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Staffing Confessions

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
I wish they would Release Version 6 of Proboards already...... I Fear when I have to convert V5 stuff to 6..

I just wanna get this WAIT Fear OVER WITH!!

Funfact: I asked.. and no, they did not add in a way for Guests to change Skins.....
last edit on Feb 5, 2020 14:12:55 GMT by Ginger
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
888written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
me: hired 2 do coding shit
also me: “ya okay ill also do this and that and completely neglect the job i was originally hired for—“
but rlly me: “ya okay no matter the task i MUST PROCRASTINATE IT even if its eating my favorite dessert I MUST PROCRASTI—“
last edit on Feb 5, 2020 22:59:53 GMT by bc
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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I feel accomplished, doing advertisements today. I even did a first post or at least I couldn't find my thread on either board prior, so if I missed it, I apologize.. Can I just say, I really hate when one tries to act like crap didn't happen when you should know what is posted on the internet, stays on the internet? I mean, if you don't want people thinking your a jerk, don't act like one, karma is a bitch after all.
last edit on Jul 13, 2021 19:10:09 GMT by Deleted
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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I worry I make systems too complex and detailed.. but it confuses me at same time because they're basic "buy this lvl up" type ordeals..

But I am sitting over here looking over at everything trying to figure out "How am I going to trust this is easy enough for Guests to get, but fun enough for me?"

I'm going to sit in a corner, and pretend everything is perfect.

[no one offer to help, as I fear I'll say no and cause friction.]

So Admin Confession: I find simple things boring, and have a bad tendency to not understand why What I consider hard, is okay. but what I consider easy, is not?

its 5am, give me "Oh she's tired" credit please don't slaughter me.
last edit on Mar 3, 2020 10:57:43 GMT by Ginger
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Not going to lie, if anything for systems for the most part I've had to fend off people wanting it to be more complex more than anything.

Everyone decides that they really want to do something barred by the rules for one reason or another, so they design some kind of super complicated special rule that would allow them to do it and then put it forward. That is the majority of the engagement I've gotten at least about progression systems. Essentially a "Yeah, cool, but if we could remove the part where I have weaknesses that are meaningful that'd be cool."

So basically you're going to get complaints no matter what if you have weaknesses. And if you don't have weaknesses built in people will complain other people have overloaded characters. You can't really win in terms of having nobody complain about finding it too complicated/basic, there will always be both and a good chunk of those complaints won't be valid in the first place because they either don't know or don't care what you intended the system to do in the first place.

Just do what you think is best and roll with it for as long as that takes you imo. You can't please everyone in a subjective hobby like this.
last edit on Mar 5, 2020 21:00:47 GMT by wolfe
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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Not going to lie, if anything for systems for the most part I've had to fend off people wanting it to be more complex more than anything.

Everyone decides that they really want to do something barred by the rules for one reason or another, so they design some kind of super complicated special rule that would allow them to do it and then put it forward. That is the majority of the engagement I've gotten at least about progression systems. Essentially a "Yeah, cool, but if we could remove the part where I have weaknesses that are meaningful that'd be cool."

So basically you're going to get complaints no matter what if you have weaknesses. And if you don't have weaknesses built in people will complain other people have overloaded characters. You can't really win in terms of having nobody complain about finding it too complicated/basic, there will always be both and a good chunk of those complaints won't be valid in the first place because they either don't know or don't care what you intended the system to do in the first place.

Just do what you think is best and roll with it for as long as that takes you imo. You can't please everyone in a subjective hobby like this.

tbh i feel diz 2 AHOLE nutha level and it always bing bong BONKs altho for different reasons.

there is no problem w/ asking 4 stuff but y would u explicilty skate around set parameters. idc that u promise me u won't play 1/2 of the champs in league o legends, we're not giving u 10 bans for draft phase u IDJIT.

also i understand wen u compare other character n power levels as a crux for ur own jdugement. i dn't agree w/ it but i understand it. but wen ppl go out of their way just to complain about another power set? i'm like hello whO R U? liek if ur not threadin gw/ them, not gonna thread w/ them, y do u care.?! idek. 

as mi amiga would say, "stay in ur lane, lucas!"

also another take i think is weird (and i see this in power rp more off10 than not) ppl wanna make stuff more complicated when u can do that stuff automatically by urself. there was a very open, freeform power rp i was on not 2 long ago where they dgaf about powers cuz ur focus is the story and the powers r just a medium to excaliber the plot n the revolution around characters.

so when ppl ask for power outlines, cool downs, etc, and they said the reason was cuz they wanted 2 make a weak character...

y not just make the character and rp out having cooldown on urself? i don't think u need site rules to say obtw u gotta have a 2 post cooldown to say ic that ur too exhausted to use ur power again...



446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Some people like a structure to work with. Sure, you can sit four people across from each other at a table and freeform combat with a story -- or you can play D&D which has a conflict resolution system and a progression system built in. There are people who do largely crunch-free tabletop games, and a lot of them are really good actually, but others like the structure that rolls/cooldowns/etc. provide.

