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Site Staff Search[break]
I’m looking for some help on building Ixoria! In general, I would like people who are experienced with the Jcink Admin interface. Previous staffing experience is not necessary but would be appreciated.
Please be aware that every role is voluntary, and at most, you will receive an in-character amount of money per calendar month. You will have to register with an OOC account to conduct any staff roles.
More information about Ixoria can be found here in the progress thread.

I separated the types of staffing with Active Roles and Passive Roles. An Active Role is someone who is expected to be active in the community and can be someone players turn to for questions. A Passive Role is still part of staff but generally keeps care of site upkeep rather than is directly involved with bigger site events or lore, and isn’t required to answer or cater to most player base needs or moderation.

If you are interested in any of the roles, please fill out the submission form HERE
Active Roles

  • Narrative Lead/Lore Master - Basically, I’m looking for someone who will help me bounce ideas off of. Someone to help build site lore, a creative and open-minded person who can bring ideas to the table and be willing to listen to other’s ideas. You don’t have to be explicitly well-versed in the game mechanics of the site, but it would be preferred if you would wish to run events that would relate to combat or other site mechanics. Your responsibilities would include running events, helping build and maintain the site calendar, build and create site lore, and inform potential players about the world of Ixoria, help lead site factions, and more! I would require a writing sample of previous work.
  • General Moderator - A general moderator for the site. Everything from giving members money, approving character bios, running site events, and ensuring that members adhere to the member rules both on-site and in the discord. Would have to be well-versed on both site rules and site mechanics. I would require a writing sample of previous work.


Passive Roles
  • Advertisement Mod - Basically, someone who has too much time on their hands to help keep track of advertisements. From first posts, to link backs, to helping keep track of affiliates. Experience with the Jcink admin panel to add or remove affiliates would be explicitly necessary. Can also serve as the GFX mod.
  • GFX Mod - Someone who has a lot of experience with coding and GFX, a thorough understanding of the jcink admin panel, and has some ability with photoshop or any other image editing software. You would be responsible for updating site graphics, such as the site banner or various other site-related upkeep. Can also serve as the Advertisement Mod.

If you have any questions, I'm Badtz-Milk#0240 on discord. And the link to the Ixoria Discord can also be found here! Thank you so much if you've read this far, and I hope you have a nice day!

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last edit on Oct 10, 2021 20:35:28 GMT by milk
251written posts
milkearned bits
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Modern stuff isn't really my thing, but with the sites I've been looking into not fitting or stalled... I might as well look for alternatives.

Are races very rigidly defined? Could someone be of a unique sort of race or something?

Could a character's backstory establish something about the setting's past?

Hello! Thanks for showing some interest!

In regards to races, there are four races that we are going to allow as playable. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Beastfolk. Beastfolk being a more generic term for mostly humans with animal characteristics and can range from just having animal ears to being more anthro-like. You are free to make hybrid or mixed race individuals, like half elves half humans or something like a elf with Beastfolk ancestry.

Character backgrounds can be pretty freeform as long as it doesn't break any established site lore. I'm not sure how much you mean for setting up your own backstory, but I'm open to more ideas to help shape the world.
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milkearned bits
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I said I really liked this idea and I still do! It feels a bit more involved than just a panfandom AU where people 'died' in their original worlds or were randomly plucked from their original words to a new one. (That idea really isn't very exciting for me...)

I never not liked rping with most canon characters, I know a lot of people feel uncomfortable or hesitant with them because it's someone else's interpretation of an already established character. (Cue sometimes very personal or controversial headcanons that don't always get accepted by others) But for the most part, I've hardly encountered anyone who acted noticeably 'out of character' or said character actions were quite justified considering that most RP is AU that is vastly different from established canon anyway.

I feel like this way of establishing a 'canon' character can, in essence, justify putting a personal or very different twist on characters as it's basically putting them into an entirely different AU setting!

I do love the academy aspect as well, again, we need more academia-focused RPs I miss my old My Hero site... Personally too, I hope this will be OC-friendly as well as canon.

Modern Fantasy settings are so underutilized as well, less urban supernatural magic is hush hush but more 'if magic was real in the current modern day time and everyone could use it, then what would the world be like.' Stop making magic secret, everyone knows it exists! lol

tl;dr super interested and super excited to see where this will go!
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milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant



Progress Entry #7[break]
Not a whole lot of progress, but progress has been happening! More board threads have been put up and I'd say we're about 50% done with all the setting up. Sadly, my main other staff partner has had to take a break in working on the site due to IRL and other commitments, so now I'm mostly just doing the stuff on my own, but I'm chugging away and determined to make this succeed!
The systems handbook has actually started to get put up on site! (Though once again, it's going to be a fair bit of effort to get everything moved over). I was actually kind of worried over whether people would like the system that was created, I tend to find most complex things daunting myself and also find most people who break down posts line by line in order to find every weakness and mistake you made in your post to be... a little intimidating. I digress in the fact that people are people, and people have fun in different ways. *shrug* But, I think that it caters to a niche audience as well as focusing on the optional aspect of it caters to people who wish to focus on a more purely narrative journey. Te be honest, I miss a lot of combat rp, but I don't miss the number crunching and the people who break out dictionaries to tell you what your own post means...
I definitely do NOT want to create an environment like that. I do hope to break out the beta soon, seeing how the system itself will work in play and whether or not it's actually something that players will enjoy.
Anyway, I am pretty excited about the world and lore that's been created. I hope it can cater to those who very much want that moder/sci-fi but also fantasy setting. I think that I might've written a lot in regards to world lore, so I think I will also make TL;DR versions of the major aspects.
Also once again, here's our main discord server. Still very much a WIP, but it's getting there with new channels and roles being added very soon!
What we aim to do:

Fix up all the site links! And fancy up the discord!
Finish up building all the site boards! (About halfway there)
Other setting up threads and submissions!

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251written posts
milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant
I think this concept of Canon characters but in a au setting that isn't strictly a sandbox/panfandom multiverse, but a cohesive and somewhat more constant setting is an absolutely interesting concept! Plus, I will always say yes to high school/academy settings because I miss them so much. 

I feel like it would be a lot like a my hero site in concept, but a lot more freedom and general mix of personalities and characters.