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Kitten4uearned bits
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Or phrase or small paragraph. Share some nice zingers, emotional moments, or otherwise good stuff that doesn't require much context!

I'll start us off. My character's explaining how cars work to someone from the 15th century:

"It moves by using small fires, fueled by dead dragons."
107written posts
♕ RISSYearned bits
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You think your instincts, are your weakness. But they are your strengths. Trust in them. ❞
Oh I like this!

Let me explain a bit, so my guy told the bartender to put this pretty girl's drinks on his tab. out of spite, she ordered the most expensive thing (he rich tho so it's okay) and was given a fruity cocktail which didn't please her, and then said that it was his fault and requested his own drink as payment.

“My fault? I don’t believe I was the one that ordered the most expensive thing on the menu; I simply gave you the freedom to spend my money on whatever you wanted,” he said with a smirk but didn’t turn down her hand. The glass was handed over, and he turned back to the bar, making eye contact with the bartender who was finishing up with someone else.
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
108written posts
ophiuchusearned bits
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gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
It was in response to , actually, so I definitely need to get off my beans and get back to posting, h o n e s t l y.

Small explanation: Daeva talking to doglord reaper about the concept of souls, stares at his dumb face (i love his dumb face) instead.

"It’s curious, she knows the anthropologist in her is chomping at the bit and clawing at her insides to document this aberration, to grip a boley gauge and hover it over those overlong teeth that are far more fang than simple tooth. But there is a deeper curiosity that nags at her, she can deny it--naturally--but it is oft folly to deny fact."

Man, what a charming thread idea, I love it.
last edit on Jul 15, 2018 14:58:39 GMT by ophiuchus
147written posts
asiearned bits
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i'll take my chances on the curb here with you.
don't @ me because this isn't from a post, but the bio for my character isolde (hence the second-person perspective) that i've slowly been chipping away at during my downtime at work. this is part of the little bit that i wrote this morning.

some clarification: isolde, magical crane captured by an evil witch and trapped in her human form is being sold to an old pretentious rich man, about to be flown back to america on his private jet. she lived in a swamp her whole life and this is the first time she's seen a plane even remotely up close.

the metal bird is louder than you could have ever imagined, wheezing in a perpetual inhale, stinking of oil and steel. you sway, feeling the blood leave your face despite—or perhaps because of the reeking heat radiating off the thing. a door unfolds at its neck. stairs descend to the asphalt like an insect's leg.

maybe next time i'll post something from an actual thread whoops

aliasmori, manon, saki
pronounsshe / her
661written posts
𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒earned bits
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.
on possibly getting caught using omnioculars to replay nice quidditch butts

    [/i] that's called weeding out the weaklings, bo. besides, i'm not stalking. if they are running a public game, and i am part of the general public, it is within my rights to observe their god given deliciousness![/font] 〙[/ul][/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote]
    last edit on Jul 22, 2018 20:09:09 GMT by 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒
    3,084written posts
    Kitten4uearned bits
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    Context: This character was basically raised by wolves and has very little understanding of society. She walked into a grocery store and started eating food, and someone told her doing that was bad.

    "The police arrest people for eating?"
    pronounsno preference /o/
    298written posts
    k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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    perhaps i am faint glimmer —
    he sees her visage often now, perfect and untouched by age sitting atop the faces of his bodies. judging him as he seeks out the tales they hide. the police said missing, her family heard dead.

    my character is a pathologist who does a lot of autopsies... not a murder. he's musing about his previously missing-thought-she-was-dead sister, who he just ran into after a number of years.
    last edit on Jul 24, 2018 1:24:38 GMT by k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
    coffee break...
    128written posts
    Togaskoearned bits
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    A rp between me and my SO. We just made these 2 characters, well I adopted one from them and they made someone for my prince. And here is a small chunk from what i typed out like a hour ago.

