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585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩 Avatar
nox, the HR department Avatar
I actually replied to yours but deleted it when I realized I couldn't. But basically, it was me saying that I can't wait to read more and some lame post-read development questions
whhhh you can't just make my night like that and not follow up with your questions! I honestly didn't expect anyone to read it tbH i just really enjoyed that app and the code I made for it ;o

hi if no one else reads it, you'll know you have one reader in your corner cheering you on!! But it was basically questions revolving the strings and I cannot wait to read later developments!!!
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩 Avatar
d o i t

but uh, maybe make a comment thread where people could tag and comment so the galleries can stay the way they are?
I actually replied to yours but deleted it when I realized I couldn't. But basically, it was me saying that I can't wait to read more and some lame post-read development questions
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
is it just me or is this site becoming way more active in such a fast paced manner wtfrick

sidenote i started watching this person named patty mayo and i never realized 2 things
1, its actually rlly entertaining watching bounty hunter shows

side note 2
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
It's easy to know the faces you interact with on here behind a faceclaim, an alias or even sites they've been on but now here's your chance to know them (and tell us) a bit more about you. This is like.. introduction on caffeine. List some interests you have, hobbies you participate in or even just what you work as!!

I love playing tabletop and I engage in DMing for 2 groups and playing for one. Aside from that, I participate in gaming groups near me for both RPGs and videogames
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
M A E ! Avatar
honestly big compliments to ulla for making a light skin that doesn't burn my eyeballs, i could cry, it's so beautiful
HONESTLY u need to spam her if u have her added on discord w compliments and praise bc she deserves it
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
ophiuchus Avatar
Excited about the new site! Gonna get my sticky fingers in all the hard-to-reach places~

ok technically im first bc i had the original starting thread up but ill let u win this 1... :triumph:

AHH im excited for the site and how this one will go