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ragsearned bits
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remember, my standards are devilishly high!
luminary animanga space entertainment rp

LUMINARY is in the final stages of creation. We're excited to offer a simple app, pastel aesthetics, a light and dark mode, several entertainment companies to join and our own unique sci-fi/fantasy lore! We have a fame system originally by the wonderful Rimy & Vy, as well as a relaxed atmosphere and a focus on building a warm, inclusive community together!

last edit on Dec 15, 2021 22:49:19 GMT by rags
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ragsearned bits
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remember, my standards are devilishly high!


Thank you so much for the interest shown so far!! Myself, Asu and Nol are so excited to get this project out into the open! As well as showing off the amazing trailer Nol made, we'd like to share some information on our setting: Artemis City, The Moon.

In the year 2022, earth space institutes collaborated to successfully launch the first settlement on the moon. What initially began as another way for the rich and powerful to spend their money quickly skyrocketed–no pun intended–into something much larger in scale as the earth began to rot.

The devastation and calamities that rocked each decade, along with the collapse of economies spurring on wars and fighting made life on earth increasingly difficult. More and more people with the means to flee quite literally bought their ticket out to a better life. And what could be more exciting than starting anew on the moon?

The International Space Station became the main headquarters for earth’s international government, setting up the groundwork for what would later become the Interstellar Government. They alone had the set authority for colonization on the Moon.

Forward, future thinking – that is the mantra the founders of the greatest cities poured into building these settlements. They carried with them the dream of creating a peaceful, prosperous land where anyone and everyone could co-exist, unlike the strife that they had faced on Earth.

Each passing Progress Day saw further development of several different cities and stations on the moon, until, at last, the major city of Artemis was born in 2050. The early influx of the rich on the Moon brought about the desire for entertainment, for luxury. Artemis became not just a place that produced entertainment – but the place for entertainment, and its broadcasts reached far and wide throughout the galaxy. The city’s broadcasts are credited with being humanity’s first-ever contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms from other planets.

Curiosity and diplomacy blossomed as time marched on, and the cities on the moon, including Artemis, became a beacon to all as a center for collaboration.

In the current year 2222, the renowned city of Artemis is home to denizens who have come from far and wide. From droid to druid, everyone here lives and coexists peacefully. Though sponsored and funded by the government of the International Space Station, this is lauded as the Entertainment City, a place that runs by its own rules and regulations. Peacekeepers, are, as the name implies - there to maintain a semblance of order and regulation, but they sure don’t do much else.

Residents may live anywhere in the city, though the closer to the heart one lives, the more woolongs they’ll have to shell out.

last edit on Dec 16, 2021 16:57:05 GMT by rags
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Asuearned bits
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Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.


People from all over the Moon and the galaxy flock to Artemis for the entertainment industry. This la la land is filled with many opportunities, so let’s take a sneak peek at what you could be doing when you step onto the platform of the spaceport:


Film: The industry that put the moon on the map, actors and actresses grace the silver screen and television sets with their bold storytelling. Directors are captains on the forefront, leading their casts and crews into creating masterpieces.

Music: The latest bangers and earworms are the work of solo artists and bands. Release singles, build up to EPs and albums, and start the newest dance crazes on the apps. They’ll be talking about your latest music video before you know it.

Fashion: The future of fashion is now and the people of Artemis are regularly voted best dressed on the Moon. Fashion designers churn out the newest trends, and models are the faces of the latest ad campaigns. Artemis holds fashion week twice a year, and you can bet the industry is clamoring to get a place on the coveted runway.


So you say you’re famous— but how famous are you, really? Lucky for you, the easiest way to find out how the public is taking your latest piece of work is to leave it all to RNG!

Before you submit your first piece, you’ll be rated a nobody. As you post, you’ll gain our in-universe currency, woolongs. Spend your woolongs to claim songs, movies, TV shows, and designs. Staff will roll a five-sided dice and let you know how critics rated it. Unhappy with the rating? You’ll have another opportunity for a one-time reroll, for double the price you paid for the original roll.

