[ IC ] Hereafter - a folklore shaman roleplay

71written posts
matchaearned bits
Junior Member
matcha Avatar
i wanted to write you into the stars.
wait is that the new site banner you mentioned. is that โ€” it?? looks so. pretty??? Iโ€™M CRYYING IT LOOKS DOWNRIGHT ETHEREAL Iโ€™M SO EXCITED FOR THIs
this site is going to be absolutely beautiful, holy fuck.

to repeat what everyone else has been saying, in caption form because iโ€™m on my phone:
[ gif of man running to the gates screaming LET ME IN LET ME IN ]
last edit on Dec 15, 2019 23:32:46 GMT by matcha
329written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.
You are invited to the site opening of Hereafter. Please read the following carefully before you proceed to optimize your experience in this new world.

Firstly, please click the play button on the music bar that will appear before you on the bottom left of the screen. Then, open Hereafter on another tab and browse about - look everywhere, and browse to your heart's content before taking another step in.

Secondly, do not look at Kaguya's eyes. You will turn into stone.

Finally, this is a story. All of this is just a story, but you're about to see a world that we've spent a long time creating- so we hope that it will be a story worth remembering, until the very end.

Welcome to Hereafter. Will you enter?

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last edit on Dec 16, 2019 22:04:24 GMT by Mizo