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because i enjoy putting subtle hints at my character maybe being nervous, anxious, etc without openly saying it
Snipping this part specifically because one of my all-time favourite things to do in RP is decide what some of my character's tells are for things like lying, attraction, anxiousness, fear, etc. during character creation, and then mention absolutely none of them on the profile. They only go into posts, right there from day 0, and when the stars align it can be a great bit of foreshadowing.

My only contribution to the long vs short posts conversation is that I am a self-proclaimed sentient wall of text, I tell everyone everywhere about this ahead of time, and profusely apologize for it while just in general trying to let people know what they're signing up for when RPing with me and also what I like to try and write. I don't fault anyone for just not clicking with particular styles and I wish the Session 0 thing from tabletops was more common in forum RP.
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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My art is pretty hit or miss, and more often than not I end up binning a picture instead of soldiering on long enough to finish it
But I've been stubbornly subjecting my thread mates to my own OC art for 6+ years now, and I'm finally feeling pretty good about this one

Drawn from reference because I accepted a long time ago I'm just bad at proportions and poses and that's okay because it turns out I'm not trying to reinvent the human form after all

Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Noireearned bits
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No cracks, no breaks; no mistakes
Grain of salt that maybe I'm the odd one out and most people find shippers great for plotting, idk. I used to say "plotter" and "shipper" interchangeably because I didn't even know they were supposed to be different, and I still kind of think they should both accomplish both. To me, they're just tools to figure out how to start threads we'll both enjoy.

But anyways, I'm one of those people who prefers to figure out character dynamics in-thread and give room to instantly hate or quietly appreciate or whatever other weird feelings two characters might have at first sight. It's okay to have an idea and all, but I don't like to overpromise on reactions and I'm not really concerned about whether my characters will be friends, lovers, or enemies with other people to begin with; any and all are good to me.

What I do need help figuring out is the "Why are our characters interacting at all?" part, and having actionable plot hooks helps. Cin had some great suggestions with a character's routine and where people can run into them; any recent goals and things they're trying to accomplish will also go well here. Basic slice-of-life-y scene startups work too, like Having A Bad Day, Found Something Neat, Geeking Out, Relaxing Chill Time - things that could be Open Threads, but instead you're saving them for at-request. I like to list the development arcs I'm planning too and the "soft wanted" openings to make them happen, but full respect that maybe I'm super forwards like that. Prior Connections are a great way to package both, giving an established dynamic and a reason to meet up. It helps cement my belief that all shippers should be at least a little bit of a plotter and vice versa.
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Noireearned bits
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i miss roleplaying and i miss talking about nothing in discord servers. i miss my rp friends.

i really need a creative outlet and i can't seem to find one that speaks to me.

i just feel sad. i want to create something again.

If you don't already, draw

It doesn't have to be a masterpiece
It doesn't even have to be good, and you definitely don't have to show it to anyone, either
It just has to be something that you put effort into and gave a genuine shot
I think most people would surprise themselves if they practiced making art even just a lil bit every now and then

Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Noireearned bits
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It's basically over now but
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

We made a duck this year
None of us really like turkey, and we wanted to roast a chicken instead, but no one could find one. But the store had ducks a-plenty, so... ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ
NGL we'll probably do it again next year
Shit was delicious
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Noireearned bits
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Finally watched the first couple episodes of Black Butler

Me: So this show is like 80% aristocratic slice of life, 15% "Sebastian is hot" jokes, and 5% whiplash supernatural murder
Black Butler: Yes
Me: Is this shoujo or shounen?
Black Butler: Yes
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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No cracks, no breaks; no mistakes
I am one of those people who can't cut onions without looking like I just watched Made in Abyss or the series finale of The Good Place

My SO could use raw onion peels as a shitty facial and be totally fine
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Finally played Among Us with the group for Wednesday game night
There was one session where I kept running into a pal on West while everyone in East died, and we did that awkward sus dance for a bit y'know?
But several body reports together later and we started playing unofficial hall monitor, figuring we'd check cams, win via tasks, etc.

Anyway, he snapped my neck for the victory
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Goooot it. Iโ€™m with you on Tolkien; Iโ€™ve tried on more than one occasion to get through the main series but always drop off half way.

Anyway, incoming wall of recs:

Broken Earth trilogy โ€” If you only read one thing from this list, make it The Fifth Season, which is the first in the series. Very character-driven, really unique world-building and parallel narratives that tie together in The Most satisfying way. The first 50 pages or so are a tad confusing since it introduces a lot of its own lingo and is written in an unconventional POV, but it picks up fast. It does alternate between first, second and third person depending on character (of which thereโ€™s three) throughout the book, which SOUNDS gimmicky but I promise itโ€™s done well. Copies come with a glossary at the back, which Iโ€™m mentioning because I didnโ€™t realize it was there when I first started, but it helped clear up a lot of the initial confusion with terminology once I found it. Great emotional moments and explorations of humanity. Fantasy with a touch of apocalyptic.

