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Some want ads for Sharpest Lives

211written posts
Khaeearned bits
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I have a few want ads for the site I am a part of, The Sharpest Lives, and I'd like to see if some people would be interested in picking some up. A little background of the site is that it takes place in modern day New Orleans, Louisiana. There are humans, of course, and there are werewolves, vampires, magic practitioners, and familiars and summons (to said practitioners). Humans, for the most part, don't know that the supernatural exists, but there are a few who do. There are a group of humans known as Hunters who, well, hunt down the supernatural.

Now, on to the want ads. I have a link that leads directly to my want ad page if people want to take a look at that but I'll place a few here as well. You can go here for the want ad page directly with the full list of wants. For any questions concerning any of these wants please reach out to me either here (I'm sparse so please be patient) or on discord where I pretty much live. You can either DM me on discord or reach out to me in the discord server that's up for the site. My discord is creepykhae and you can get to the discord server here as well. We are a friendly group and again we are always happy to answer questions.

Also, please. Questions. I will be more than happy to answer them. We also have a guidebook on the site (just click on travel brochure) that can give more information on the different species available. For this case it would be the practitioners and humans/hunters.

Baudin Purity Practitioner [Open]

This Purity Practitioner is part of the White Lotus Coven and the master of my bonded familiar Cyrus Baudin. Cyrus has been passed down in the family for generations as per his agreement when he first became a familiar. FC, gender, sexuality and age are all up to you. Cyrus was romantically involved with their great grandfather in secret due to that former master of his being married and with children. This practitioner won't know that but it could be found out eventually if you so desire. How you'd like them to interact with Cyrus will be up to you as well.

Extended Family for Arturo [Open]

For this I'm looking for someone, or several someones, to play some extended family members for my Purity Practitioner Arturo. He is from Italy and has moved to New Orleans to live with his aunt (his mother's sister) and uncle who are the heads/leaders of the White Lotus Coven. The family members available to play would be his cousins. Now, it's not required for all of them to be taken but at least one would be nice so that Arturo can interact with some family members. He has recently stepped into the role of leader of the coven as his aunt and uncle have decided to retire early and begin to step down from the role as heads.

Cousin 1: Gender, sexuality, age, FC are open to choose from. [Taken]

Cousin 2: Gender, sexuality, age, FC are open to choose from. [Available]

White Lotus Florist [Open]

Oh look, another Purity Practitioner. This one will also be a part of the White Lotus coven and helps run a florist shop with their bonded fox familiar (that I play) named Ever Waters. They have a greenhouse behind their shop where they grow flowers and herbs to sell as bouquets and dried/fresh herbs to tourists or other Practitioners. They can be of any age, gender, and sexuality as well and FC is free to choose from too.

Family Members of Trystan Aston [Open]

Oh goodness, we've left practitioners and into humans. For this want ad, there are three options available. Trystan Aston is my human who has lived in New Orleans for about a year now as a local artist. He has no idea that the supernatural exists. He moved to America from England when he was 15 with his mother and younger sibling after a nasty divorce between his parents. His two older siblings stayed in England with their father. He's not really had much contact with his two older siblings or father back in England growing up. He and his younger sibling have no idea the supernatural exists. At all. They are just humans. These two grew up with a pretty strict and narrow-minded stepfather who was just walking toxic masculinity.

His two older siblings, however, do know the supernatural exists. In fact, they work together with their father to keep them at bay as Hunters. These two know the real reason for the divorce and why their two younger siblings were moved to America with their mother who'd had enough. Too many close calls had pushed her to want a divorce and to have custody of her children, though she only won custody of the younger two. The case for the older two coming to New Orleans could be due to more Hunters gathering in the city.

These three siblings should have purple hair at the very least. It can be two-toned but it must include purple. They should also have British accents as well. They must all share the last name Aston as well.

