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nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
I would still love to finish Daily Departed. I have a lot of the concept work planned out alongside systems and plot. However, all I'd need is someone who could actually run it alongside me. I'm totally cool with planning concepts, writing out ideas, etc but my biggest downside is wording and cleaning up my brainstorm. It's based on Hellper on Webtoons if that draws anyone in!!

Here's the plot.
Upon death, you receive a ticket on your wrist. If it is white, you are lead to Heaven or Rebirth. However, if it is black you are sent to Hell. You are one of the departed issued with a black ticket, cursed to remain in the Underworld as a Ghost.

Not all hope is lost. It is not eternal damnation that awaits, but a different set of dangers entirely. Reapers patrol the area to eliminate any Ghosts that step out of line. Even the refuge of Middle Towns -- where Reapers are prohibited to set foot inside -- is rife with its own problems, as though the exhaustion of living continues to haunt you after death.

There is a purpose to some Ghosts, who refuse the judgement handed to them. It is said that if you accumulate one hundred tickets, it will result in a white ticket, granting you passage to Heaven or Rebirth. Will you climb out of Hell, or will you be another of the daily departed?

585written posts
nox, the HR department
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I run little adopt shops on a dragon game I play where I do cute little owls, emblems, and bakery items for people. I'm still learning all sorts of things from my little shops, but its really fun and great practice!

Otherwise, I run a DnD campaign every week (currently trying to aim for two times a week) and work on my writing.

Also playing Monster Hunter games, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, etc.
omfg... that shop sounds amazing.....................

are you new to running DnD? I can offer advice or even be a hub to share stories with!!!

585written posts
nox, the HR department
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So glad to see the site continue on, but with a fresh start here on Pixel Perfect. May it continue to be the home away from home for many more. <3

That's the idea! I know even in the Discord, the staff do consistently talk on the systems and the directory is well managed by Kitten. I'm very excited for this group of staff and I'm honestly honoured to be a part of it. 
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
holy cow this was so much harder than i thought,,,, i tried to do a first person style for this as a way of doing smth new and to make it a lot more challenging. im pretty sure i totally messed it up ;; based on tightrope, xxxtentacion ft. scott james

It was this morning. My arms were outstretched, my fingers clasping at the space to my immediate right. Each digit slowly curled itself in as I blinked myself into consciousness. A long exhale escaped my lips, brown spheres rolling along its milky landscape until they were guided to where my fingers confusedly reached. Realization settled in; it was this morning. I jolted up; my heart sunk. My eyes caught glimpse of you - the strings of fate began their departure.

Bare seconds was all I held and to that I clutched tight. A glimpse given to waves of brown fleeting to the tall wooden door separating from reality. I ran to accompany you. Each step pressed to the deceiving comfort of carpet - I slammed the door behind me. I called for your name and chased ahead of you, intercepting between your destination. The same hands that once held you wept quietly, vibrating alongside me. Your face displayed pain I'll never forget. Your lips officiated it.

I knew the hourglass was at its last few grains. My hands pressed to each other; a long exhale escaped my lips, brown spheres underlined by diamonds. Our hearts carried conversation for those next few moments. Distant memories showed struggle between us, but glimpses begged to breakthrough. Lapses of promises made that were being kept were shadowed to last night. Words we exchanged acted out of irrationality. My inner demons that were kept locked away came out. Words we exchanged were half true. The struggle was becoming harder and our brains reminded us. We made a promise last night - I didn't remember. The moon provided spotlight, our minds put to rest. I struggled to sleep that night. I dreamt of better. I woke up this morning in a daze, the lack of sleep to be fixed momentarily. I turned to reach for you and it all came back. It was this morning.
last edit on Jul 7, 2018 22:34:18 GMT by nox, the HR department