[COMPLETE] Banner Request

176written posts
Momoearned bits
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Momo Avatar
So, I'd really like to get a banner made that will work for a summer skin. I want to say that I largely plan making the colors of the skin to revolve around the banner. Since I don't have too much in mind outside of it being summery, there's definitely some room for creative freedom tbh.

Dimensions: 800x400
Site: link!
Images:  I would like images of 707 from Mystic Messenger and Yūichirō from Owari no Seraph to be used. Images of 707 from the game can be found here. Screenshots for Yūichirō can be found here and other art- such as covers- can be found here. While you can obviously use different pictures than these, I would really prefer that images where he looks younger not be used. 
Text: The Power of Belief: A Rise of the Guardians Roleplay
Details: As stated before, I'm looking for something a bit summery. Exactly how this is interpreted is fairly open, but color-wise I personally imagine something on the lighter side. Font wise, I prefer something curvy and the subtext being some type of print. It should be noted that the skin has two bars right next to where the header goes (to create the illusion of the header looking bigger than it is). This should be taken into account when making the header as I'll have to make those bars match the header. Basically, the header can't be too busy or it won't blend in well.

Thank you so much if you do this!
last edit on Aug 22, 2021 15:38:20 GMT by Momo
aliasmiddy, midnight
673written posts
NIGHTBLOOMearned bits
Part of the Furniture
so it goes.
I'll try to see if I can do something for ya! I did get close to finishing a version but my PS got all screwy and won't let me make the font bigger than 18px so... ughh. I'll have to figure out why and maybe remake it. But was something like this along the lines of what you were wanting? Like the two characters spliced together in an image?

Like I said, I was still working on it when PS took a poop, so I can still fix or change or even start over completely... ^^ Just let me know what you think~

coming soon.
176written posts
Momoearned bits
Full Member
Momo Avatar

Something like that would work well ^^ The only thing that really needs to be changed is that the background really needs to be a solid color (not sure if that is something that can be changed or requires starting over). As stated in the request, the skin has two bars next to it where you place the banner to create the illusion of a bigger banner. As a result, a banner that doesn't have a solid color as its background wouldn't mesh well with the skin. 
aliasmiddy, midnight
673written posts
NIGHTBLOOMearned bits
Part of the Furniture
so it goes.
Oh, yes, I was going to make it solid grey and the stripes were going to be masked and such... xD I was putting pieces together before blending, if that makes sense. But ok! I'll keep working on it for you. ^^

coming soon.
aliasmiddy, midnight
673written posts
NIGHTBLOOMearned bits
Part of the Furniture
so it goes.
OK! I'm so sorry this took as long as it did. TBH I got really stumped. I had an idea in my head but couldn't execute it xD But I think I came up with something that's... passable? ;w; I totally understand if you want someone else to pick up this request.


coming soon.