Collectively, your rated pieces for the term will average into your overall stardom rating. From Hot Mess to Mr/Ms/Mx Worldwide, rise through the ranks and you just might become an award-winning talent!

Full credit and immense gratitude goes to Rimy and Vy for allowing us to adapt their rating system for Luminary!


Our Discord Server will be opening next week December 23rd— be on the look out for the link! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or on our engage with us on our Tumblr.

We’re aiming to do a soft open starting around January 2nd, then officially open around January 12th! If you join the Discord during the site buzz period, you'll get 500 woolongs once the actual site opens! Upon joining, you'll get an additional 500 woolongs for posting up a character in the first month— a total of 1000 woolongs, which will be good for at least two rolls!

last edit on Dec 18, 2021 6:58:12 GMT by Asu
411written posts
Asuearned bits
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Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
luminary animanga space entertainment rp


The celebrities of Artemis are currently employed by one of three unique companies, each with their own special policies and procedures. A celebrity’s career is deeply shaped by how the company manages them. There’s a flavor for everyone, so here’s where you might possibly be working!

Asteria Entertainment: The oldest company that had put the Moon on the map, Asteria Entertainment is infamous for being the strictest company. Dating bans, powerful creative directors, and long trainee periods are just some of the urban legends that go around about Asteria. However, it’s undeniable that Asteria Entertainment has produced some of the most famous lunar celebrities, with a legacy that spans over a century. It’s said that working under the Asteria standard would guarantee your success.

Zephyr Company: A company started on the Moon by a celebrity who protested Asteria’s lack of freedoms, Zephyr works toward the future and encourages creativity and autonomy among its artists. Some of the biggest trendsetters come straight from Zephyr, and they’re known for being more lax. There is no dating ban, but Zephyr is known for promoting their power couples. Zephyr has also recently introduced the concept of the AI-based idol singer.

GAIA: GAIA stands for the Geoffrey-Armstrong Interstellar Association. The youngest company out of the big three, it was established in response to anti-Earth refugee discrimination. They actively search for and accept Earth refugees and half-human talents, and welcome full aliens. They accept anyone, as long as they have the spirit and drive. Their headquarters are constantly under construction, and their talents might have to do a little more to get their releases out there, but who doesn’t like cheering for the underdog?


Our Discord Server open in two days on December 23rd— be on the look out for the link! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or on our engage with us on our Tumblr. You could also chat with one of the admins, we're Asu#5063, Nol#0874, and rags#2438! We'd love to chat with you!

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Asuearned bits
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Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
luminary animanga space entertainment rp


Even with the guidance of entertainment companies, the most important part in getting your name out there is getting yourself on the front page of every magazine and newspaper and facing the fire on talk shows and interviews. And who’s more in the know than Neomenia News, Artemis’ premiere media conglomerate? From juicy gossip to scorching scandals, you can’t stop the presses when they’re this powerful.


Hosts: They’re just as much household names as celebrities themselves. A television or radio talk show host has the power to draw out stories from their guests and make them entertainment in the process. They typically interview people of interest as well as celebrities, bringing their stories to the forefront of the public conscience and making the stars seem much more relatable. Besides talk shows, hosts could find themselves presenting game shows, competitions, reality TV shows, and more!

News Team: The anchors, journalists, reporters, camera people, video editors, and more that work tirelessly to bring you the news that’s important to you. They deserve way more credit than they’re given, and they have the opportunity to be in the front line of the action.

In these careers, you get to help shape the direction of the site and help dish out the latest gossip on site. Nothing is sacred when the public eye is always watching.


Neomenia News knows just how to dish it out and is one of the first places people think to look when they want to know what’s hot and what’s not this week. The official Neomenia Reviews social media account will often dish out praise for the hottest five-star releases and roast one-star releases.