I think it's really weird that people seem to differentiate stat based forum RP when half of us are D&D nerds anyway and nobody questions why an attack roll happens or why AC is important in that medium. There are people with a lot of very, very valid complaints about D&D and how it essentially came out as an adaptation of a war game and never really shed that combat based resolution system -- and I totally get that! But people play D&D because either A) It's the popular game everyone knows and Billy hates learning new things or B) They actually like it.

Combat systems and rules are important in D&D because it's a huge part of the draw as to why people want to play D&D. They want cool characters fighting giant monsters, getting loot, and leveling up. You can accomplish all of those same things about a structure and with complete free form, yes, but that won't get the audience who enjoys Dungeons and Dragons because the crunch is part of the appeal for those who aren't just held hostage to the system because that's what their friends use. It's completely different audiences for completely different experiences.

Someone who likes crunch will hate a game like FATE or Fiasco much like someone who hates crunch will hate D&D -- especially earlier editions like 3.5, Pathfinder (I'm counting it as D&D for these purposes okay it's basically 3.75), or 4e. If you are the type of person who thinks 5e is too much crunch, then you will hate every other edition and that's fine. It's not your thing, but that doesn't change that people have perfectly valid reasons to like every edition as well as completely different games like FATE or Fiasco which offer a crunch-lite alternative. Even 4e, much to my chagrin, can be argued by someone not me to have some sort of benefit to society.
last edit on Mar 6, 2020 1:59:25 GMT by wolfe
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
wolfe Avatar

Some people like a structure to work with. Sure, you can sit four people across from each other at a table and freeform combat with a story -- or you can play D&D which has a conflict resolution system and a progression system built in. There are people who do largely crunch-free tabletop games, and a lot of them are really good actually, but others like the structure that rolls/cooldowns/etc. provide.

I think it's really weird that people seem to differentiate stat based forum RP when half of us are D&D nerds anyway and nobody questions why an attack roll happens or why AC is important in that medium. There are people with a lot of very, very valid complaints about D&D and how it essentially came out as an adaptation of a war game and never really shed that combat based resolution system -- and I totally get that! But people play D&D because either A) It's the popular game everyone knows and Billy hates learning new things or B) They actually like it.

ya which is fine. cuz that's 4 ppl coming to the table to play a game and know what they're getting in2.

but like if u coming to a site that's freeform, been freeform... why would u ask them to start adding padded rules n systems and apply it to every1 and fundamentally effect everythang wen u can just impose it urself?

at least dats where i get confuzzled XD

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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I haven't done ad's in like forever.... Okay seriously it hasn't been that long but I can't remember the last time I've done them. Is it bad that I'm secretly jealous over the fact others can code beautiful skins and I on the other hand don't know how to code to save my life? Can we just have a place that allows the skins to be on display, like a powerpoint, if you will just because you can set up a slide show.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
888written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
spiritfoxxy Avatar
Mar 6, 2020 21:59:00 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I haven't done ad's in like forever.... Okay seriously it hasn't been that long but I can't remember the last time I've done them. Is it bad that I'm secretly jealous over the fact others can code beautiful skins and I on the other hand don't know how to code to save my life? Can we just have a place that allows the skins to be on display, like a powerpoint, if you will just because you can set up a slide show.

this is me when all the ppl who have (for some reason) followed me on a coding showcase place has like. these Amazing skins all mocked up and coded whereas i just have a bunch of random smol templates that look horrible on the previews b/c it doesnt load in the environment css IM NOT JEALOUS THAT SOME PPL EVEN HAVE THE COMMITMENT TO DO THAT SHIT

like man, i have no design sense, u know????? trying to know what to fit how to fit and when to fit is so. so. difficult. i wish i could just aesth over func but nooooo
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
I tend to dislike when people who join my site act as though they are the best thing since sliced bread to happen to my site... I have had these types of people essentially insult my plot and with that my member base by telling me it is boring before saying something along the lines of "But don't worry, I'll make the plot fun." I always sit there thinking 'Um... excuse me?' If there is a problem with the plot, you should not be the only one fixing it. Considering you just joined, you are not automatically top role-player, because there isn't one. We work together and have fun together, so if there is a problem with the plot, we work with one another. You are not some saviour arriving to rescue our plot. We had fun without you and if you treat us nicely, we can have fun with you.
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
When members perceive every little thing that puts their character at a slight disadvantage or in a slightly complicated situation as a personal slight against you, the staff admin, who is trying to balance and DM an event to make it enjoyable for everyone.

No one is out to get you. You signed up for this event, you know the consequences that the environment is very much "here be dragons", and it was such a small thing to complain over because your characters didn't have the perfect skill set to completely steamroll over event content.

This isn't a video game level where you're gunning for a perfect, no damage taken speedrun. This is a story that's a collaboration effort on everyone's part, and damn, will I prioritize the narrative and making sure everyone else is having fun over your insecure needs to be a boring perfectionist.

