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nianearned bits
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No, I don't play Fate/Grand Order. Yes, I do want to play it but my small ass android phone doesn't have enough space for it because the majority of the space is taken up by systems and stuff from the phone itself. I'm Nian and I've went by a lot of names in the past that 11-18 year old me went through because I got bored with them eventually. Pink Lite, Overdriven, Seventy-One 71 (don't even ask about this one) but I do usually go by Nian.

I'm a professional introvert who will always make up an excuse to not go out, and that's on being too self-conscious and trying to improve myself. I'm that type of person who acts tough and thinks they know how to fight online but irl I'm a scrub who likes to stay at home and cuddle with soft stuff animals. It be like that.

I got into the RP game pretty young and been in it, well on and off, for a pretty long time. Writing is nice, y'know? I've also recently thrown myself into coding, so that's neat! Surprisingly enough I don't watch much anime, but I do love using animanga face claims because bro illustrated people are h o t. I am, however, trying to get myself into watching more of it. (suggest anime for me por favor).

Outside of RP, I do like to play games because it's how I breathe 24/7 and enjoy meeting new people and bugging the hell out of them to pay attention to me because I need it. <3

I swear I'm not this pessimistic- 
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Deletedearned bits
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Hey there, Nian! Welcome to Pixel Perfect!

Can I just say how much I relate to the whole 'a professional introvert who will always make up an excuse to not go out', because that's totally me. Because being at home, where there aren't loads of people who bug you is just so nice. So very, very nice.

I'd love to suggest you a few shows, but I don't watch a whole lot of anime myself, so I'm afraid I won't be of much help there, lmao. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here and once again, welcome!