into the war machine. his pack you sling over one shoulder, and Siren's Wail over the other, trying not to sag under her weight. you hope the next grenadier will take as good care of her as Acheron did. maybe even if she's lucky, if she's treasured, she'll even get a new name.

his rations will go to you. it's the least he owes you, after taking those bullets.

and his body?

let the enemy take it. or the crows. none of it matters to you, and it doesn't matter to Acheron either, not anymore.
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
338written posts
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Just a magical kitten
04. call a storm warning, but not for me
feat. altair and eli

your uncle Eli is not easy to find.

typically, he avoids you, and when you happen to be in the same place together, he has little to say. but you've picked up some information here and there, from your parents and from patient observation, and today is the day you finally decide to confront him.

he's sitting on the couch, watching the weather report. you hesitate, insecure, waiting for the appropriate moment to speak, waiting for him to take a break. you realize he's noticed you for a while now when he unexpectedly speaks. "What."

his eyes are still glued to the TV.

"I was wondering, Uncle... would you do me the honor of sparring sometime? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you... but neither of my parents uses knives."


"Ah..." you don't have an answer prepared. you didn't expect him to say 'yes' so easily.

"Tomorrow? S'posed to be a hard rain."

your lip curls into a frown. you know he's well aware of your magical abilities. "Are you mocking m--"

you didn't even notice the moment he sprang at you, placed the knife against your throat.

"I win."

"You don't win," you say, the disdain evident on your face. "At most, it's a draw."

without moving his head, his eyes flicker down. in the span of time you had to react on instinct, you've conjured up an ice knife, pressed it against his ribs.

he smirks infuriatingly. "Think I'll live. How 'bout you?"

you concede the point.

"Come back to me when you've named your terms. I got only one: I don't hafta listen to your parents bitch at me for what I'm gonna do to you."

"So you'll use your knife and your wings, and I'll use my daggers and my magic, and we'll have a medic on hand, fight until unable to continue or a killing blow is acknowledged." you draw your knives from their sheaths, enter a fighting stance. "Begin."

he nods, draws, and slowly circles you. staying mobile, but staying patient, opportunistic.

this is good.

you let out a deep breath, engage your magic. a chilling aura slowly spreads out from your position, and as he's assessing this newest development, you charge in. step forward, release a sheet of ice over the ground, and slide. his face is unchanged as he lightly hops up, lands back on the ice sheet, then--

he takes the fight to you.


it's all you can do to dodge and occasionally parry as his aggression strains at your concentration. you strive to keep your distance, waiting for him to slip - to trip up - but it's only after you conjure a massive stalactite, forcing him to break away, that you see it. four of his wings are wrapped tightly around his chest and arms, keeping them insulated against your cold - and as he's gliding across the ice, his forewings extend occasionally - helping keep his balance as he weaves into turns with grace.

Bastard, you realize. He's done this before.

you extend your arm, fling a handful of ice shards in his direction. he dodges with infuriating ease.

you repeat the motion with your other arm. this time there's a second of momentary hesitation before he backpedals away from a hail of ice shards crashing down from above. you note with grim satisfaction a small cut just above his knee. First blood.

there's no time to rest on your laurels, though. as he pauses to catch his breath, you grow your ice - sliding over your opponent's foot - you aren't prepared when he turns the knife upward, smashes down with a fist, shattering it as he leaps into the sky.

even with only two wings out, he easily clears your aura's radius, rotates the knife again as he prepares to dive. on instinct, you summon an array of shards to defend.

then... he stops.

hovers, and smirks.

from where he is, you can't attack him in more than one direction - and it seems he's realized this. you continue your assault, sending knife after knife lancing through the air, but he's spread all his wings now, and his movements are precise, controlled, never more than he needs to evade.

you grit your teeth. "You can't stay up there forever!"

he cocks his head. "Can't I?"

you realize then, you never put a time limit on this battle. and now you've trapped yourself in a prison of your own making.

drop your defenses, and he'll slaughter you before you can resummon them again. keep them up, and you'll eventually run dry of either magic or willpower, and be a sitting duck for his next strike.

you pull your aura back, but he doesn't take the bait. he's measured your area of control - leisurely drifting through the air in time with your own movements, always just outside your reach. the trickle of blood running down his leg has already slowed to a stop.

you continue to attack. you need to keep him busy while you think up your next move - because what else can you do?

eventually, you have to stop to catch your breath. when you next blink, he disappears.

you strain into the sun, and a shadow crashes down on you, knocking you to the dirt. your ribs ache. there's a blade at your throat again.

