UPDATES have been added to the opening post, but can be viewed here for convenience!
This revision I felt was necessary, as the original plot I was working on was becoming a little to complex for my liking, and I think that would have been a hindrance to role-playing the story of PHANTASM. A lot of this involved how the Phantom and Zeroes worked, which has been simplified a bit to make it easier to understand and incorporate into the rest of the site lore and for writing characters. I was able to make these revisions while also adding more depth to the lore and situations within the world of PHANTASM, making for a bit of fun for everyone. There's some corporate shenanigans, rebels, monsters, mecha--all that good stuff. It's gonna be a solid, pure slap of a time. Once things are ironed out (I'll probably be ready to "test" things out in a few weeks), I hope to see some of you that have been lurking about and/or following this there!
Until next time, Pixel!
Story Revision
Information on the Zeroes