Sibling 1: Eldest sibling, gender/sexuality are up to you. FC is free to choose from. Must be 33 years old. Must be a Hunter of some kind. (Brute/Stalker/Savant) [Available]

Sibling 2: Middle sibling, gender/sexuality are up to you. FC is free to choose from. Must be 30 years old. Must be a Hunter of some kind. (Brute/Stalker/Savant) [Taken]

Sibling 3: Youngest sibling, gender/sexuality are up to you. FC is free to choose from. Must be 24 years old. Should be a Civilian of some kind or be part of Law Enforcement or Mafia. ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T KNOW THE SUPERNATURAL EXISTS. [Available]
last edit on Jun 18, 2024 19:13:06 GMT by Khae
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Khaeearned bits
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A soft bump as well as an additional want ad.

A Fleur de Lis member is requested! She is a vampire that was either turned by my Elder vampire Sven Kenji or one of the vampires he had turned himself. She should be somewhere in the 100-400 age range and should be completely loyal to the group Fleur de Lis but more importantly to Sven. Her sexuality, FC and name can be up to you. She should be part of the upper-class and can be successful in whatever you'd like so long as it doesn't bring Sven or the group trouble. She can be neutral towards other groups, however she should have a strong dislike for werewolves and she should try to avoid them if she can try. She might as well be a little racist/classist/etc in that manner. She'll only really be around a werewolf if Sven tells her to do so. She should also think that vampires are superior as well among the other species (ie. humans, werewolves, practitioners).

Please reach out to me either in DM here or in our discord!
last edit on Jan 5, 2024 5:14:06 GMT by Khae
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Khaeearned bits
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Another soft bump but only because another want ad

White Lotus Members!

I'm looking for people willing to play Purity Practitioners who belong to the White Lotus Coven. These members don't really stick to just practitioners as they can also be familiars as well. FC, gender, age, name, etc. are up to you! They can have an outside-coven occupation (think of it like a day job) or they can put their full focus on the coven. We have a floral shop that they can work at run by some members of the coven as well as those members' familiar!

This coven practices more protective and healing magic, so a few doctors in the coven wouldn't be unheard of either. Yes, there is a hospital that they could work at on site that caters to the more supernatural/magic inclined people. That's not to say, though, that people should be restricted to being kind or a pacifist; they can be an asshole to people or be racist towards other practitioners/species if you so want. So long as they serve the coven and keep it running for its purpose to help the city that's all fine.

Mavericks! These are more of the grey practitioners that aren't exactly one type but have moved from one and dabbled in another. This coven isn't exactly keen on those practitioners due to them having a bad reputation as a whole. HOWEVER! If you feel like you'd like to make one and would think they would be a good fit to the coven, just reach out and we can work something out.

Please reach out here if you're interested for more information or reach out on Discord!
last edit on Feb 8, 2024 22:44:00 GMT by Khae
211written posts
Khaeearned bits
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This want ad is kind of a joint one between myself and Tsunami on Sharpest Lives. For this want ad, I'm looking for someone to play an ex of my vampire. She would have been a former purity/healer practitioner when she became a handmaiden for Tsunami's vampire. Sven (my vampire) and this want ad had fallen in love with each other and ran away together to try and live a normal life with one another. They found a child and raised him as their own for twenty years before they had been found by their mistress and punished for their betrayal to her. She was turned into a vampire and taken once more by their mistress to be her handmaiden, leaving Sven and their son behind.

Sven still has very strong feelings towards her despite how long they've been apart for with no contact. For more information please reach out here or through our Discord~

This want ad also has a very specific FC in mind which is Eternity from Reverse:1999.

211written posts
Khaeearned bits
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Reopened want ad

I'm looking for an older Hunter that had taken my character, Saffu, in after he'd been attacked by a werewolf. It took time for Saffu to trust this Hunter but slowly he felt safe enough around them that he soon started to learn how to become a Hunter as well and eventually joined the organization called The Society. Saffu is a mute due to the attack and is very scarred up, he'll only really show his scars around those he trusts, which would include this Hunter he'd consider a mentor and/or parental figure.

This Hunter can have any FC and any sexuality but should at least be male and be in late thirties or older. They would have come across Saffu when he was roughly 17 years old after the attack and reunited with him several months later out of perhaps guilt and taken him in while he was still recovering in the hospital. This Hunter also would have taught him to sign due to him becoming mute.

For further questions, please message me here or reach out to me via Discord from our server!
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