"I yield," you gasp.

he gets up and walks off without another word.

over the weeks that follow, you challenge Eli again and again, each time trying new iterations on your strategy. each time you fail.

your parents offer to help, but you wave them off. no, this is something you've got to do yourself. begging assistance would be a defeat. modifying the ruleset would be a defeat. you may not have been the cleverest, the most self-assured of your blood siblings - but here and now, there is one determination that drives you: you will not rest until you, alone, are enough.

you may not be able to contend directly with his inhuman speed and endurance, but at long last, you find something you can exploit: once Eli thinks he has found a method to victory, he will rely on it, every time, until a variable changes. you spend long nights, practicing in your room, recalling all of the duels you witnessed at the University, searching for every edge you can use.

you can't bring out any of them, until you're certain you've enough of them to succeed.

you no longer begin by bringing out your aura or ice field. he's too fast, and too prepared. this time, you simply go on the attack. massive columns of ice rain down from the sky above, and you retreat, retreat ever further, even as he dodges every one.

proceeding as planned.

back into the field of ice columns you go, conjuring thin rails of ice for bursts of speed to keep pace with him, dissipating them in your wake. you slide up a tilted column to gain the high ground, even as you fling a small rain of shards in his direction. he spreads his wings, leaps up to a column, prepares to kick off for an aerial lunge. just as he does, you collapse the column into liquid water. he catches himself and glides to the ground easily.

right where you need him.

pulling moisture from the air, manifesting it into solid form by your will alone, requires immense amounts of magical power and concentration. but manipulation of existing ice? substantially swifter.

a column reforms into a chain, and you wrap it around his arm. without missing a beat, he stabs downward at it, snapping it, readying his knife to strike at you again, but your plan is in full swing now, and reforged chain after chain are lashing at his wings, his legs, his throat. Grip. Crush. Pull. there's a sickness rising in your throat, thinking of what a horrible way it would be to go, being literally torn apart, but you remind yourself this is Eli you are dealing with, and in your shared line of work, quarter is neither asked nor given.

he readies his knife to throw. you preempt him, pulling a spear from the ice and sliding up to his weak side, pressing it up under his chin.

"Yield, or die."

"Tap," he chokes out bitterly, a raspy whisper.

you don't know if you're more impressed to have won the fight, or to have finally gotten an emotion out of him. you release your magic. the ice dissipates in a shower of sparkles.

and you collapse onto the ground.

frustratingly, Eli gets up before you do. he offers his off-hand, your strong hand, to pull you up, and you're honestly grateful as you accept.

"How long'd it take you to learn that?"

you gasp. "Long enough."

"You look fine, but I'd check with the doc in any case. Fun fight. Let's do it again sometime."

you can't hide your exasperation as you level your eyes at him. "You call that fun?"

"In a real fight, I'd have shot you dead from a hundred meters away."

you concede the point.

"You're right, Uncle," you say with a smile. "So would I."
last edit on May 25, 2024 1:37:39 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
338written posts
Jenesisearned bits
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Just a magical kitten
16. gunsmoke & mirrorshine
feat. eli / midquel to 29. coming home / sequel to 27. free fall & 06. how have you been?

Hermes, do you remember that day I told you to make the call?

You made me promise that you wouldn't regret this.

plan A has failed. plan B has failed. you're all the way down to plan Ω.

they drag Hermes - the supposed mastermind of your little operation - before their leader. he wants to finish him off personally, but before that, he can be goaded into engaging in a bit of gloating first. Hermes is good at that. it's one of those things you always admired about him.

as always, he's wearing the large backpack with the radio antenna sticking out of it. he continues to run his mouth, but there's no way he can call for help at the juncture - you all know that. what the enemy don't know is that you never went into this mission with any hope of receiving backup the first place.

none of them are looking out the window.

they don't offer him any last words. but he takes them anyway.

"It's not a radio, you idiots."

you pull the trigger, make the perfect, pinpoint shot.

a second later, Chronos's best and brightest invention levels the building.

you insist on picking over the remains. there's nothing but ash. as far as your government will eventually claim, there was never anything there at all.

"Should we. Bring something back of him?" Chronos asks you.

you shrug. "Do what you want."

the time for regrets is long over.
last edit on Jun 9, 2024 17:10:43 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
15. echoes from afar
feat. eli

"Have a safe flight, madam." you slam your fist on the button.

you think you can hear her screaming your name as she ejects.

minutes that feel like hours later, as the Shooting Star comes apart, you bail out. you get lucky - you get extraordinarily lucky. small adjustments in the air change your trajectory miles across ground level. as your wings skim the surface of the sea, you see a harbor within sight. there's civilization, food, shelter, a doctor who won't ask too many questions. as soon as you're sure you're safe to travel again, it's none too much trouble to book passage off-world with a ragtag crew of scoundrels and assorted other hangers-on.

you don't start the firefight that kills everyone else aboard the ship. but you damn sure finish it.

you never learn the other side of the story.

"Captain! You're okay!"