Edit: If you don't know how to solve a problem through creative writing (and after given options too! by the DM!) and then throw a small tantrum about things being unfair, I don't think this hobby is for you.
last edit on Mar 10, 2020 14:47:26 GMT by ninelie

hover + icon by 旳---
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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I kind of wonder if many of the person(s) we speak of happen to be the same person. Anyways, for my confession, I sometimes feel like my questions are pushy for things to happen when I don't intend for them to be. For example, asking when we're swapping chatboxes because chatango is slowly breaking on us because of flash... Or if I do enough for the site when the only thing I have access to touch is the advertisements, character creation sections. Like a basic moderator role, even though I'm okay with that. God, I just hope I can help out more when v6 comes out because I fear there will be hell to pay while we all adjust to it.
last edit on Oct 29, 2021 20:44:26 GMT by Deleted
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
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Chibi Magician Avatar
I tend to dislike when people who join my site act as though they are the best thing since sliced bread to happen to my site... I have had these types of people essentially insult my plot and with that my member base by telling me it is boring before saying something along the lines of "But don't worry, I'll make the plot fun." I always sit there thinking 'Um... excuse me?' If there is a problem with the plot, you should not be the only one fixing it. Considering you just joined, you are not automatically top role-player, because there isn't one. We work together and have fun together, so if there is a problem with the plot, we work with one another. You are not some saviour arriving to rescue our plot. We had fun without you and if you treat us nicely, we can have fun with you.
I had someone like this not too long ago. They basically said that my site was going to be a placeholder until they got their site up "in a couple weeks," then they started to throw their weight around and insult the site & our members, and just when I had just about had enough, they inserted a pornographic picture. :| We're not a mature site, but I've been at mature sites and that kind of content got flagged with a warning (in cbox) or posted in a NSFW channel (Discord), so, they basically would've broken rules regarding that elsewhere anyway. Some of my members were livid because they were at work when they clicked on the link. (To be fair, they did say "I don't know if this is allowed," which I apparently didn't notice at the time... but the first thing they should have done was a.) read the rules beforehand because it clearly states in the rules no pornographic images, or b.) ask before linking. Use your head.)

One thing I don't get is how people think they're so entitled that they can throw their weight around, admit they'll only be around for a short while, and expect that people will give them the time of day? Because they won't. I guarantee if nothing bad happened (like them circumventing the 10m suspension I gave so I could let them know their behaviour was not acceptible via PM and talk it over) and they managed to become a member with an approved character, no one would have plotted with them because they knew that person was going to be leaving shortly. Nobody wants to waste their time and energy on a plot that'll get cut short. My members love to write and they love meeting and plotting with new people, but not asshats who are about to poof on them. I kind of wonder if our problem child was the same person as Chibi's problem child. xD

Another fun type of prospective member is the type who comes onto a site and is immediately hostile to the staff while acting super sweet towards the other members. |:

Thankfully it's super rare. I think it's only happened to be maybe ... 4 times? 2 times? few times? since opening.

Omg... this is more ironic than you know... So first off, the member I referred to was somebody who did nothing too bad off. Just one thing that irked me as a not cool. They did not enter the degree yours did, but enough to for me to give them the "Really?" stare.

HOWEVER, based on the information this could potentially be a former member. I will not confirm or deny for their sake, but this is a familiar attitude you mentioned. So I may know this problem child. XD I will say good luck in regards to that, nonetheless. Whether they are the same person or not, I understand those behaviours can be frustrating the handle. I am holding out in hope they change and improve themselves, but you can never know with people.

As for the immediately staff hostile, I have not had that yet. This being said the most awkward situation I had in regards to this was somebody who treated everyone, but myself and another admin like dirt. It reached the intensity in a mere week that my other admin told me they feared them because they displayed stalker-ish behaviours. x.x It... was not a fun situation. That was long ago and I pre-banned their IP on my current site for my one admin's safety and reassurance.

spiritfoxxy Avatar
Mar 10, 2020 18:22:19 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I kind of wonder if many of the person(s) we speak of happen to be the same person. Anyways, for my confession, I sometimes feel like my questions are pushy for things to happen when I don't intend for them to be. For example, asking when we're swapping chatboxes because chatango is slowly breaking on us because of flash... Or if I do enough for the site when the only thing I have access to touch is the advertisements, character creation sections. Like a basic mod role, even though I'm okay with that. God, I just hope I can help out more when V6 comes out because I fear there will be hell to pay while we all adjust to it.

Foxxy, you do enough. <3 You keep little ol' me in check and handle my insanity. XD That is what we really need from staff. That and you help me with the endless list of species. <3 As for the asking. >.> I probably need it to remember, I am a freaking goldfish.
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voiceearned bits
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speaking my mind and nothing else.
I feel like when you are an admin/staff, people want to roleplay the shit out of you. When you're just another member, people forget who you are and you have to depend on your own set of socialization skills because people tend to kiss the ass of the management team over anything else.