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【 Pokemon Evolution: Terrors 】OC and Canon Pokemon RP

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,333written posts
💖 ❇️ baa ~ dumm! ❇️ 💖 Avatar
emotional over wallace event/alt
Fragarach Avatar
With the Announcment of Pokemon Legends Z-A im really Hankering for a Pokemon RP. This RP looks really Promising and different looks like a lot of love and hard work is going into it. Im interested to see how this will turn out. So will Dreamers have just as much potential to impact the narrative as Fables? My major worries with sites that mix oc's and canon's is that they tend to favor Canon characters over OC's and the Oc's have trouble getting any relevance 
Yep, for sure! The only player character Fable that would have more leverage to affect the narrive would be Wallace, who I would play. Even then, it's mostly as a plot device to be used as needed (to introduce certain lore or mechanics, etc). He's like the high levelled party member with you when you're starting out in the game to help with the grinding of the weaker ones. 

Speaking of the coolest announcement, the name of the site, Pokemon Evolution, is meant to parallel Pokemon Legends. Just a useless fun fact...