"Are you all--"

"Where the hell is Eli?"

the kid's shrill voice cuts like a knife.

the Captain clutches her in her arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault..."

she holds her close, until her tears dry, and her sobs cease.

eventually, they find the place where your old ship crashed. they find the black box. their engineer is crafty, and boots up a recording. "Maybe he left us a final message." hoping against hope, they boot up the recording.

"Right then. Time to go." it's the last they hear of your voice. past that, there's only the lonely sounds of the wind, followed by a sickening crash.

the kid is distraught.

"He's dead, isn't he... otherwise, he'd have come back for us... he always said not to leave anyone behind."

"We'll keep looking," the Captain says. "If anyone's seen him, we'll find out."

unfortunately for their hunt, you've centuries of expertise in evading pursuit. they only last a few years before calling it quits.

once a year, though, the crew returns to the crash site.

the kid always brings a small chocolate cupcake with a single candle. she remembers, whenever you had the opportunity, you'd always treat yourself to one on your personal day off at the end of the first month of the new year. she doesn't know why it was special to you - she never asked, and you never told. but she can hazard a guess.

her flames are honed to precision now. she lights the candle with a single finger, and watches it burn.

and she silently makes the same wish, before blowing it out.
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
338written posts
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Just a magical kitten
09. our futile wishes, to the moon
feat. eli and poppy

the city is full of light pollution. even from the roof of the hospital, one of the tallest buildings in the area, you can't see the stars.

you can, however, see the moon, full and shining down on you.

someone's joined you.

"Hey, Poppy."

"You're not supposed to be here." she's sipping a 5-hour, fighting the bags under her eyes.

you shrug. "Couldn't sleep. You?"

Poppy scoffs. "One of those 24-hour shifts. I finally get a chance for a break, and what do I spend it on? Chasing down an unruly patient."

"Say, Doc..." you look up at the sky. "You ever dream of going to the moon?"

"No." the hostility in her voice takes you by surprise.

"How come? I thought your people were all about that pioneerin' stuff."

"Oh, there've been efforts." she crosses her arms. "Selfishness and cowardice, the lot of it. People who've given up on the problems facing Terra, so they think they can escape to a little commune with their chosen few and start over."

you frown. "What's wrong with prioritizin' you and yours?"

"If everyone thought like you, nothing would ever get solved. There are bigger problems than 'you and yours', you know."

"Please. It's not like you're the picture of unselfishness, either. I don't see you writing off my bill."

"Obviously. I deserve to get paid a fair value for my work." she glares up at you. "What I don't do is discriminate between my patients based on how much I like them. Exempli gratia: Present company."

you flex the fingers in your bandaged hand. "You did real good, Doc."

"Eli. Go to bed."

"Don't wanna."

she produces an energy drink from under her scrubs. you reach for it with your good hand, only for it to slip away.

"If you're back in your room by the time my break ends in five minutes, it'll be yours in the morning."


you shake on it. despite her small size, her grip is tight and firm, and your hand even protests a little.

"Y'know, Poppy... when I was a kid, I always dreamed of flying off into space. 'Course, when I grew up, I realized how stupid that was."

she tilts her head quizzically.

"Not because it couldn't be done. Not because the city I grew up wasn't a hellhole worth escapin'. I realized that no matter where you go, there's always gonna be people like me."

you smile. "It's not a bad thing. Keeps me in work.

"And it keeps people like you in work, too."

you've reached the edge of the roof. with a tilt of your head, a farewell salute, you drop off.

the last you see of her, she's gazing forlornly into the distance, up at the silent moon.
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
338written posts
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Just a magical kitten
07. dollhouse: a study in three stories
feat. sylvana, poppy, and altair

as a little girl growing up in an upper-class family in the shining city of Verdra, of course you had a dollhouse.

truth be told, though, you never much cared for the dollhouse itself. it's static, the furniture glued to the floors, the painted pictures flat on the walls. you much preferred the dolls who lived there. they could be redressed for different occasions, their hair combed and styled, and you even made a few ultimately fruitless attempts at making them up. as girls do, you remembered the stories that you overheard at your mother's parties, and play-acted recreations of them with your dolls - inventing stories about who had snubbed whom for whose secret lover, who was jealous of who had jumped on the latest popular trends in doll clothing, and so forth.

sometimes, you even made them kiss.

you knew how babies were born - you had seen it happen, with your baby sister (and you were sure you never wanted to go through that yourself). you never got a clear answer as to how babies were made - though it didn't involve a man and a woman, necessarily, as your friend with the two mothers could attest. it didn't matter much to you, you glossed over the details as you added new dolls to your growing doll families, doting doll mothers and perfectly misbehaved doll daughters who would grow into the envy of the doll courts, in due time.

how long has it been, now, since you put the dollhouse away for the last time?

as a little girl growing up on Columbia's western frontier, of course you never had a dollhouse.