    "I loath this family. I hate this kingdom. I want them all dead at my feet and I want what remains burned down to ash and rubble." Words spoke soft with a hiss, his eyes burned with a fury that no one lived to whisper about. "I will not hesitate to make your death a slow and painful one if you so much as betray what trust I stuck in you. So don't go running to my six siblings, my father, anyone. Don't utter a word... understand?" He'd keep that hold on the slaves chin, busing until he got a answer.
    Eroge Collector
    99written posts
    Máscara de Tigre
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    It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
    My character, Dean, is waiting for his soon-to-be-girlfriend outside of a dressing room.

    Dean held and aimed the bottle at his face and casually rested his index finger on the nozzle; bad idea.

    Buzz, buzz goes his phone as he receives a call. The combination of strong vibrating, and, of course, the even stronger audible blaring of his ringtone–Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine–startles him, and, in his split-second of terror, causes him to spray himself in the mouth with the cologne.

    His coughing is ghastly, but it doesn’t last for more than a few seconds.
    last edit on Jul 24, 2018 8:33:38 GMT by Máscara de Tigre
    aliascallyx, quinn
    20written posts
    r o b i nearned bits
    r o b i n
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    i lived, bitch
    (there's mention of blood in this so if that makes you squeamish, don't feel like you have to read it. the last thing i want is to make anyone uncomfortable OTL)

    okay so i think this is a really cool idea for a thread and i can't resist hopping in (even though my writing isn't nearly as amazing as everyone else's). i've been following it since its inception and finally mustered the courage to join in. so a little context: my character matsuki is an assassin. after a surprisingly bad night on the job, he ends up having to break into his old-best-friend-turned-enemy sirius' (played by ) house to patch himself up. however, siri is woken up and offers to clean mat's wounds. at the time of this paragraph (look i'm sorry but there are too many cool lines in this paragraph for me and i couldn't pick just one so please don't hate me), sirius has had to swap rags because there's so much blood, and the entire time matsuki hasn't been the kindest person. (obvs, bc why would you be nice to someone you despise)

    i follow the now-crimson towel with my eyes as it drops like a lifeless bird to the floor, a sickening splat filling the sound of the compact bathroom as it kisses the floor. i should try and be a little more kind, i guess, since sirius is willing to clean it all up. he's good at running away with his tail between his legs to lick his wounds, so it doesn't surprise me. i know kait wouldn't be too happy with the way i'm treating him, though, and the idea of what she would say to me makes me feel a little nauseous. it'd be somethin' like "you guys used to be best friends" or "remember when you two would have died for each other?" something that would make me roll my eyes. she wouldn't be wrong.

    but i already died for sirius. i died because of sirius. that matsuki no longer exists.
    eepy cosy
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    M A E !earned bits
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    because even my darkness will shine brightly.
    not necessarily my exact last post but it's one of my favorite lines i've ever written in a post!

    this was fenix's "doesn't matter", and she was sei's "this matters"; he'd watched her grow up and only now, now that she was rushing towards him like she'd seen a ghost come back (and she did, he reminds himself, he'd died and now he was back and he mattered enough to her that she'd come straight to him without a care) did he truly realize how much he cared for her.
    pronounsno preference /o/
    298written posts
    k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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    perhaps i am faint glimmer —
    "sorry." the sound is gravel, vocal chords tired from heaving out heavy titters. "it's just —" hamlet's chest heaves. he's still trying to catch his breath. his hands try to make up for the short coming, motioning at the landscape around them. "this is hell."

    "this is hell," he repeats, just to be sure. hamlet cannot hold back a small giggle. "and you're offering me a drink."
    aliasvee, vivi
    pronounsany / they
    659written posts
    valkaearned bits
    valka Avatar
    do u know... la-hee?

    technically not actually posted yet, i'm hoarding replies for a bit, but here -

    had things gone as planned, she would be not here, but in asgard, seated upon the golden throne with a golden wreath for a crown, warriors at her beck and call in her dutiful protection of yggdrasil.

    last edit on Jul 30, 2018 6:26:37 GMT by valka
    if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again