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real life vs animated forum images

pronounsshe / her
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avanearned bits
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I have a question for folks out here!

When it comes to forum images used to help with descriptors for specific places on an rp's forum (such as for a school, cafe, bar -- other specific rp locations that pertain to the site)

Do you prefer those images to match the faces being used? If a site uses animated faces for example, do you prefer the locations to match and be animated/drawn style as well? Or do you not care as long as you have something to reference? Or maybe you just don't care at all? Maybe you prefer a mixture of both animated and 'real life' images?

Looking for some insight on this from anyone with opinions on it!

(Also if you do prefer animated only locations - where the heck do you find your forum images? Cause DANG I'm struggling to find some LOL)

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pharaoh leapearned bits
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If your forum is animanga, the images you use across the board should also probably stay true to animanga! Seeing photography can be a little jarring, and take viewers out of the element of the site. If you're struggling enough that it's not worth it to find images that match the faces of your site, I wouldn't say it's a major deal to dabble into the other (it may be off putting, but it definitely shouldn't be anyone's make or break). I'd say the only absolute no-no would be mixing animanga art and photography, unless your site accommodates both real life and animanga faces.

Finding board images is a huge pain the butt, but Zerochan has an okay selection is you sort by general thematic tags, or just browse the general 'original' tag long enough. Otherwise, though, I'm curious what other people use because... IT IS... A STRUGGLE...
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Deletedearned bits
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Scenery, No People - helps in a pinch but you'll still definitely be looking through, but that's to be expected. A little cheat I picked up quite some time ago.

I'm going to be real for a second: I don't typically use images myself. Mostly because I have a need for everything to be uniform, so finding images for ooc boards would ultimately be an inconvenience. Mad respect to folks who do though. As stated before: it all relies on the site that you form. Board wise, it's nice to keep things uniform. But if people want a thorough explanation of things, I don't see what it'd hurt linking real life based images as a reference to the setup. After all, the art world won't always have exactly what you're looking for in regards to reference (unless you can draw it yourself, then kudos to you.) But otherwise, word-based descriptions don't hurt either! Don't forget most of our jobs as roleplayers rely on word-based description.
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Shiva the Frostbearer
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I have to agree. It's extremely jarring to be an animanga site and then see someone use real life images of setting or what characters wear. I never ran a site where I put imagines of locations up, however. I would assume if you always put "anime" and "scenery" for whatever particular area you want, Google would be on the balls, but I have no experience here.
pronounsshe / her
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avanearned bits
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she's the wicked witch of the EAST bro
Thank you for the input so far everyone c:
The skin I'm using thankfully doesn't have forum images for ooc forums -- only the rp boards so that makes finding those images much easier (cause i feel the same - finding images for EVERY forum is EXHAUSTING). It also has descriptions so I think the two together will be :chefkiss: c:

I'll definitely check out zerochan. I kind of forget it exists cause usually my go-to is trying to find specific images through google or pinterest.

Since we are animanga faces, I'll definitely try to stick to that genre. Thank you again folks <3
last edit on May 14, 2020 17:30:11 GMT by avan

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cinearned bits
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:^) im just here to chime in with how i look for images in case it helps anyone! b/c i tend to have too many options when it comes to images thanks to my hoarding ways.

zc can be a good jumpoff point, usually, i search for like 'scenery', 'landscape' or like specific themes like 'futuristic' to lower my results! if i really like the style, i'll probably look @ the pivix account for the person!

i also use tags 'scenery', 'background', etc on pivix! there's more of a selection there, if you don't mind digging through it!

oh! and sometimes, depending on the genre of the site, concept art of video games can be a good jump-off point! especially if they released art books and such since there's so much material there.

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flareearned bits
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Just chiming in as a roleplayer to say that I'm one of those people who doesn't care what type of image you use.

Like, you could go with all aesthetic images that are completely irrelevant for all I care, I mainly only look at the plot of a site before joining.

I do prefer them not to have specific FCs though, but that's just because what-if-i-wanted-to-use-that-fc factor.
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cyanide darktearz 💀
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Generally speaking, I do prefer board images to also match the fc-style used cause if we're imagining anime characters in our heads, then I'd also like to see the IC board images be 2D.

But as long as the style is consistent per board or everything looks good overall, then I don't mind.
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rabbitearsearned bits
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Definitely matching! If you're using RL face claims, use RL images on your forums. And vice versa with animated fcs/forum images. They should definitely connect.
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Honestly, I don't mind seeing them mixed to a degree. I like seeing greyscale backgrounds of trees that are faded for a site background that you barely notice cause it gives enough of a pattern but not one repeating every few pixels to give you a sense of seeing a full picture. I like seeing someone use dark roses or making a scenery type piece. I don't much mind if you're able to mix them and I'll go out on a limb and say I enjoy seeing someone being able to mix them well. If you can work with it, go for it. I'm not at all bothered by it.

That being said if you don't know what you're doing, they really shouldn't go for it. It can go so horribly wrong so fast.
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SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
For animanga sites, ANIMANGA STYLE >>>>>>>>>>>> IRL STYLE. 

If we're talking about on site like for the forums, used by staff for site graphics, 100% animanga or bust. As a member or for posting, IRL is fine if there is no alternative.

I just google shit until I find it or check tumblr LOL
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