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2024 Roleplay Goals

aliasnao, paradisi
72written posts
naoearned bits
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nao Avatar
so what, refrigerator?

  • marry phim's characters 100 times and give them the entire world that's good and / or bad bc everything that is part of an existence should be dancing on her characters' palms
  • marry irene and tell her characters that mine are so in love with them , they'd like to smooch them and hug them but also kill them
  • marry ink and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z , screenshots of plans and plots not authorized to be published
  • marry goldie bc im weak in the knees for her and her mind and her genius and her literary signature
  • marry ( lots of ppl idk will still be rping in 2024 or not [ actually not even sure if i WOULD be considering i'm kind of enjoying my rp vacation ] and also not sure if they're on pixel perfect but the innate desire is present and i hope u kno who u r
  • will quartz marry me in 2024 ? who knows

ya i just wanna marry and eat , pray and love , love is unity love is peace love is ................. all-encompassing ( everything that results from it is 100% a go ofc )
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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the minotaur had four ni
Part of the Furniture
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emotional over wallace event/alt
Came back here as I have stewed more about roleplaying since working on my site. And I think I’ve decided: this place would be my last hurrah in rping. If it doesn’t work out, I will quit roleplaying forever and I will probably get rid of my discord account (which mostly has rp friends) all together.

While I did stop rping a while back, that was just to focus on my fic. I got burned out and stumbled my way back in bc a friend showed me a skin and I decided to check sites out for design inspo. I was really fired up going back into rping. Although it ended abruptly in a very nonsensical way, I was still eager to do more.

Working more on lore and exploring my ideas made me realize I have a lot that rping may simply not be able to cater with. Or rather, it takes more effort than just working on it as a fic for myself. It’s still not going to be easy, as the reason I got burned out was the feeling that no one was reading my work. I felt very bummed that no one was enjoying what was bringing me joy.

So I don’t know exactly what I would be up to if it comes to that. I know I will definitely still be writing stories. Maybe I will finally finish an original one. Regardless that would be my direction. I’ll be going to where I feel I can unleash my completed ideas out.

If this account is unalived, then you’ll know which one happened!!
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
1,408written posts
ullaearned bits
ulla Avatar
in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

i'm in such a different place in so many ways than i was a year ago so i literally just have one goal this upcoming year:

- start writing again

(augh goughgh also i need to post those old codes so that people can actually use them and they stop rotting on a site no one can access [shakes fist])
last edit on Dec 19, 2023 5:59:18 GMT by ulla
pronounsShe, her, they, them
21written posts
magemearned bits
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Maybe if I keep quiet…
Make and keep a roleplay tracker for the websites I’m in.  I have limited time than I did as a kid.
Focus on coding my first skin for my rp website.
Write better than I did in 2023.
Draw more scenes than just character designs.
Sell some Jcink rp post templates, cause I don’t trust me coding full on skins.
Get further in The Odin Project.
Get better at story and world building by writing with my collab partner and friend.

Coming soon...
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Deletedearned bits
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found it hard to fill up 5 instances of good vibes so I'll just try to make a game plan going forward.

1. find the foolproof method to plot meaningful stories that both writers can love -- equally. passive plotters burn me out the most so... plan rn is to stop hoping for much if they don't even try to lead the plotting/offer ideas ig...

2. be an overall better person by next year. mentally, communicatively, in terms of positive vibes, etc. be back to how I was before I came back from my rp hiatus -- someone eager to make new friends, learn more about people, if only a bit naively. though I think that's kinda hard now

3. code a skin, code two skins, code three. stop being so lazy and try to spin it as :sparkles: minimalist :sparkles: whether or not I release it doesn't matter. I like to do it, and it's honestly the only thing that's making me still want to stay (aside from super good plots and ships but that's always uncertain)

4. find my place in this whole mess. I've been through three friends groups that ended in gaslighting, ultimatums, and more ultimatums in that order, in a row, so idk what does that tell me. really don't want to get cornered in some gc again lmao

5. stand up for myself? stop trying to keep the peace at the expense of myself. this is still an rp goal because... er. only online people ever treat me this way. irl I have my rbf to protect me hehe (until people get to know me then they bully me affectionately, but never crossing the line ha). additionally, stand up for myself without exploding because of accumulated stress/nerves/fear. TIL emotional delay is a thing and that CALM is a big fat lie

6. .... have fun, preferably with people :pained: I alr know how to enjoy my time alone, but this is a community-based hobby so... here's to hoping.

last edit on Dec 26, 2023 6:52:25 GMT by Deleted
aliasResident Dragon
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Yevodearned bits
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Resident Dragon
Honestly, my number one resolution is to be more conscientious of how my statements affect the other members of the communities I'm in. I've been informed (by multiple reliable sources who will go unnamed) that my behavior can come off as insensitive at times, and I've been making a conscious effort to be kinder and more empathetic towards my fellow members. Ultimately, I don't want to be a belligerent asshole or a creep, and I want to do right by other people. 
aliasdisco, volero, rocco
8written posts
discoearned bits
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sobe desce vai pirar
Dedicate to a Site Yep, I'll admit that I have a bad habit of jumping onto a site and then fading into oblivion. Of course I'm trying to dip my toes back into the rp scene after focusing on one-offs and a personal sabbatical. (Infighting and friend drama isn't good for the mind or body.) I'm hoping a reset is just what's needed.

Piggybacking off the second, Focus Less on Drama I mean yes, it's fun to talk about things that happened, but I'm too old to be playing playground games. I don't want to take sides in things that don't involve me. For 2k24, we're being Switzerland.

Actually Make RP Friends? This one sounds sadder than I mean for it to be. What I mean is actually get to know my fellow roleplayers on a more personal level. I just chat in general with them for a little bit and keep things at a face value. Ain't nothing wrong with getting to know people past their ideas.

Time For a New Site You ever have a site idea you've been stewing over for months or even years? Time to finally dedicate myself to that. As long as I can get some traction going, I'll be more than pleased with myself. A little progress is still progress after all.

Learn to Code in an Aesthetically Pleasing Way It's time. I've been lazy enough.

Better Graphics Better Pizza, Papa John's.

Might add more to this list as ideas come.
last edit on Jan 6, 2024 17:39:11 GMT by disco