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a finch in the hand

14written posts
ghostfinchearned bits
New Member
ghostfinch Avatar
Hey, community!

I've rped for many years (14, give or take), but I've only come to proboards/jcink recently (~1 year ago). I started my journey in chatrooms and gaia online. 

I joined this forum to get a better idea of what's out here and learn more about fellow role players outside of the one board I'm a part of. There are so many resources and galleries, so I really look forward to seeing what's out here. I think there's a lot of opportunity to improve in my favorite hobby. So, hello everyone! I hope to see more of you all soon.

My loves:
  • Writing angst
  • Horror in all mediums
  • Amnesia tropes/conversations about identity & how it's constructed
  • Birds
  • Supernatural elements outside of species/races (not a vampire girlie)
  • Revisiting fandoms! It's so cool to see how many people return to things they loved growing up. It inspires me!

I'm learning some things about this board still as it's a little different from the one I RP on... one day I will figure out these signatures. 

last edit on Jul 30, 2024 20:08:51 GMT by ghostfinch