Villains duology, which is by the same author as Darker Shade of Magic. Starting with Vicious, the plot revolves around the idea of what makes a hero vs a villain. The protagonist is an anti-hero who definitely does a lot of amoral things, but the one who is presented as and sees himself as a hero is also a straight-up serial thereโ€™s that. Not as emotion-driven since both the protags/antogs are sociopaths. Features superpowers, but in a realistic way? If that makes any sense? Setting is modern day, real world. Second book isn't as necessary a read since the plot wraps up pretty nicely.ย 

Chaos Walking trilogy, which starts with The Knife of Never Letting Go. Unlike the others Iโ€™ve listed, itโ€™s technically YA but avoids a lot of the tropes in that genre; the main thing is that it is a coming-of-age type plot. Emotional prose? Check, if you donโ€™t mind it being written in vernacular. Character struggles with humanity? 200%. Setting is a pre-industrial sci-fi world where peopleโ€™s thoughts are audible, but is by no means hard sci fi.

The Poppy War trilogy โ€” Historical fantasy, with magic and shamanism, and is based on imperial China and Chinese-Japanese history. Genre does kinda shift halfway through, from being more academy-focused to a war. Revolves a lot around the trade-off between power vs humanity vs vengeance, though it does take awhile to get there. Content warnings for genocide, drugs and mentions of rape.

A Song of Ice and Fire - Because no list about books with conflicting moralities, great antagonists and deep world-building is complete without mentioning this. Also Iโ€™m a shameless evangelist of these books in general. Itโ€™s the opposite of small scale, but all the characters are so well done and you can really get in the heads of each of them and ugh, I love. The show adaptation wishes it could be a tenth as good. Also, no lavish descriptions unless you count GRRMโ€™s fondness for being really detailed about listing food items.

Thank you so much! I've already put most of these on hold, and worry not - funky literary mechanics are totally my jam so I'm starting right there at the top.

My brother once gifted me a copy of A Clockwork Orange, but evidently one of the editions without a glossary to explain all the made-up lingo, and I still don't know if that was a genuine oversight or intricate prank. But if I can figure out that mess, everything else is a grand reading adventure in the making. Thank you again! <3
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What kinds of books have you liked in the past?

Someone recommended the Darker Shade of Magic series, and it was mostly good; I liked the worldbuilding and Holland was a great antagonist. His pragmatic morality, combined with the viciousness of White London in general were nice deviations.

I recently read The Name of the Wind, and I'll be real and say the poetic phrasing was about all that kept me in it. There was a point where I had to check the publish date to see if the author really should have known better than to throw all the Fantasy Protag tropes into one character, and I am le disappoint. They definitely should have known better. But apparently not enough to not put a hold on the 2nd book. Clever turns of phrase and other unique wording like that will get me invested ASAP.

I know it's basically heresy, but I could never get into any of Tolkien's stuff. The emphasis on save-the-world plot and lavish descriptions are really big bonuses for many people, but I am not one of them. I'd rather read a smaller-scale, more emotional tale where I can relate to the characters than the usual high fantasy stuff.

Oh, and I'm not picky about genre. I've mostly stuck to fantasy because that's what I'm most familiar with, but I've read a swath of everything and will give anything a shot. Gib me dat emotional purple prose and a harrowing tale of one person's struggles for their own humanity, and I don't really mind what the setting nor time period is.
Sorojin's Labyrinth
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Too late, youโ€™ve asked me for book recommendations so now I have no choice but to flood you with them. I almost never the get the opportunity

Can I get in on these, too?

My library copy of The Empire of Gold finally came in and after I finish up this trilogy, I just don't know what books I'll be excited for any more. I have some others on hold, but they're mostly crapshoot hail marys trying to find something different enough to scratch that itch. The last one, I should have returned early when it started to turn; I still have no idea what that ending was supposed to be.

Although I have read two whole Agatha Christie novels. I'm fully qualified to run my own murder mystery one-shot now, right?
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I've recently worked my way up to IV in my "play all the Final Fantasies" series, and I've reached an important realization

I love bards, yo
Like can you believe people don't like Edward?!
Nono, I don't care at all about Damcyan castle or his tragic backstory or anything like that; just give me all the spoony bards with their magical harps and ridiculous skills and let me wtf my way to victory on everything, plzkthx

Barbs are when you wanna beat a boss
Bards are when you wanna beat a boss with style
Sorojin's Labyrinth