Perhaps one of the most mysterious accounts that just about everyone in Artemis follows, Artemis Exposed always seems to be one step ahead. Scandals brewing on the horizon, rumors and truths, no one knows just who runs the Artemis Exposed account, but it doesn’t stop people from submitting anonymous tips to the account. Artemis Exposed has been known to make or break images in an instant— beware, you just might not know what will come of submitting an anonymous tip to her.


Our Discord Server is now open to the public! Click here to join— we'd love to get to chat with potential future Lumineers! Feel free to ask questions and be informed on the latest updates as we continue to release information before our soft opening on January 2nd! We wish everyone Happy Holidays and we look forward to meeting you soon!

20written posts
ragsearned bits
New Member
rags Avatar
remember, my standards are devilishly high!
luminary animanga space entertainment rp


We're bringing you another present: a preview of our skin as well as a full look at our application! Follow the links below to see the preview images posted on our Tumblr.

Our Discord Server is open to the public! Click here to join. Happy Holidays everyone, it's been a blast getting to meet you all so far!

last edit on Dec 25, 2021 0:13:01 GMT by rags
411written posts
Asuearned bits
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Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
luminary animanga space entertainment rp


The universe is at your fingertips here on Luminary! The lunar city of Artemis is one of the most diverse cities on this side of the galaxy, with denizens of various walks of life roaming the streets. Though humans are Artemis’ founders, many have come to call the entertainment city home. As such, any and all FCs are fair game! Though we have a couple pre-made species and races, we are completely flexible in welcoming unique self-created races and races from other media in our universe.

All you’ll need are these pieces of information:

- Official Name, Aliases (if applicable)
- Planet of Origin
- Common Characteristics, such as appearances or abilities tying the species together.
- Any small history you’d like to include for anyone interested in making a character of this same species!

Here’s a sneak peek at the kinds of people you may encounter in Artemis!


AI had first stormed the markets in the year 2143, when the first AI was created by Emanuel Svoboda following the loss of his only daughter. Each AI has its own personality, wants, goals, and preferences. On the Moon, they have rights equal to humans. There are various rules and regulations that come with the production and guardianship of AI, and there is AI for just about anything and everything you could think of. Each AI possesses a core, which contains all information that makes them a unique individual. The core can be moved to different shells, making their appearances limitless. An AI can run for approximately 150 hours without charging their shell, though they require being plugged in for 12 hours to be fully operational. Emergency charging stations can be found throughout the city for any AI that requires it.


Your run of the mill average joe, the majority of the city is comprised of humans. Humans originate from Earth, but the humans on the moon have lived a better life than their Earth counterparts. Humans on Earth live in a horrifying post-apocalyptic state with only a handful of pockets called “settlements,” which are gradually dying out as radiation spreads. The International Space Station is regularly sending ships to rescue humans on Earth.

Witches: A sub-race of humans, these individuals are gifted with a “sixth sense” and are attuned to magic and spirits and are rumored to have capabilities beyond the average human. They are often found in covens and have links to early paganism


The official name for them is actually "Neptunians", but almost everyone refers to this species as Nyans. The name itself is a misnomer, stemming, basically, from one big fyucky-wuckied up game of interstellar telephone. Someone misheard one word, and then the rest kept on mishearing and no one bothered to correct them, so here we are. All full-blooded Nyans have nine hearts with the average lifespan of 700 years, though they do reach full adulthood by twenty-five and age incredibly slowly from there. Aliens of this species share animalistic characteristics, though the animal and the trait vary from individual to individual.


We've really enjoyed hanging out with you all on our Discord Server! Click here to join if you haven't already— we'd love to get to chat with potential future Lumineers! Feel free to ask questions and be informed on the latest updates as we continue to release information before our soft opening on January 2nd

Just a reminder, here are our opening promotions:

If you join the Discord during the site buzz period, you'll get 500 woolongs once the actual site opens! Upon joining, you'll get an additional 500 woolongs for posting up a character in the first month— a total of 1000 woolongs, which will be good for at least two rolls!

411written posts
Asuearned bits
Senior Member
Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.


We are officially in our soft opening period! If you make a character within the first month, you'll get a free 500 woolongs!