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gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
If you're still wondering how to go the group icon route, one option is including the icons for all the groups in your HTML but setting them as display: none, wrapping them inside a div, and then targeting which icon to show based on the div's class. The HTML might look something like this:

<div class="group-icon <!-- |group| -->">
<i class="cp cp-A"></i>
<i class="cp cp-B"></i>
<i class="cp cp-C"></i>

And the CSS
.group-icon i {
display: none;
.groupA .cp-A,
.groupB .cp-B,
.groupC .cp-C {
display: block;

That way, if an account is in groupA, it'll show the <i class="cp cp-A"></i> element, but none of the others. <!--|group|--> is interchangeable with <!--|field_#|--> too of course

A second option is wrapping them each individually in a div, and targeting which div to show rather than which icon 

<div class="group-icon <!-- |group| -->"><i class="A"></i></div>
<div class="group-icon <!-- |group| -->"><i class="B"></i></div>
<div class="group-icon <!-- |group| -->"><i class="C"></i></div>
<div class="group-icon <!-- |group| -->"><i class="D"></i></div>

Modified CSS
.group-icon {
display: none;
.group-icon:where(.groupA, .groupB, .groupC) {
display: block;

This version might be messier in terms of HTML, but the CSS has less to keep track of because you don't need to remember which icon corresponds to which group. Up to you which you prefer.
last edit on Sept 4, 2023 3:30:07 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
A tale as old as time: you're two posts into a thread or halfway through; or you've talked it all out and plots are just picking upโ€”and then it happens. The site closes, someone leaves, you leave, etc etc.

What are the plots you started and wished you could've explored further or threaded? The unresolved arcs, dynamics that you still think back on? Threads you wish you finished?ย 

This is a thread for the things that never ended; the closure you never got.
last edit on Feb 17, 2023 14:57:25 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
First up, the short story anthology Burning Your Boats by Angela Carter.

Petals dropped from a red rose in a silver bowl on to the low, round, blood-coloured mahogany table with a soft, faint, exhausted sound, as of a pigeon's fart.

He told me not to kill him. That was how he reminded me I could kill him, if I wanted to. Up till then, I had not wanted to but when he called me his murderer, I became so. He sealed his own fate. It was his own fault, what happened.

Before his sons' bewildered eyes, their father began to grow insubstantial. He unbecame. All at once he lost his outlines and began to waver on the air. It was twilit evening. Mama slept on the bed with a fresh mauve bud of flesh in a basket on the chair beside her. The air shuddered with the beginning of absence. He said not one word to his boys but went on evaporating until he melted clean away, leaving behind him in the room as proof he had been there only a puddle of puke on the splintered floorboards.

Did she die of the loneliness of the prairies? Or was it anguish that killed her, anguish, and nostalgia for the close, warm, neighborly life she had left behind her when she came to this emptiness. Neither. She died of the pressure of that vast sky, that weighed down upon her and crushed her lungs until she could not breathe any more, as if the prairies were the bedrock of an ocean in which she drowned.

Bonus anecdote of me, laughing at one story having four pages of glossary despite being only a page long, only to see this two lines in:

Here the sloops of war and the dollymops flash it to spie a dowry of parny; there the bonneters cooled their longs and shorts in the hazard drums.

In every snickert and ginnel, bone-grubbers, rufflers, shivering-jemmies, anglers, clapperdogeons, peterers, sneeze-lurkers and Whip Jacks with their morts, out of the picaroon, fox and flimp and ogle.

Second, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong.

I am twenty-eight years old, 5ft 4in tall, 112lbs. I am handsome at exactly three angles and deadly from everywhere else. I am writing you from inside a body that used to be yours. Which is to say, I am writing as a son.

To them it was just my crazy grandma mumbling away again. But you and I could hear it. Eventually you put down your slice of pineapple cakeโ€”untouched, the glasses clinking as the corpses, fleshed from Lan's mouth, piled up around us.

The bullet was always here, the boy thinks, older even than himselfโ€”and his bones, tendons, and veins had merely wrapped around the metal shard, sealing it inside him. It wasn't me, the boy thinks, who was inside my mother's womb, but this bullet, this seed I bloomed around. Even now, as the cold creeps in around him, he feels it poking out from his chest, slightly tenting his sweater. He feels for the protrusion but, as usual, finds nothing. It's receded, he thinks. It wants to stay inside me. It is nothing without me. Because a bullet without a body is a song without ears.

The phrase with its sound of a boot step sinking, then lifted, from mud. The slick muck of it wetting our tongues as we apologized ourselves back to making our living. Again and again, I write to you regretting my tongue.

Something in him knew she'd be there. That she was waiting. Because that's what mothers do. They wait. They stand still until their children belong to someone else.

We were exchanging truths, I realized, which is to say, we were cutting one another.

The children, the veal, they stand very still because tenderness depends on how little the world touches you. To stay tender, the weight of your life cannot lean on your bones.

I never wanted to build a "body of work," but to preserve these, our bodies, breathing and unaccounted for, inside the work. Take it or leave it. The body, I mean.

I wanted the word to fall, like a screw in a guillotine, but it didn't. His voice, it went higher and higher, and my hands, they grew pinker with each inflection. I watched my skin intensify until, at last, I looked upโ€”and it was dawn. It was over. I was blazed in the blood of light.

Despite my vocabulary, my books, knowledge, I find myself folded against the far wall, bereft. I watch two daughters care for their own with an inertia equal to gravity. I sit, with all my theories, metaphors, and equations, Shakespeare and Milton, Barthes, Du Fu, and Homer, masters of death who can't, at last, teach me how to touch my dead.

The howl returns, the sound deep and vacuous, as if it had walls, something you could hide in. It must be wounded. Only something in pain could make a sound you could enter.

