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Favourite class

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When we play games or assign a class to a our characters, we likely pick a class we're generally very fond of. What class are you fond of? Feel free to articulate the specific class you like.

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last edit on Aug 11, 2018 6:07:22 GMT by Deleted
pronounshe, him
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Sharpearned bits
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spell theif/blue mage/copy cats are enjoyable for me to use in video games because I enjoy collecting the obscure abilities out there and whatnot. I don't think i've ever played one on a forum because it is hard to balance in most structures i've seen.
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spell theif/blue mage/copy cats are enjoyable for me to use in video games because I enjoy collecting the obscure abilities out there and whatnot. I don't think i've ever played one on a forum because it is hard to balance in most structures i've seen.

I FORGOT ABOUT BLUE MAGE! Oh man! I love them, too. I will forever want a blue mage tank. I tried to make a blue mage tank on a Final Fantasy site, and I almost got away with it until they decided his spells were "too OP for level 1." So, the more we worked on it, the more they nitpicked until they decided no. XD I think you could actually do it just fine if you limit it to one spell per thread from a monster, or like 3 spells per thread if you're learning from another blue mage. If the site is using monsters with preset abilities/skills, you could just choose which one your char would take or something. If there are limited spell slots per level or just in general, you could cycle out the spells you no longer want/need, like pokemon moves.
Eroge Collector
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Máscara de Tigre
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It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
I just got done with a playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition; in most fantasy games, my go-to class is mage, or magic-based and this was no exception, but, in this case, one of the mage sub classes or specializations is something called a "Knight-Enchanter" which... basically... they basically let you use a magic sword, dude. You go from being a support class to front-line magic based dps, and it's just glorious.

I actually took a screenshot of my mage, where you can kind of see her big ass flaming magic greatsword.
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mavrohearned bits
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I dig anything with mobility as its focus. But I dont feel like there's ever any consistency to which class gets good mobility, so I kinda just go with whatever looks like it could dodge the most. Ideally though, I like playing jack of all trades with a focus on mobility. A little bit of cc, a little bit of damage, a little bit of healing etc. can go a long way when hitting you is insanely hard.

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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
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I find I tend to prefer more ranged characters nowadays, particularly mages and archers. I just find a lot of games have good advantages for ranged characters. However, I can easily enjoy a mercenary or knight type class with a sword. Really all depends on what kind of build I want to try or if I am just sticking to what was handed to me. c:

Edit: This being said, I have an infinity for Fire Emblem's tactician class. It was basically a mage with a sword and it made me ridiculously happy as a result.
last edit on Nov 13, 2018 0:01:42 GMT by Chibi Magician
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dsboywonder25earned bits
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I find I tend to prefer more ranged characters nowadays, particularly mages and archers. I just find a lot of games have good advantages for ranged characters. However, I can easily enjoy a mercenary or knight type class with a sword. Really all depends on what kind of build I want to try or if I am just sticking to what was handed to me. c:

Edit: This being said, I have an infinity for Fire Emblem's tactician class. It was basically a mage with a sword and it made me ridiculously happy as a result.
That sounds rather fun! XD A mage with a sword always sounds like the -best- character!

A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay
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k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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perhaps i am faint glimmer —
what i like to play varies from game to game because every one will have a different feel for certain classes. that said, i loved playing white mage in ffxiv because i get to play god and probably would have enjoyed thaumaturge had i stuck with it. I'm actually a terrible healer tbh I'll play games w ur health and probably fall asleep at some point

lately I've been obsessed with counter classes. let me face tank for days pls

also in the past I've had a thing for unconventional tanks. my mage/priest isn't made to be a tank, but will that stop me from trying? I live my life on the edge
last edit on Nov 13, 2018 7:48:05 GMT by k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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dsboywonder25earned bits
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Funny story - I went for tank class on FFXIV (Gladiator) on my main because I figured 'well what's the worst that can happen? At the least I get to hit things with a sword'.... and apparently I amused my long term friend who's been coaching me a bit, because she was like "welp you got the tanks role down pretty naturally of just dish out the pain"

My reaction was: welll I kinda go "What would Gladiolus do"

A Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay
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crunchearned bits
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in singleplayer games, i gravitate towards spellsword-type classes/builds. there are usually too many cool weapons and cool spells to neglect, so I try to get the most bang for my buck by building for both, usually with damage and utility in mind. it sometimes feels like the "OC donut steel" option cuz martials and casters are so divided in a lot of games (vidya, tabletop or otherwise), but fuck you it's cool.

in multiplayer games (or tabletop stuff), i still like to mix it up with melee and cast some spells on the side. i don't want to be the one solely responsible for dealing damage *or* healing people so i like to do a little bit of both, which usually means going for the "paladin"-type class.
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Wraithearned bits
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I almost always go battlemage -- Mystic Knight from Dragon's Dogma being one of my favourite implementations of this, only soured by how stats work in that game.

But if a game allows me to be a necromancer or lich, I'm going for it, especially if I can also combine melee.

I really enjoy summoner classes as well. Beasts upon ye!

Preferred weapon? Polearms...or floating tomes.
Catscape Meow!