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Staffing Confessions

Feline Overlord
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Okay, so this is irking me, but like, I sometimes feel like "why do I even bother writing stuff for my site, it's like no one reads it". Like, lately, it's a certain species on my site that a few people have applied for, but they all are like "X in Y" when, no, that species is not from Y and they have their own homeland, but because it shares a name with a theological concept in the west, a lot of people just seem to go glossy in the eyes.

this is late. I feel your pain on this one. A lot of the species I use are based off of stuff like Dracula for example, but with their own spin or alternatively originally created. Most of them have this mix of originality and olden tales with some being an outlier. Then these outliers have assumptions made because people assume they are from x show when in reality, they are a mixture of the several things or completely original. This being said, always read a site's info. x.x Makes it a lot easier on the admins because I believe a lot of us do not like having to message someone telling them there is something wrong.

My own confession~
I swear, whenever somebody joins my site and expects me to change a bunch of nonsensical stuff like the entire plot, I just start laughing. I have 25-30 other role-players on this forum who joined and have been here longer than you x person. So I have no intentions on catering to your wishes. I really only listen if the person has a good suggestion for having something new added. However, I am not essentially demolishing everything my forum has just to shove in somebody else's original site.
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Gingerearned bits
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I haven't updated my site in 2 years... [pretty much all claims. bios are accepted just not added to claims.]

Because.. I've learned its sooo much less stress not to advertise then to actually adverties and try to get people to stay... And dealing with all their questions or, attempting to change lore, or just... trying to make one claim then do another...

--- I even removed the plug board XD because wasn't advertising for years.

//Bad admin, ignore her//
last edit on Jan 21, 2020 15:52:43 GMT by Ginger
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Gingerearned bits
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Because I wanna roleplay Kingdom hearts so bad.. and There's so many rules and soo many abused of OP characters..

There is some part.. Half part of my mind that wants to make a "clique" Mocking roleplay.. Where you have to Be friends with somebody within a certain Roleplay community to get all your abilities you desire. And approval of like.. 3 Likes.

HAHA the site will Bomb so bad. Oh man. A Like Clique KH system rp for Power ups. HAHAHA... I'm tired, I need sleep.

This is On topic because "Staffing Confessions" I am confessing thinking this Staff Nonsense.
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Jan 22, 2020 19:11:24 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I always feel weird when I take a high rank when I'm staff... Or in this case, three so far and possibly another few... Does anybody else feel weird going for a high rank when you aren't a regular member or is it just me? >.>
I feel this. I always worry somebody is going to be all "ugh, look at this person, taking ranks on their own site, I bet they designed it just for themselves."

Then I started to think and I'm just like "well, it's my site. If anyone is well suited to taking the position, using it for its intended purpose, and keeping it active, it is me". Because, as a staff, I'm inherently active. If not, well, the site is screwed anyways, unless there is a larger staff backing it.
stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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Not so much as a confession but a "tricks of the trade"...

I've been deferring to use Google Sheets more and more to keep track and organize most aspects on my site. I've used it to track thread roulettes, event timers & rounds, and member activity. It's been a great tool for me to chart and make sure that I'm not relying on my pea-sized brain to try to remember who did what or stopped posting when, etc. 

The initial data entry part can take quite a bit of time but once I've fallen into the habit of updating the sheets, managing members in terms of numbers and stats have become a breeze.

And receipts. Always keep forum receipts. :'^)

hover + icon by 旳---
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So we had a poll to decide if we should increase the amount allowed for one person to have a high rank and later added for the opposite side to have some too. Soooooo I took two of the high ranks on the opposite side, both being for plot development but as one moves up in the world in the long near future, the other is going to betray as she takes revenge on what they did to her brother. Also I suggested a shop item and it got accepted, yay me. >.> Also I feel you Pitch, I was trying to encourage the other staff to go for a head leader for all groups on the opposite side and it was decided against because the one we have had flopped prior to staff taking it for their characters and we didn't want the same thing happening on this one too.
last edit on Apr 13, 2021 19:44:53 GMT by Deleted
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
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There is a surge of positive emotions. I decided to reach out to somebody I suspected was interested, just quiet and learned they needed help. Thus, I am hyped to help out. c: Means I can see some more awesome characters.
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wolfeearned bits
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Trying to harness and put forward something that members will latch onto hard enough to do a huge and sustained activity spike is one of my greatest joys in staffing when it works.

This past one was unexpected, frankly, because I threw the bait out but didn't expect like the entire site to latch on so hard about it. As I get better I hope the number of flops goes down to as close to zero as possible, though. Those suck.
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
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Pure Gremlin Energy
I really dislike when I go around sites and see staff members vaguely criticize their current or former members for wanting to join a different site... Without these people contributing to the site, nobody can get far. It also makes me extremely nervous to interact with the person remotely. I mean, if they are willing to say those types of things to people they role-played with, what will they say to the stranger who just pops on to advertise or what not?

Furthermore, with the former members, I now understand why people are terrified to rejoin sites. People should not have to feel that way because a staff member decided to be a little butt hurt, but I can understand why. If I read those messages and was a former member, then I would not want to come back to any other sites I joined either.
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when you feel like you're actually and actively getting somewhere in your plot.

it may have taken a few months because of a slow start + the holidays, but the pay-off is well worth it when you are thankful for the member base that you have and feel like all the events, plot-oriented threads, and overall plans you have for the site will not be in vain.