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we will have peace at any cost
2. Summer Blockbuster The block between Cherry Road and 38th Street had seen a lot of things in its long life. It had seen the transition from horse drawn carriages to motor vehicles. It had seen more parades than anyone could count. It had hosted all sorts of buildings, from simple shacks, to fine housing, to a factory, and then back to more housing.
It had seen the times change. People born, and people die. It had withstood the harshest of weathers, last through periods of upkeep and indifference. It held strong, oh did it stay as strong as it could. No matter how many times the foundation was ripped out and put back in, the block between Cherry Road and 38th Street held strong.
Until it didn’t.
It was a fine July afternoon, blue skies, white clouds. Children laughing and screaming, bikes being ridden, drawings of chalk on the sidewalk. All was well, on this July afternoon, where nothing could go wrong.
Except it did.
Further down the road, a maintenance crew toiled away under the hot sun. No one knows what happened for sure, a broken line at the very least. Whatever happened, it set off a chain reaction that traveled under the city…And then popped up between Cherry Road and 38th Street. Children screamed as the ground beneath them busted open. There was water and sewage everywhere, it was all a mess, and everyone had A Time cleaning it up.
And since then, no one has forgotten that summer blockbuster between Cherry Road and 38th Street.