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Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
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Random thought: I am happier today.
I am, too. Just a little, but I am.
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of

Description: Reidun Weyr is a seaside Weyr on the northern continent, and Reidun Hold is beholden to the Weyr. Towards the southern tip, weather is balmy and pleasant most of the year. It has long been believed that dragons impress based on how dominant or submissive someone is, on whether they're a leader or a follower, but if one looks closely they can see that is not the case at all.

We are an 18+ roleplay with a 2-2-2 rating. Impressions on Reidun Weyr occur based on personality traits and are not based on gender or sexuality.
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Opening Date: 7/23/23
last edit on Jul 23, 2023 15:44:22 GMT by rabbitears
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
I hate the mental resistance that comes when I feel like I HAVE to post.

It's even worse when I WANT to post and I'm stuck in a loop of "I HAVE to so I don't wanna ..."
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
Salmon Avatar
specthare Avatar
Jun 23, 2023 17:39:53 GMT @specthare said:
you ever assume your online friends just look like their icons irl. cause i do all the time.
Catch me on the right day and I do
Almost always. I know they don't (mostly). But my mind associates that image or a main character with their face.
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
For Shadow of the Empire:

36 | Smuggler, Rebel General | Harrison Ford

Han Solo is a long-time smuggler who has recently blossomed into a general of the Rebellion. He's also started a relationship with Princess Leia.
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
Oh no, I've woken up with a sore throat! If I have strep again I have to reschedule my hematology appointment.
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
Why is it always "when did you find out you were gay" in movies/tv where someone is fake-married after being married to a woman, not just "oh we're bisexual."
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
Part of the Furniture
rabbitears Avatar
We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
I feel like I'm spamming my development board but it's all actual development and I've got nothing better to do ...