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fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
apparently i read selkie's post in a totally different way than everyone else b/c i never even considered the idea that allowing people who are racist/homophobic/transphobic was considered to be inclusive. i thought it was just like....... general rule of thumb we don't like to let those people hang around.

i thought it was more like... inclusivity as in letting people who push the boundary remain. or setting up rules that do prohibit certain content that others may like to write. b/c in my mind inclusivity is letting any type of writer stay around and trying to appeal to them all, regardless of whether or not they're the type of person you want to stay.

uhh anyways i agree 100% with what selkie said. set up boundaries in your communities, for yourself & for others, and it will save you pain in the long run.

also please let 2022 be the year staff just boot people. i got kicked from a site a while ago over a single incident i felt was ridiculous at the time but looking back shout out to that admin for curating their experience. they decided i didn't fit the vibe they wanted and i 100% respect that now.

if you dont vibe with someone, if they're giving you a headache, fuck it give em the boot!!! no more tolerating frustrating or uncomfortable people for the sake of playing nice!!!!
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
dijit.exe Avatar
If you're ever lazy as hell (like me) and you wanna center a single item on your screen (like a posting template, tracker, ect), put margin-left: auto and margin-right:auto on the wrapper div.

Also, if you hate rgba values, you can throw a opacity value on your hex code colors. It can only be two digits. An example: If I want #FFFFFFF (white) but I want it to be opac, Just throw a 50 at the end and you're solid. So it'd be #FFFFFF50

Also, bookmark CSS-Tricks. You'll thank me later.        
adding onto the first part of this to make it even faster -- you can also just do margin: 0 auto; (or whatever number you want the 0 to be for the top & bottom parts)

i'd never heard of the hex opacity tho that's amazing???
445written posts
fossaearned bits
Senior Member
fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
adding onto accessibility & responsiveness a really fast thing u can do (maybe not the 100% most optimal but it works so w/e) that will help mobile users, especially with post templates:

width: 100%;
max-width: 1400px; (or whatever)

add box-sizing: border; to keep padding inline and help post templates not stretch on mobile.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
i thought we should have a nice thread where ppl can share tidbits of coding advice!!

my first piece is u can use all: unset to destroy jcink's base coding and make it ur bitch. you can read more on it here but what it does summed up is remove every associated property/style and start the element from step 0.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
this is more a coding pet peeve --

please don't use inline styles when ur making a skin. they make everything 900x harder to read and even harder to tweak later on. if ur not sure what i mean, i mean pls don't do div style="color:red;". a longer read on it here but ya don't do it!! it looks easier & faster but it's a lie! a trick!!!
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
LMAOO thank u guys for the replies but let me try rephrasing: what are ways i can imply my character is looking at something without mentioning anything to do with attention / eyes / gazes.

"The sound of a pan hitting the counter captured Garfield's attention. It was lasagna!"
"Garfield's stomach rumbled. John had left lasagna on the counter."
so these r really close to what i mean. b/c you can assume garfield is looking at that there spicy lasagna even tho u haven't said he's looking right at it.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
one of the things that annoys me with my writing A LOT is my reliance on explicitly stating where my character is looking. i do it too much?? so what are some ways to imply ur character's attention is changing without going HER GAZE MOVED ACROSS THE ROOM or SHE LOOKED AT THE POTTED PLANT or SHE WATCHES THEIR FEET.

i'm this close to banning myself from even using words related to looking or eyes in my writing so i break the habit.

445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
the shadows under her eyes are not from dim candlelight. the purpled skin peeking out from his collar is more than a trick of the dark.

but the light falls from her eyes the way stars crash into the dirt and die.

she jerks her head back and then her body, crumpling into herself like a crushed paper crane.

nazuna despises hope. but it bubbles in her all the same, rising to the surface of her being like a kraken, ready to drag everything down with it.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
spiritfoxxy Avatar
Sept 26, 2021 23:28:20 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I've been looking through my essential oils so that I don't have too deal with medication anymore.
with absolutely no other context to this except what you've said:

please talk to a medical professional before you try this.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
Senior Member
fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
for perhaps the first time, beniha looks at him with unrestrained contempt - a visceral hatred, the wretched gaze of medusa.

i have a ton of stuff with this char that im major proud of but this is one of my faves