And this is me trying to keep these brief. Both of them had a heck ton more that I liked
last edit on Jan 3, 2023 6:32:27 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
A trilogy: Jade City, Jade War, and Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee, featuring gangs and a simple but intriguing power system that could be fun to try in rp

It seemed unthinkable that she would never again feel the cool, heavy texture of his presence. Yet there it wasโ€”a truth more immutable and unforgiving than gravity on a falling body.


The possibility of death was like the weatherโ€”you could make attempts to predict it, but you would likely be wrong, and no one would change their most important plans due to threat of rain.


His futile anger had solidified into dignified resignationโ€”the expression of a captive bear coming to the realization that it must debase itself to eat.
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
Responsiveness tip: not every element need be visible at all viewport sizes.

For background, there's two terms: "fluid" and "responsive".

A fluid layout is what you described: percentage widths; everything scales down proportionally but the general format remains the sameโ€”hence squished columns.

Responsive layouts are fluid, but on top of scaling down, blocks might rearrange, styles might shift according to what works best at various breakpoints. Rather than getting squished, a two column layout becomes two stacked rows. It's not uncommon for a layout to only become minimal after a certain point so long as essential content remains.

All that to say, you shouldn't feel confined to minimal designs, but be prepared for more workโ€”maybe a lot, because it's basically writing another style sheet. One for each breakpoint, depending on how much is changing.
last edit on Aug 16, 2022 18:24:28 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
I actually hate having to make decorative graphics. All the searching for and editing of assets, the starting the process over because you don't vibe with it โ€” is there any part more tedious
last edit on Jul 17, 2022 16:16:15 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
cae Avatar

 my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh was fun. this is long ( not as long as it could be ) bc this book had a Lot of passages i enjoyed.

Say no more; I can make it longer for you (and also not as long as it could be)

I wanted to hold on to the house the way you'd hold on to a love letter. It was proof that I had not always been completely alone in this world. But I think I was also holding on to the loss, to the emptiness of the house itself, as though to affirm that it was better to be alone than to be stuck with people who were supposed to love you, yet couldn't.


She wasn't resting. She was not in a state of peace. She was in no state, not being. The peace to be had, I thought, watching them pull the sheet over her head, was mine.


I felt myself float up and away, higher and higher into the ether until my body was just an anecdote, a symbol, a portrait hanging in another world.


I fell past whole galaxies, mercurial waves of light strobing through my body, blinding me over and over, my brain throbbing from the pressure, my eyes leaking as though each teardrop shed a vision of my past.


'We're mostly empty space. We're mostly nothing. Tra-la-la. And we're all the same nothingness. You and me, just filling the space with nothingness. We could walk through walls if we put our minds to it, people say. What they don't mention is that walking through a wall would most likely kill you. Don't forget that."

I may have read Mysterious Skin because of your post awhile back too.

More recently, I finished Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman to try and give his writing another shot because American Gods bored me half to death way back when. Was better

I could go down to the sea tonight, drag myself down there on my hands and knees. Give myself to the water and the dark. And to the girl. Let her suck the meat from off these tangled bones, transmute me to something incorruptible and ivory: to something rich and strange. But that would be foolish.


I feel dirtied. I feel tarnished. I feel befouled. Perhaps it is true that all that happens is in accordance with Your will, and thus it is good. But sometimes you leave blood on Your instruments.


Lies and half-truths fall like snow, covering the things that I remember, the things I saw. A landscape, unrecognizable after a snowfall; that is what she has made of my life.

last edit on Apr 27, 2022 2:20:22 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
Low-key peeved that the one word they omitted from the online synopsis yet kept on back of the book is the one that would have forewarned me
last edit on Apr 26, 2022 4:00:23 GMT by gimmick
932written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
The Secret History by Donna Tart. The second half drags, but the first half? Top tier build up. Most pretentious thing I've read in awhileโ€”appropriately though cause the characters sure are

Trees are schizophrenic now and beginning to lose control, enraged with the shock of their fiery new colors. Beauty is terror. We want to be devoured by it, to hide ourselves in that fire which refines us.


He was, if possible, even a bigger windbag than Dr. Roland. Together, they were like one of those superhero alliances in the comic books, invincible, an unconquerable confederation of boredom and confusion.


I felt my heart limping in my chest, and was revolted by it, a pitiful muscle, sick and bloody, pulsing against my ribs.


If you wake up intending to murder someone at two o'clock, you hardly think what you're going to feed the corpse for dinner.


Life itself seemed very magical in those days: a web of symbol, coincidence, premonition, omen. Everything, somehow, fit together; some sly and benevolent Providence was revealing itself by degrees and I felt myself trembling on the brink of a fabulous discovery, as though any morning it was all going to come togetherโ€”my future, my past, the whole of my lifeโ€”and I was going to sit up in bed like a thunderbolt and say oh! oh! oh!


A good deal of my horror at his new behavior sprang from the fact that it was so similar to the old and frankly endearing way he used to tease me, and I was as baffled and enraged at his sudden departure from the rules as thoughโ€”if we had been in the habit of doing a little friendly sparringโ€”he had boxed me into the corner and beaten me half to death.


He wasn't perfect, far from it; he could be silly and vain and remote and often cruel and still we loved him, in spite of, because.


Light caught and glinted in his eyes, making them strange, crazed, the luminous killer eyes that sometimes glow unexpectedly from a friend's face in a snapshot


Horrific as it was, the present dark, I was afraid to leave it for the other, more permanent darkโ€”jelly and bloat, the muddy pit. I had seen the shadow of it on his faceโ€”stupid terror, the whole world opening upside down; his life exploding in a thunder of crows and the sky expanding empty over his stomach like a white ocean.ย 

last edit on Apr 10, 2022 2:09:23 GMT by gimmick