truth be told, though, you never much cared for dolls anyway. sure, you would occasionally catch a glimpse of one in a toy store - a rough-spun pioneer girl with her covered wagon, an elegant porcelain lady from Victoria and the castle she lived in, or even a wooden shrine maiden from faraway Higashi, staff with streamers in hand. the issue was not their construction, or even their price.

you could never enjoy play-acting house with the other girls. the dolls, all of them, were too unreal.

their hair and faces are remarkably free of dirt and dust - they're meant to be, you were told, in a cruel irony compared against their owners. none of their clothes are torn or patched. they don't eat, or sleep, or cry. they never get lonely when left neglected for long periods of time. they never get sick, wither, and die.

none of them have little rocks growing out of their arms.

as a little boy growing up in an upper-class family in the shining city of Noven Verda, of course you never had a dollhouse.

truth be told, though, that didn't stop you. as soon as you were old enough to accompany your parents to the shops, you were fascinated - not by the dolls themselves, but by the dollhouses, the shapes of the roofs, the colors of the walls and trims, pleasingly accented by a hedge here, a vine of ivy there. sometimes, in your sketchbooks, you drew houses, recreations of the ones you'd seen, eventually graduating to your own creations, the dream homes you imagined you might live in someday.

when you were young, very young to be assigned to supervised playdates, you had friends. some of those friends were girls. you asked to see their dollhouses, and they were all too happy to oblige, letting you see the inner workings you never could from the shop windows - the placement of a bedroom vis-a-vis a study, the way the staircases spiraled left (to give sword-arm advantage to the defender, a fact that you noticed with amusement once you were old enough to pick up a sword yourself).

the girls notice. the girls giggle.

"What's with him?" "I think he likes buildings more than people."
last edit on Jun 8, 2024 0:38:59 GMT by Jenesis
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aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
19. symmetry: a study in six faces
feat. altair and hemera, gayle, and eli

Hemera maneuvers his cavalier around your flank, and captures your archer. you sigh.

"You're so aggressive, Dad."

a multitude of different pieces lies scattered around the edges of the board, the casualties of rounds past. you think you've done a fairly good job of carefully positioning your troops to control as much of the battlefield as possible, but Hemera is relentless, ruthless. since the beginning of the game, he's been driving a wedge through the center and going straight for your commander. even at a noticeable material advantage, you still must be careful.

you assess your formation, answer with a pikeman, laying the cavalier to rest on its side.

"I certainly hope this isn't how you commanded when you were in active service."

"The verbiage is captured, right? Not killed?" you nod your head, thinking back to the first day he asked you to teach him this wargame. lining up your pieces, blue against red, in equal rows that soon descended into disorder, in no small part because of the bold gambits your Dad seems to favor.

"Then it's fine." he smiles. "I'll get them all back. After I capture your commander."

he pushes his wyvern knight up the center file. a formidable position, and well-protected. with your archer lost, any direct challenge is certain to end in failure.

"Apologies, Dad."

from behind the collection of fallen, you lift up a single, upright piece.

"Deep strike."

"You haven't deployed your assassin yet? But it's been--eighteen battle rounds!"

"You need to mind your flank, Dad." and you place the assassin directly on his back row, within charging distance of his commander.

"Your move."

you hold the mirror up to Gayle. "It looks beautiful."

they're all smiles, beaming as radiantly as the glitter that coats their eyelids. along the line of each eye is a series of pink rhinestones, adjoining curled lashes the color of midnight. they turn their head back and forth as they grin into the mirror, checking the pattern - not a single stone out of place, left reflecting right in crisp, even lines. as they apply their lipstick, you can see their nails flash in the light, the even coats of color and more rhinestones, perfectly centered on the middle three nails. a touch of blush on each cheek finishes the look, and they nudge some hair out of their feathers, patting it down.

it's more flashy than you personally prefer, but their joy is contagious, and you soon find yourself grinning as well. they're no professional, far from it. but you can't deny that what you are seeing is art.

"Now you."

"Ah... I couldn't." you flush. "I wouldn't look nearly as good as you in it." as though you could ever be an art model!

"Nonsense!" they're already flicking through their kit, holding up a pale blue mascara to your face. "Fabulous. This is definitely your color."

"I just don't want to look--" you struggle for the words. "Too different."

"Soft glam then? Yes. Juuuuust the right balance between naturale and couture." they nod, mutter under their breath as they fuss with their kit, and sometimes you can't even tell if they're actually talking to you or just thinking out loud to themself. before you realize it, they've taken your hand, stretched out your fingers, held them up against a pale peach polish, a delicate pink. "Pink, son? I think pink."

you're tempted to compare their stubbornness to a certain other parent. but you know they wouldn't take it well.

