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dsboywonder25earned bits
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ninelie Avatar
I don't know why someone thought it was appropriate to provoke me into an argument this morning. This Monday morning. Now I'm coming into work all riled up and anxious and I hate it.

Also I was so angry I left my phone behind at home because I needed to disconnect that badly from this person still begging me to continue the conversation so it could feed into the argument even further.
I'm sorry to hear that!

A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay
159written posts
dsboywonder25earned bits
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valka Avatar

i'm gonna be sticking to aether! there's honestly not much reason for me to move elsewhere, unless i go back to EU since i live in the UK but uh... i got kinda sick of being disconnected far too often [sweats] plus an NA data centre works better for my schedule or lack thereof. sucks though that i won't be able to bug u ingame, i just wanna poke everyone then go back to being a ghost

with viera i have this Fear that yoshi p is trolling us LOL i know every single sign points to viera but i'm just like "BUT WHAT IF." i do hope we get both versions of viera though ;o; it'd be such a waste of design if they didn't bc they're both nice?? weeps

also don't feel sorry, i talk about ffxiv literally 24/7 @ L O L sometimes u just gotta obess

as a ps4 player, i wholeheartedly recommend getting yourself a wireless keyboard! i got one for pretty cheap off amazon (£10, i think?) and it works great, and it's just made me feel more able to do stuff on ffxiv since i can say i'm new to a dungeon or ask how to handle a mechanic. i'd definitely say look into a keyboard, it opens up a Whole New World

I'm definitely looking into that eventually - it's just right now as a streamer with give aways to prepare for and christmas I'm putting that first xD

I mean I'll be spending at maximum £220 on games to giveaway over december so xD

Also I can see at this rate I'll be moving to US servers off my EU servers somehow. Everyone I meet is like "oh yeh I play on US data center" me: :( -sits and pets Ta'vren on Zodiark-

A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay
159written posts
dsboywonder25earned bits
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dsboywonder25 Avatar
As someone without many friends who I can play with, I'd welcome an option to do things solo, especially as I play on PS4 and have no easy way to actually type (well actually so far I've not even found a way of even opening up chat on PS4 never mind typing!). The reason I say this is because my main (Ta'vren) is a tank.... but I won't attempt a dungeon without my friend there who's on PC, because she's talking in my ear to tell me where I need to go, what I need to hit first, as well as she'll go "Hey, he's never done this dungeon before, be patient" to give everyone else a heads up.

I'm not sure on Blu (Blue?) Mage as a class for me but I'm certainly intrigued

A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay