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sofia elena ravus

187written posts
inkearned bits
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i just finished rping this baby at a site and i thought i'd give her a nice lil send-off via this event. hookay here i goooooo.

sofia elena ravus is a princess of the republic of cagliostro, one of the four great nations on the orsterran continent. she is twenty-one years old and the youngest member of the ruling family. she is a trained healer, alchemist, and enchantress. while she isn't tending to the royal gardens, she's charming orsterra's notables over tea and biscuits. she hails from a land famous for its military might, so it's actually quite... embarrassing? that her sword skills are so poor and that she has no body count to speak of (we don't talk about what happened at samsara, she didn't mean to, it wasn't their fault except for when it was).

while outwardly unambitious and accommodating, she secretly wishes for peace with neighboring nations. she wishes that her nation were not so ruled by pride, and she wishes that her loved ones could choose personal happiness over duty. despite her amenable personality, she cannot accept (cannot tolerate) a present or future in which noble, kind souls should be fated to suffer.

orsterra teaches sofia that her soft-hearted wishes are meaningless if not backed by steel. though she was not chosen as queen upon her father's passing, she continues to believe in a possible future in which empathy and trust can prevail over suspicion and fear. she only needs to become strong enough to see her ideals through.

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last edit on Apr 20, 2021 4:10:04 GMT by ink
187written posts
inkearned bits
Full Member
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“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”

— Julian of Norwich

That we were born suffering, but that we are not meant to suffer. That the wind blows and the birches outside my window sing a little.

— Mark Wunderlich

"There is only one question:[break]
how to love this world."

— Mary Oliver

Only water can change water, can heal itself. Not even God [break]
made water. Not on any of the seven days. It was already here. [break]
Or maybe God is water, because I am water, and you are water.

— Natalie Diaz

is invisible enough[break]
to see you

— Paul Celan

nothing gained [break]
while wearing the mask[break]
ever belonged to you at all

— Original

last edit on Apr 20, 2021 3:50:15 GMT by ink
187written posts
inkearned bits
Full Member
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i didn't want to put any of my rp partners on public blast, so i've omitted names and pictures... hopefully this is ok


Sofia had an emotionally distant relationship with her father. Part of this was because he had intentionally distanced himself from his children, part of this was because his daughter found him unnecessarily harsh to other people. She strove to be unerringly polite with him to avoid controversy, but she disagreed with him frequently. On occasion, she would even lose her temper with him. [break][break]
If she had to surrender her kindness, then she did not want to inherit his crown.
Her views of him softened somewhat when she learned that her grandparents had been outright cruel towards their sons. Unfortunately, her father died before they ever fully reconciled with each other.

Out of all her family members, Sofia is the closest to her mother. She is a gentle woman, and she imparted a love of botany to her daughter. She encouraged Sofia to find her own way, and it was due to her support that Sofia became a healer and alchemist. [break][break]

Sofia is the only child who was told that her mother never wanted to be the Queen of Cagliostro. It is a secret that she would take to the grave. She wants nothing more than her mother's genuine happiness. Even if it meant watching her fall in love with another man.

oldest brother.

Sofia liked her oldest brother plenty. He protected her at the Royal College and he was otherwise a source of steady emotional support. Though others tease him for his eccentric hobbies, Sofia admires that he is so steadfastly passionate about swords despite others' disapproval. He is the brother that she actually wants to emulate.

older brother.

Sofia has a complicated relationship with her middle sibling. They were both the black sheep of the family, but for different reasons. While Sofia had made peace with the idea that she would not inherit her father's crown, her brother dedicated himself to that goal. Sofia admired his determination. If anyone was deserving of becoming the head of House Ravus, it was her brother.
She had seen what the question of succession had done to her father and uncle. She did not want to repeat the mistakes with her own brother. So it was unfortunate that she had opposed his bid for the crown after returning from Samsara. There were things that Sofia wanted to protect, and she would injure her brother's pride for them. The siblings would eventually reconcile and work towards a better future for their country.


Despite his caustic demeanor and her own better judgement, Sofia has a very close relationship to her uncle. This probably wouldn't have happened if they had met during adulthood, but she had been writing letters to her estranged uncle since the age of twelve. He inadvertently insulted her in every letter that he wrote her, but he was a committed confidant. It helped that he would send her wild plants every time she requested them.
Recently, they have begun to improve their relationship. While her uncle seems to have had a change of heart, Sofia is driven by her remaining regrets about her deceased father.


Sofia had once associated the name Hellfritzsch with wisdom and grace. It was a reasonable mistake to make, since it was her mother's former house. She was a little older when she learned that the Hellfritzsches were the guard dogs of the Republic, and that they were fanatical defenders of House Ravus. Sofia had always been uncomfortable at the extent of their devotion. Their sacrifices were too great, and she did not feel that she was worthy of them.

Her aunt felt otherwise. As long as Sofia lived, she was worthy of House Hellfritzsch's loyalty and protection. Sofia admired her strength and convictions. What went unsaid: she loved her aunt dearly. What went unsaid: she wanted a softer future for her than serrated flesh and a mouthful of blood.

personal knight.

The personal knight had served Sofia for roughly seven years. His first guard assignment to the princess had ended in absolute disaster. It was only due to the child's intervention that he had managed to keep his job.
They had a very close and understanding relationship. Sofia confided her softer hopes and dreams to her knight, and he would advise her from a position of non-judgement. Just as he believes in her, Sofia believes in his strength and his character. So it was a shock when she had dismissed him from her personal retinue.
Sofia would eventually learn from her aunt and her knight that she has to become a princess who is worthy of their belief in House Ravus.
childhood friend.

Despite his snake-like reputation at court, Sofia believes that her childhood friend is a forthright person who would never tell her a lie. Though some might assume that she was naive, Sofia had befriended him at the Royal College. She knew a side of him that the peerage did not know: a stubbornly loyal boy who had earned loyalty through his own merits.
This friend is a more realistic statesman than Sofia. He would eliminate Western Cagliostro's enemies by any means necessary. And so Sofia must prove her strength to him if she is to convince him to pursue the bloodless solution.
last edit on Apr 20, 2021 3:40:24 GMT by ink
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