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RL Advice You Wish You Were Given

839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Phantasm Avatar
The fastest way to become important or move up is to become the 'it' person. Whether that means knowing information or redirecting people doesn't matter; just being reliable enough is good enough in most cases.

However, as great as that is, this will quickly become a burden as your time is exponentially split apart as being the 'it' person. The best way to mitigate this is to start a queue, set boundaries, and use your power as the 'it' person to train someone who's hungry to help become your replacement. Delegating out work loosely and prettying it up with 'ownership mentality' is an easy out.

This 100%

Goes without saying using proper grammar and punctuation and all that, even in the Discord or cbox, can help to cultivate that appearance too

Of course maybe you don't want to be staff or have to help people all the time, and just as important as what Spirole said is getting close to staff/important plotmakers. Maybe it's not always pretty or "fair", but rp is ultimately still a social experience - cliques and things like them do actually exist.

At the very least, if you annoy, irritate, or piss off the staff or most important players then you're not going to be getting anywhere 

In that case, I'd hope you like soloing or perpetually making "let's go get ice cream!" threads  

shit while we here might as well talk about it LOL

uhhh... ur not wrong, i think a lot of this does apply to RP, along with many other prospects in life! but, i wouldn't say that this is required either. it just helps.

for rp, yaya a lot of people can be very judgy looking in. those that judge but still write w/ u r a-ok in my book tho.
take it easy.
534written posts
caeearned bits
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let's live our lives heroically / let's live our lives with style
-- if they're not paying your bills/giving you money/uplifting and enriching your life somehow, then you don't need to worry so heavily about what they think. everyone's got an opinion, and there're plenty of people that love telling other people what to do...but...you don't gotta listen tbh, fuck 'em. life is very short

-- don't delete your old art. you're gonna be 20-something and wanting to see that shit. don't stop drawing either bc backslide is a bitch to deal with
last edit on Mar 3, 2021 23:49:33 GMT by cae
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
buy the $25 2 year safety plan on joycons (i.e: switch joycons, especially) because there will ALWAYS be some kind of fucking drift or other issue and it's much cheaper to get them replaced than buy new ones. the people usually don't even question and they send back the joycons themselves and replace them immediately in front of you with a new box if they have it in store

- coming from a hoe whose sisters keep beating up the damn joycons to hell and needs to replace them almost tri-monthly
last edit on Feb 2, 2022 9:35:27 GMT by honey and the forgor land
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
Advice I wish I was given...

Meet all those online friends. No really. Who cares what other people think? Go meet your friends.

Accept the kindness of others with grace and humility.

Do no harm, but take no shit.

Be unapologetically who you are, and do not let anyone try and tell you otherwise.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
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selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.
- google acceptance and commitment therapy.

- if you wouldn't go to someone for life advice, it's irrational to listen to their criticism. regardless of their qualifications.

- there is no such thing as "good people" or "bad people". there are secure people and insecure people, and all of them are doing the absolute best they can. that being said, if the idea of someone disliking you causes you distress, you're in the latter category.

- people who turn their noses up at tryhards don't often make history - and that is their prerogative. 

- at some point, you will try as hard as you can to do something and fail. it will suck very much and you will hate absolutely everything in the universe, including yourself, but you will probably not die, and afterwards failure sucks a lot less.

- listen to your intuition. don't obey it, but listen to it. especially when it's talking about people.

- you can speedrun self-confidence by going 3 months without posting on any form of social media.

- let go of anger. there's sadness waiting behind it, but it's so, so, so much better for you in the long run.
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all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
honey and the forgor land Avatar
fed up with y'all bitches
not advice i wish i was given but advice i really wish would be more commonly known:

don't put your small animals near your cats (i.e: birds, rodents). the bacteria in cat saliva and claws is so detrimental to small animals and it's not like the animals can communicate properly so no, they're not 'friends' - you're just putting your small animal at risk and stressing them out. 

inspired by seeing someone put their pet bird with clipped wings under their cat because it wants to 'cuddle'. no, megan, your bird is just trying to hide in the nearest spot it can
last edit on Apr 21, 2022 23:42:01 GMT by honey and the forgor land
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