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springearned bits
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with the discussion of cboxes and discords about i am reminded yet again that im terrified of joining servers, and have not joined sites because i'm nervous about declaring my entry to a whole group of people that might contain someone i'd rather avoid.

had that happen before and i had a full blown panic attack about - they weren't active on the site so now i'm scared of it happening again 🤣🤣🤣
don't feel bad, join of ur own accord bb. and if things get sticky, just leave. :c don't let some annoying person derail you from joining a good site!

yessssssss preach !!!! this is a moooood !
46written posts
springearned bits
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OMG THE SUPERNATURAL SITE , RIGHT ?? You’re finally doing it ??

Nah fam, making a dark fantasy instead

dang , really ?? time to not talk to you for a few weeks 😩😩😩 ( jk ily salty and you know imma join that site biiiiiih !!! )
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springearned bits
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I have problems with being a little judgemental and now it's 2019 so I'mma work on that and get better so I can be a nicer person overall and feel good when everyone say I'm nice

OH and I'm going to finish a skin and make a site >8D

OMG THE SUPERNATURAL SITE , RIGHT ?? You’re finally doing it ??
46written posts
springearned bits
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hey , y’all , i really , super duper hope that y’all are having a great new year’s eve ! if things aren’t going great , that’s okay ! i hope they get better in 2019 ! let’s make next year’s mood a positive one !!! we’re all human beings with feelings ! remember , you’re awesome !!! you deserve the best !!! and 2018 may have been shit , but if we try really hard maybe , just maybe , 2019 will be great !!! i really hope it is because i treasure each one of you and no matter what y’all deserve happiness !!!! again , i’m a pm/discord message away - - i don’t like for anyone to feel left out/not wanted !!! have a great new year , darlings !!!
46written posts
springearned bits
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i’m having an absolutely wooooonderful day !!! hope y’all are , too !!!! if not , i’m only a pm or discord message away ! spring#8840 if y’all wanna hit me up !!! don’t be shy , i’ve gotten an open ear for everyone to vent to ! just a reminder that i love y’all and your pets adore ya !!!
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springearned bits
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also , is it just me or do a lot of people with anxiety not like eating out ?? because while i wait for my food , i get so anxious abt the people around me that i no longer feel hungry anymore and instead feel sick to my stomach and all jittery . random thought while i’m waiting outside a cracker barrel .
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springearned bits
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Not quoting since I've seen this several times and I am too lazy to do so, this brutally honest stuff interests me. I've been told a lot of times I'm brutally honest and respectful but they just don't like the thing I said- henceforth sometimes I'm a 'dick' but I always would love to hear this conversations. The idea of these biases/fallacies are so interesting that I sometimes wonder was I supposed to be a linguistics major.

It's so much more of a diverse area and it isn't always that simple. I've been called a dick and brutally honest & respectful. I need to figure it out better so I can personally adapt my speaking style to a less combative version. Not mainly for the internet cause, well I don't honestly care enough most of the time, but for my job mainly. I'm going to t2 for a promotion and I really don't want to deal with people screaming at me and it's my fault cause they dropped their phone in a toilet.

Also. I want more crazy calls man. It's so nice. So, the aliens are speaking through the gmail app on your iphone. Please do tell me more, customer.

there is a difference between being a straight up dick and being brutally honest - - i usually make the distinction and draw the line at ‘ is what i’m saying beneficial to this person ?? ‘ and a lot of instances can be stopped at ‘ did they ask for my opinion ? ‘ if they didn’t ask , then just don’t say anything , really , especially if you know that what you’re going to say isn’t going to go over well . but if they did ask . . . then they can’t get mad at you for speaking your mind , they asked after all , especially in a business setting as you described !

but of course there are times when you need to tell someone how it is , especially when they’re being either toxic or have a victim mentality . they may not like it at first , but , if they really are wanting to be different , they’ll take your words to heart . this is more of a personal relationship - - again , the other distinction is if you have that person’s best interest in heart . if you’re saying something to them that is going to make them better as a person but they say you’re being a dick , well , 1) you’re being brutally honest and that’s good because you want them to better themselves and 2) if they’re your friend , they’ll get over it .

anyway , i suck at explaining things ?? but i hope this helped !!! lemme know if you need any clarification !!!
last edit on Dec 16, 2018 17:47:11 GMT by spring
46written posts
springearned bits
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pup fell down the stairs this morning, and i'm pretty sure he's got a bad case of vertigo
tried taking him out to potty when i got home, and he had a melt down.
my poor cornchip's having a rough few months.

bless his poor little heart . i am so sorry - - i hope he gets better soon !!!! give him all the loves and kisses from me , i love him so much !!!!!