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Staffing Confessions

907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
tired: putting claims lists together with all these codes and bobbles

wired: putting the lists on google spreadsheets

i dont have energy, my neck hurts, me hungry, and im tired of even doing a remote amount of anything!!

edit: put this is staff confessions lmao
phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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Desmond Miles Avatar
tired: putting claims lists together with all these codes and bobbles

wired: putting the lists on google spreadsheets

i dont have energy, my neck hurts, me hungry, and im tired of even doing a remote amount of anything!!

edit: put this is staff confessions lmao

as a staff member, i like the idea of having the claims on googlesheets since i can largely set it and forget it (and do it so it's something where you input it into googleforms and it outputs onto the sheet) since this pleases me deep down inside as someone who is constantly tired and is low-key burnt out on staff work.

as a member, i hate seeing claims done by googlesheets. because i can never manage to navigate through it on mobile (it's so slow to load if it loads at all), i'm always somehow hitting buttons to do things to the list when i just want to scroll down to read all the claims, ctrl + f doesn't seem to work for me on them for some reason i don't understand, i've had multiple issues where nothing is even remotely alphabetized which drives me through the roof because it makes it harder for me to find what claims are actually taken (and just generally messes with my need for organization), i've never seen one that looked even remotely pleasing to the eye, never mind actually jived with the aesthetic of the site, and just. no. no. i will personally go through and file claims from members myself if it means that i never have to deal with a googlesheet.

(like, don't get my incoherent screaming into the abyss wrong, it's not actually a hard make-or-break for me, it's just. such a sheer moment of dread when i see that google sheet start loading that i just. low-key yeet myself into the abyss any time it happens because i know it's going to be so much more work trying to check claims now than it would otherwise be and i just... apparently really needed to vent about this specific peeve right now oops sorry desmond + any admins who use googlesheets, you're still valid, i just... don't... like it... personally...)

which i guess means that my staff confession is that i just file all of the claims myself now upon acceptance just because i'd rather know the claim gets filed right and that the lists are current + complete rather than have to deal with someone forgetting a closing tag and breaking the entire code or with the awkward "oh xyz is actually claimed, so-and-so just hasn't filed it, sorry-" conversation that i high-key dread.
last edit on May 17, 2020 23:41:09 GMT by Kuroya

907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
Desmond Miles Avatar
we will have peace at any cost
Kuroya Avatar
as a staff member, i like the idea of having the claims on googlesheets since i can largely set it and forget it (and do it so it's something where you input it into googleforms and it outputs onto the sheet) since this pleases me deep down inside as someone who is constantly tired and is low-key burnt out on staff work.

as a member, i hate seeing claims done by googlesheets. because i can never manage to navigate through it on mobile (it's so slow to load if it loads at all), i'm always somehow hitting buttons to do things to the list when i just want to scroll down to read all the claims, ctrl + f doesn't seem to work for me on them for some reason i don't understand, i've had multiple issues where nothing is even remotely alphabetized which drives me through the roof because it makes it harder for me to find what claims are actually taken (and just generally messes with my need for organization), i've never seen one that looked even remotely pleasing to the eye, never mind actually jived with the aesthetic of the site, and just. no. no. i will personally go through and file claims from members myself if it means that i never have to deal with a googlesheet.

yeah thats p validactually. idk i always forget that mobile is what most people use to rp now, so i def needed that reminder, and it's a very good point!

which i guess means that my staff confession is that i just file all of the claims myself now upon acceptance just because i'd rather know the claim gets filed right and that the lists are current + complete rather than have to deal with someone forgetting a closing tag and breaking the entire code or with the awkward "oh xyz is actually claimed, so-and-so just hasn't filed it, sorry-" conversation that i high-key dread.

i mean, that's not a bad idea either!

i just wish there were easier ways to like...kill as many birds with one stone as possible lmao. i know there's no "one fits all" solution, but i want there to beeeee. :(
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
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Sharp Avatar
My code is terrible and full of weird solutions to problems that I am sure that there are more elegant solutions for, but I had one problem or another with what seemed like the right way to do it and just tinker until I come up with something bizarre.

My most recent thing was trying to get a mini profile image not to show up if someone didn't fill out the image. In hindsight I could have probably just forlooped in a different class but hey, why not just purposely break a code to achieve the result instead?

<div class="profilemini" {foreach $[user.mini_custom_field]}{if $[user.mini_custom_field.name] == "Hover Image"}a{/if}{/foreach}style="opacity: 1;">

I pity anyone who has to take over my mess. No notes anywhere to be found either.
last edit on May 19, 2020 7:25:11 GMT by Sharp
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I was excited over a skin, somewhat lost that excitement.... I love the skin we have but I sorta want a new one.... since it is time for a change... but how things work right now is that it just piles onto the other skins already on the site and I sorta wish it was just the two instead of all of them listed there since when we swap, everything has to be updated to current anyway and I feel it would be less work, but that is just me... and I understand the reason for why they are still there but like... I wish there were less since they aren't in use anyway and I can still see them when I swap skins on my ooc account. If I could code, life would be so much better for me....
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Or have the advertising on other sites trend die out and have just one dedicated forum to post everyone's ads/bills on because going to different sites just to drop your ad is exhausting.

hover + icon by 旳---
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
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ninelie Avatar
Or have the advertising on other sites trend die out and have just one dedicated forum to post everyone's ads/bills on because going to different sites just to drop your ad is exhausting.

I don't think people will ever stop this practice, because people are always going to be willing to work harder than others to try to be successful.

I have had this crazy idea for awhile that nods back to the days of web rings, (and also pyramid schemes kind of not going to lie.)

Basically we make a single ad with pretty big buttons (stole the size from Kismet sorry).

For a new site to join the ring they have to post the ad X amount of times (they can include their own banner in the ads they post of course). After X posts they get a permanent spot til their site dies, maybe with a small obligation to post the ad X times.
last edit on May 21, 2020 6:26:57 GMT by Sharp
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Sharp Avatar
I don't think people will ever stop this practice, because people are always going to be willing to work harder than others to try to be successful.

It's just as simple as slowly increasing the trend of sites not having the ad boards at all, and populating sites like Animangads and other rp resource sites to be the main hub for this main function.

The RL community was able to do it. I don't see why we can't be the change we want to see.

If a site wants to have a plugboard, I don't see that as an issue. But if I don't want to have a plugboard on my site, and just have the option of affiliates, I feel like that should be also acceptable?

TL;DR: Can't have others getting ahead of you by dropping their ad on your site if you don't have a plugboard.

last edit on May 21, 2020 17:01:09 GMT by ninelie

hover + icon by 旳---
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Sharp Avatar
ninelie Avatar
Sharp Avatar
I don't think people will ever stop this practice, because people are always going to be willing to work harder than others to try to be successful.

The RL community was able to do it.

People keep saying this and it is misinformation. Go to rpg-d and sift through their real life forms, out of the 50-60 I looked at today I found 4 that eschewed traditional advertising. One was a google group site with 4 members, 1 was nearly dead, one has been around for an age, and the other was run by an influential staff member of that resource forum. (I am aware there are more out there, these were just the ones in my sample group).

I definitely don’t think the misinformation on this topic is intentional, a big problem with resource forum discussion is that there is never really any fact checking, so if someone popular says something or they say something that sounds good in theory it often becomes seen as a fact. Resource forums often have a loud minority that group thinks together.

Most of the sites I’ve seen succeed resource alone either had an ad board til they got big enough to float without one, or they started out with a large following because of popularity. You don’t need to on site advertise to succeed, but it is almost purely better to advertise more than it is to advertise less. Some sites just don’t need the extra traffic to succeed.

A simple question is all it really takes to put this to bed.

Is it better for more or less people to see your forum?

last edit on May 21, 2020 20:16:27 GMT by Sharp