"Pink... would be lovely, Parent."

you and Eli don't speak much on these flights.

it would be difficult, in any case, with the wind roaring in your ears, but you soon discovered that your attempts at telepathy were - not ignored, but unnoticed, the thoughts coming through scattered and faint when they were transmitted at all. you're unsure why this is the case, but far be it from you to judge the seraph's apparent disability. in any case, you have ways to compensate.

you tilt a wing and drift downward. he parallels you wordlessly, intuiting that you wish him to follow. he lets you lead, keeping a steady distance from you, as you circle around on the currents - his body adjusting on the fly a split second behind your motions, no matter how sharply you swoop and turn - until eventually you angle for a high cliff. you alight, tuck in your wings, and begin shifting back. he stays in the air, swooping upward, allowing you your privacy until you're back in a humanoid shape.

then he drops out of the sky in a back handspring, effortlessly pushing off the ground and landing lightly on his feet.


you look out over the ocean. the sun is setting, the water shimmering with golden light. Eli watches silently with you.

it's times like this that you wish you had your sketchbook, that you could capture this moment in a painting. you say as much. as you lose yourself in your thoughts, attempting to commit as much of this landscape as possible to memory, you hear the click of a button, see a tiny flash of light.

Eli shows you the image on his phone. "Easy."

you shake your head mirthfully. "That's not the point."

"Then what is the point?"

"The point is-- to put some spirit into it." you sigh. "You're technically proficient, Uncle, but-- art is about more than that."

you don't try to explain it to him. truth be told, you don't know if you'll ever be able to explain it to him.

there are some things that simply can't be translated in words.
last edit on Jun 7, 2024 19:13:26 GMT by Jenesis
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aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
08. close call & response time
feat. eli / sequel to 06. how have you been?

you awake in the dark. the first thing you notice is that your head is pounding. you reach for it, and something presses back. it's pressing against you on all sides. you feel thick plastic against your fingertips. you're inside a bag.

your first instinct is to scream, but that's horribly unwise.

keep your wits about you. get out. but first, you need to breathe.

luckily, after feeling around for a bit (thank goodness all your arms and legs are in one piece, functioning, moving), you find a zipper. you slowly peel it back. a horrid stench reaches your nose, and you almost wish you didn't.

cautiously, you crawl out, clutching the side of your head. it's sticky with blood. and you realize where the stench is coming from.

rows upon rows of bags. some of them haven't been fully zipped. corpses, you realize.

you're in a truck full of corpses.

slowly, haltingly, you fumble your way to the far end of the enclosed space. it's a door, but it's locked. and lost and weaponless, you're barely in a state to think right now, much less to fight your way out.

there's a bag different from the others. a bag full of belongings. you grasp for a radio, and switch it on.

"Can anyone hear me?" you keep your voice a low whisper, so whoever's keeping you here doesn't hear you.

no answer.

you roll the dial to a different channel. "Can anyone hear me? I need help."

one by one, you try all the frequencies you can remember, until finally you hear static, chatter on the other end. "Can anyone hear me? Please. I need assistance. I'm hurt, I-- I don't know where I am, I'm being taken somewhere."

you breathe, in and out. you fight back the pain. finally, a voice comes through, clear and crisp.

"This is Sergeant Major Ryker, 39th Infantry. To whom am I speaking?"

"Nyx. My codename is Nyx. 227th Spec Ops, Air Wing."

"Nyx, what's your status?"

"I--" something jolts you violently, and you lay still, you listen, hear the rumble of an engine, the squelch of mud splashing over tires. "I think in the back of a truck. I don't know how I got here. Going maybe 30 miles an hour."

"Last known position?"

"Somewhere by Zun river." you squint, struggle to dredge back the memories. "My guys got the call in for auxiliary support. Took a hit from an AA missile. Had to land. Made my way through the jungle on foot." breaths are coming in gasps now. your head really hurts.

"Any hostiles around?"

you strain your ears, but you can't tell, over the sounds of the truck. "I--I don't know."

"Can you move?"

"Arms and legs work all good. But my head hurts. Think I took a nasty hit to the right temple." you're frantically checking on the other bags, even as you gag from the stench. "The others-- they're all dead, Sarge. Everyone else in the back of the truck is dead."

"I'm already talking to my scouts," Ryker says. "Sit tight, Nyx. We're attempting to locate your position. Don't do anything stupid."

you can only nod.

"And that's how you almost ended up causing a friendly fire incident with a civilian cleanup crew?"

"Good thing nobody died, huh?"
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
11. magnetic levity
feat. altair, hemera, and eli

"So, when you touch the keyring to the keystone..." you lift your hand. a bolt of lightning travels between the rules, and the autozam crackles to life. you slide the drive lever forward and put your hand on the control stick.

"The Zephyrian battery stimulates the electrical coils, which power the engine and the vehicle's other features - radio, sensors, gauges, and the air bags and cooling systems invoke the wind aspect, of course. We just need to engage the thrust--" and you press down on the button atop the control stick. "And away we go."

you slowly pull out of the garage, maneuver the autozam down the driveway and down the street. a light classical melody plays over the radio as you trundle along. there's a stiff wind - it blows across your sides, though the windshield keeps out the worst of it. Hemera leans an arm over the side of the door, looks at the scenery, and yawns.

