fix a tumblr theme?

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okay so. i started coding my first tumblr theme a good many months ago almost a year ago apparently heck and i'd like to finish it soon (since it's for my coding tumblr) but. there's one big coding oopsie goofers that i've not been able to figure out how to fix.

tl;dr, this is my tumblr, and well. i have no idea what i did that is somehow preventing it from adding the top bar for following people and all that. obviously it's not the end of the world that it's missing (since it's just a coding blog), but i'd still like to get it back if i can.

(honestly there's other stuff that's broken too but it's fine my two other coding hiccups aren't major issues the way this is-)
last edit on Jun 5, 2021 17:31:08 GMT by Kuroya

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