"Does it go any faster?"

"In theory," you say.

"Can I give it a go?"

you have a bad feeling about this. but you let your Dad into the driver's seat anyway.

the safety belt keeps you pinned against the back of your seat as Hemera is screaming down the road. you can barely hear yourself over the roar of the wind - and the delicate tinkles of the piano music have all but disappeared. there's an expression of manic glee on your Dad's face, as the needle on the speedometer is straining toward its rightmost limit.

"What's this button do?" Hemera's voice booms out over the din.

and before you can say anything, he presses it.

wings sprout from the autozam, and you can feel yourself rising from the ground. you don't get far before you feel yourself lurching sharply.

"Dad! Pull up! UP!"

the autozam jerks, blows around, you see a tree imminently closing in on you.


Hemera slams his foot down just as the autozam sideswipes the tree, causing you to wince at the snap of branches, before you go blasting off again.

"How do I brake this thing?"

"Release the thrust," you gasp. then, once you've slowed down enough, you reach over and slide the lever from 'drive' to 'hold position.'

the howling of the wind stops. you steady your breathing.

"Fun flight. Do I get a turn now?"

both you and your Dad scream.

Eli leans over the backs of your seats.


"Where the hell did you come from?"

"The trunk," Eli says matter-of-factly. "So...?"

"And what the hell were you doing there?"

"Would you have invited me along if I'd asked politely?"

you can't answer that question. you're honestly not sure yourself.

Eli snakes a hand through Hemera's hair, clamps index and middle finger around the grey-haired man's ahoge. smiles.

the good news is that you now know the autozam can do a barrel roll.

the bad news is that you now know what it feels like to be carsick.

Hemera is passed out in the backseat. you feel his pulse, fortunately still beating strong through his thick, meaty arm. Eli regards him with disappointment. "I wasn't even pullin' that many Gs."

"Uncle..." you stammer out between labored breaths. "I would like to go home."

"Sure thing." Eli reaches for the stick again. then his eyes narrow, as he's checking the instruments. "Um. Altair. Possible complication."

"What is it?"

"That one's the fuel gauge, ain't it?"
last edit on Jun 13, 2024 1:08:20 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
05. so they say it's what's inside that counts
feat. altair, eli, and gayle

"Excuse me," you say to the other dinner guests. "I fear the sauce may not have agreed with me."

Eli is waiting for you in the men's room.

"Enjoying the meal?" you ask.

"Very rich," he responds.

"The swordfish was delicious."

he nods. "And the wine. Full of body."

you begin fixing up your hair in front of the mirror. "Forgive me for being so forward... but you seem cold, sir."

"I am cold," he says.

"Please, take my jacket. The lining is very well made."

he tries it on. "It's a snug fit."

"Very comfortable pockets, too."

he sticks his hand inside, feels for the small ring box tucked into a secret panel. "You could store a lot in here."

"I'm glad it suits you."

"I must repay you later."

you smile. "Think nothing of it."

he leaves the room. you wait the allotted amount of time before departing.

now that you're free of that stiff jacket, you head to the dance floor. a woman in a long red dress approaches you. she twirls one of her extensions around her finger before asking you to dance. her face is heavily made up, but there's no mistaking those eyes, not at this distance.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" you ask, before twirling her around by a gloved hand.

"Very rich."

"The swordfish was delicious." you thrust your hands out, begin a rapid movement across the dance floor.

"And the wine." Gayle spins, leans just a little too close for you for comfort. "Full of body." you dip her, and she kicks a leg up magnificently.

when the song finishes, she gives you a kiss on the cheek, before departing for the arms of other men.

you slip your hand into your pants pocket.

the ring is gone.

"It's him! The white-haired man in the navy suit who sat next to us at dinner! He stole it, I'm sure of it!"

a man is on one knee, frantic, while the woman before him is pointing furiously. Eli stands at the punch bowl, turns, snarls, as security guards close in on him. guns are drawn. screams ring out.

Gayle signals you with a hand. Time to go.

the next day, you're wrapping up dinner when a fuming Eli storms into the kitchen. he reaches into the fridge for a bottle, and chugs it straight.

"Are you still mad we didn't tell you the whole plan?" Gayle says.

Eli scoffs. "I was stuck in custody for twenty-four hours, you know that? Finally the dumbasses figured out I actually didn't touch the ring or know where it was, and they had to let me go."

"I'm sorry," you say. "But rest assured that your one-third of the take will be in your account within a few days. The layering process takes time, of course."

"So that's why you were askin' how I do my hair earlier." your uncle sits down at the table, still drinking. "The client happy? She end up dumping that loser?"

you smile, recalling the newspaper headline. "It seems she's going to marry him anyway."

"Really! No accounting for taste, I suppose."
last edit on Jun 13, 2024 2:49:05 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
01. conqueror of spring
feat. jenesis and the roster (heavily au)

"Well, gang..." you stretch out and lace your hands behind your head. "We actually did it. Did you even think we'd be able to do it?"

cheers all around. five wine glasses and a steaming mug of tea sit in the middle of the table. Hemera pulls out his Karlan Commercial knife and uncorks the bottle with a flourish, and Sylvana takes it upon herself to pour the champagne.

"Here's to us!" she says, and the room echoes with the clinking of glasses.

Poppy scoffs, cupping her hands around her tea and sipping delicately. "Don't get too excited, everyone. It's not over until the crying starts."

"I'm pretty sure that's not how that expression goes."

"No, no, I'm sure."

"Well, in Victoria, the saying is--"

"No one cares," Gayle cuts in.

Hemera rounds on him. "I still haven't forgotten that little stunt you pulled at the 11th hour, Gayle."

"Technically, Eli didn't break any rules." Altair is finally speaking up. "Nothing he knew he was doing was illegal."

"Son. I think Gayle needs to stop being a bad influence on you."

"What's his deal, anyway?" Poppy's voice cuts like a knife, and the group looks toward the far end of the table. a grumpy seraph has his feet kicked up on the table, arms crossed, head turned away, not partaking, not celebrating.

"Eli. Not a fan of your little trip down memory lane?"

he glares at you. "So you win your little competition among the Gods and get some bragging rights or whatever. Bully for you. And what the fuck do I get?"

"That depends on you, Eli. What do you want?"

"Honestly? A nap sounds pretty nice right about now."

"Done." the seraph's eyelids grow heavy, and he slumps backward in his chair, snoozing lightly. you take the empty glass and help yourself to some sparkling cider.

"So... who's going to carry him back to the house?"

"Not it."

"Well, I'm certainly not going to do it either." Sylvana frowns. "Not after how ungrateful he was about it the last time."

"We could just leave him here."

"Parent, we can't just leave--"

"C'mon, kid. It's Eli we're talking about. What's the worst that could happen? ...Should I try drawing a moustache on him again?"

"Please don't."

with the bottle drained, the conversation eventually dies down. one by one, the crew file out of the room, ready to get back to their regular lives. you take another swig of your can of orange soda and smile at the last remnant.

Sleep well, Eli.

Until the next one.
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
22. fool's golden rule
feat. eli

"Please-- I swear, I'll give everything back, I'll never do it again, just please--"

you keep the gun level. "Give me one good reason."

once she realizes you're not going to shoot her on the spot, she slowly picks herself up. even before she rolls up her sleeve, you can spot the bruises through her threadbare clothing. "It's Donovan. He's my-- I mean, just because he married my mom, he thinks he can work me like one of his wage slaves, says girls don't need to go to school--" she's glaring at you, eyes cold and hard. "Ever since my mom got sick, I've had to do this. To take care of the boys. If I don't-- there's no one else."

"Donovan Hancock, the business magnate?"

she nods. "You know of him."

"Let me ask you something, girl. Suppose he were to kick the bucket, would you and your mom inherit everything?"

she blinks at the implication. your expression remains impassive, but fixed on her, as you crouch down to retrieve your wallet.

"I suppose... She is his lawful wedded wife. I don't know of anyone else."

"Good. Now, I'd like to offer you a deal." you holster the gun. "Pick my back left pocket."

she hesitates.

"C'mon. You're old hat at this by now, aren't you?"

you take a step closer to her.

her expression hardens. she walks up to you, reaches, retrieves the switchblade you were going to pawn today.

"Here's the deal. If you don't like it, you put that knife back in my pocket, walk off, and we never saw each other. But if you do... you take the knife. You take what you deserve with your own hands. And in a year, I'll be back for my share of the take."

she looks up at you. "Your share."

"Call it a finder's fee."

the blade flicks open. "What do I have to do?"

you coach her through it. the best places on a man to stab. the proper way to ransack the house to make it look like a robbery gone wrong. the most convincing way to talk to the police.

"I'll have Mom go take the boys to see her sister this weekend," she says. "And then..."

one year later, you're waiting in her room when she comes home from school.

"Oh, good, you people still live here. Was worried I was gonna hafta hunt you down, be a real pain in the ass."

she stiffens. "Wait. You're-- that old guy."

"I'm here for my take."

she blinks.

"You thought I weren't serious. I'm always serious."

"What do you want," she says.

"How 'bout ten percent? Ten percent seems fair, in this line of work."

she's running the numbers. "That's so much. You never said--"

"You never asked."

"I-- we need that money. Mom's finally in treatment, and my school fees are due next month. Please-- I know I owe you. What if I give you everything that's left. Just leave us alone. Please."

"How much."

"Five thousand."

"Not nearly enough."

"I'll make up the rest for you. I swear. I just need more time--"

"One year. My take. That was the deal."

she's quiet.

"You know... I bet the police would be very interested in any information that could help them solve such a prominent cold case."

"You're insane."

she's furious.

"Why would you do that? You know you'll only go down with me!"

"Maybe I will," you say. "So you gotta ask yourself, what's more important to you? Putting a bad guy behind bars? Seein' justice done?

"Or makin' sure your little brothers still have their big sister around to protect them?"

you see her eyes glance toward the bedside dresser.

"Oh-- keep the knife." you smile. "Call it a gift."

twenty minutes later, you walk out of the bank.

easiest payday you ever made.
last edit on Jun 15, 2024 4:57:53 GMT by Jenesis
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Just a magical kitten
25. the calamity of creation
feat. eli and hemera

you arrive to a shattered window, holes in the walls, and blood smeared across the floor.

"Hemera, please. This is what happens when you underestimate girls."

your housemate is gasping, a bloody hand clutching a bloody forehead. "Eli-- She's crazy--"

"So you really are here. Dad."

you turn to take a good look at the intruder. your eyes that are her eyes narrow.

"My name is Satsuki," she says. "I'm your daughter--"


"It's not bullshit!"

you swing the shotgun up, but she's already dodging. your shell blasts a hole in the wall as she flings a heavy vase at your head - you dodge, and hear a distressed sigh from Hemera behind you. then she's leapt up, closing the distance, on the attack with a pistol in one hand, a knife in the other.

she is fast, fluid, furious - nothing like the graceful spars with your adopted nephew. if you didn't know any better, you could swear you'd trained her. or, at least, she was a fan of footage of you in action. ( there is no footage of you in action, you're sure. but then again, one unexpected thing has already happened today, so who can really say? )

but you're not about to lose to a cheap imitation, this interloper who dares think she can claim you as family simply because she wears your mother's face.

the next time she attacks, you predict her trajectory, and kick her into the wall.

"Where'd you hear that?" you ask, keeping the shotgun aimed on target. "Who told you that?"

"No one told me. I dug up your name from the files at the lab."

Hemera starts in with a pained grunt, but you hold up a hand. "She's not crazy."

"Eli, I know you. I know there is no way in hell you'd have done this willingly. But if you didn't--"

"Yeah. I didn't." you sigh. but you did sign yourself over to the military, and they did collect samples - who's to say they couldn't have sold them onward, to data brokers and underground researchers and so forth? "I think at the very least she's been grievously misled, but it's not... completely out of the question. There are other ways." you see him screw up his face in confusion, make a mental note to bug the Doc to tell him about the marvels of Columbian bio-engineering later.

"Satsuki, was it? Where's this lab?"

as you clear the building, it occurs to you that perhaps the security is as much to keep the scientists and test subjects in as it is to keep intruders out. you find them huddled under desks, barricaded in closets, as armored guards fall around you. some of them beg for their lives. others rock in place and cry silently. a brave few try attacking you, once it's clear that you're not here to liberate them.

you leave not a single one alive.

"Looks like two other labs partnered with this one," you say, as you scroll through the computer files, hastily scribble the information down onto a piece of paper.

"So what happens now?"

"I find 'em. I delete 'em from existence. And I move on."

you begin setting the charges.

Satsuki is talking as you make your way back to the house.

"All my life, I was told my purpose was to be a weapon. But what am I, really? Who am I, really? Do I even have a choice in what I become?"

you roll your eyes at her. "Do I look like a shrink to you?"

"Kinda busy trying to have an existential crisis here, and you're not helping, dad."

"I'm not your dad."

"Where do I even go? The lab was my only home. It wasn't much of one, to be fair. But still."

"You can stay at the house," Hemera volunteers, "until you're able to get your own place."

"No, she can't."

"Eli, she's your kid."

"No, she isn't!"

"You know what? Fine. You hate me being around so much, I'm outta here. Have a nice life."

something breaks inside you.

she's your kid.

"Listen-- Satsuki--"


you frown, eyes downward, unwilling to meet her gaze. "I'm sorry your dad couldn't live up to the fantasy you built up inside your head."

( the truth is, you're not sorry. why should you be, when none of it was your fault? but the truth is also not what she needs to hear right now. )

"The good news is, you don't need him to boss you around. I can already tell from the short time I've known you, you're strong, you're determined, you got a fine head on your shoulders, you got your whole life ahead of you. World's your oyster. Do whatever you want, really. It's what I did. And, if what you want is to go to school--" here you smirk-- "Hemera will put you through college."

"I never said that!"

"Well, are you really gonna not, mister let-me-volunteer-my-house-and-home?"

it's too easy.

he snarls. "All the damage from the fight is coming out of your next paycheck."
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